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Pick up a copy of the powerpoint guide and the study guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Pick up a copy of the powerpoint guide and the study guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pick up a copy of the powerpoint guide and the study guide.
Warmup- An egg has a mass of 50g. It’s placed in distilled water for a period of 8 hours. Do you believe the mass would be higher or lower? Draw what you think would happen (using x’s for solute and arrows to represent the flow of water).

2 The Microscope Used to study organisms, cells, and cell parts that are otherwise too small to be seen.

3 Light Microscope

4 Light Microscope The most commonly used microscope.
Light is used to project the magnified image. Typically the specimen must be very small or sliced thin enough to be transparent. Total magnification is determined by multiplying the power of the objective lens by the power of the ocular lens.

5 Light Microscope Stage –Supports the slide that is being viewed.
Objective lens – Mounted on the nosepiece and enlarges image of the specimen. The magnification is usually variable and adjusted by rotating the nosepiece. Ocular lens – Mounted in the eyepiece and is a fixed power. Power of Magnification – The factor of enlargement. Determined by multiplying the power of the objective by the power of the ocular. Resolution – The power to show details clearly.

6 Electron Microscopes Used for powers of magnification beyond 2000.
May be used to examine specimens smaller than cells such as cell parts or viruses. A beam of electrons rather than light is used to produce an enlarged image. Some may even be able to show the contours of individual atoms.

7 Electron Microscopes Types
Transmission electron microscope – Transmits a beam of electrons through a thinly sliced specimen. - Magnetic lenses enlarge the image and focus it on a screen or photographic plate. - Can magnify images up to 200,000 times. - Unable to view living specimens.

8 Scanning electron microscope –
- Provides three dimensional images. - Specimens are not sliced for viewing but are covered with a thin metal coating. - Electrons are passed over the specimen’s surface and projected onto a screen. - Unable to view living specimens.

9 =

10 Orange Peel

11 Blue Green Algae


13 Antarctic Mite

14 Sugar



17 Cholera


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