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VIDEO CONFERENCE DSAEK (Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty) R3 박율리/ Pf.주천기.

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Presentation on theme: "VIDEO CONFERENCE DSAEK (Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty) R3 박율리/ Pf.주천기."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIDEO CONFERENCE DSAEK (Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty)
R3 박율리/ Pf.주천기

2 CASE 67/F 오O순 C/C: decreased VA(OD) Past Hx DM/HBP (-/-)
Ocular op/trauma(+/-) 2004. ALI(OU) at local ECCE + PCL (OS) DSaEK(OS) by Pf.주천기 d/t BK(OS) Gls (-) Eye drop (-) 오명순 Asymmetric folding in donal Tanglide. DSaEK fragment was inverted. So viscoelastic material was injected and makes DSaEK fragment's upside down. some viscoeleastic material was between stroma & DSaEK fragment.

3 Ocular exam VA: OD FC 50cm (n-c) OS 0.4 (n-c) IOP: OD 16
OS 15 mmHg at 7:00 PM by AP Conj.: OU not injected Cornea: OD diffuse opacity c mod edematous c DM folding c SPEs c several microbulla OS well grafted cornea (prior DSaEK state), clear AC: OD 1.5~2CT at center & 1/4 at pph c cell(-) OS deep & cell(-) Pupil: OD slightly irregular & nl sized, LR(+), patent ALI site at 1 o/c OS ovoid & dilated, LR(+), post. synechiae at sup. Lens: OD mod nucleosclerosis OS PCL in situ

4 Ocular exam Pachymetry: 744 Specular: uncheckable

5 Operation Imp) Bullous keratopathy c Px) Phaco+PCL+DSaEK(OD)
Phaco+PCL+DSaEK(OD) by Pf.주천기 precut tissue (Donor trephine 8 mm) <PC60AD, +27.0D, -0.65DT(Hoffer Q)>


7 Post op. F/U POD #1d #3d #5d VA IOP FC/50cm(N-C) 18 mmHg 0.04(N-C)
Conj. : mild injected, well approximated Wx. Cornea : well attached graft mod.edematous c DM folding, AC : deep & cell(+) Air bubble at sup. Conj. : mild injected Cornea : edema DM folding Cornea : edema Visante OCT OD : stationary, very thin space between donor & recipient cornea (suspicious some viscoelastic material in the space) POD#1d POD#5d

8 Post op. F/U POD #1m. VA IOP 0.25(0.32) 11 mmHg O
Cornea : well attached graft Specula 1388 Pachy 422 Visante OCT OD : stationary, very thin space between donor & recipient cornea (suspicious some viscoelastic material in the space) POD#1d POD#5d


10 Lamellar Keratoplasty
The concept of lamellar keratoplasty developed in the late 19th century evolve in the early 20th century. However!!! problems of interface haze, scarring, and epithelial ingrowth associated with lamellar transplantation. gave way to penetrating keratoplasty Goals of surgery not only successful transplantation but also optical clarity, minimal astigmatism, improved predictability of corneal refractive power, ease of recovery, and decreased rates of rejection. Risks of open-sky corneal transplantation

11 DSEK(Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty)
2004 Melles et al stripping Descemet's membrane and endothelium with simple instrumentation followed by insertion of a 9.0-mm corneal graft Price and Terry rapid visual recovery with best corrected visual acuity in the range of 20/25–20/30.  both precut and surgeon-prepared donor tissue with use of a microkeratome or femtosecond laser DSAEK(Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty)

12 DMEK(Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty)
transplantation of a pure Descemet's membrane and endothelium even more rapid visual recovery than DSAEK early donor endothelial cell survival of 2350 cells/mm2.

13 Ix and CIx Ix. CIx. Endothelial dystrophy Bullous keratopathy
Fuchs', posterior polymorphous Bullous keratopathy pseudophakic, aphakic Endothelial failure from trauma, previous surgery, angle closure, tubes Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome Failed penetrating keratoplasty (if acceptable refractive result was achieved) CIx. Stromal opacity or scarring that limits visual potential Keratoconus, ectasia Hypotony/pre-phthisical eye

14 Donor Preparation Uniform thickness Diameter Shape
easier handling and unfolding and fewer striae Diameter 3 mm less than smallest diameter of recipient cornea(8~9mm)  adequate clearance to anterior chamber angle and limbal region. Shape A meniscus shape (thinner in center than at edges) D hyperopic shift A planar-shaped - reduce hyperopic shift. Stromal bed consistency smooth stromal bed surface is desired for improved Snellen vision. Femtosecond laser central bed - smoother to see clear periphery - roughened to facilitate adhesion Endothelial cell count 2000–3000 cells/mm2 preferred.

15 Initial step Wound creation
The horizontal and vertical diameters of eye Determine EK donor buttons size 8.5–9.0 mm in diameter. centration point is determined on recipient cornea future reference point during endothelium/DM stripping step Wound creation one to three paracentesis incisions metal 15-degree blade or 1-mm diamond blade. appropriate chamber formation OVD or chamber maintainer incision into anterior chamber

16 Recipient preparation
stripping of DM and endothelium under viscoelastic or with anterior chamber maintainer A reverse Sinskey hook or similar device Gentle pressure is applied to inner cornea complete 360-degree scoring of endothelium/DM complex  removal of host tissue irrigating/aspirating handpiece Forceps specially designed angled stripping device that peels away the tissue to be removed Meticulous removal of all DM tags

17 Donor Insertion Techniques
The donor tissue should be rinsed with BSS Donor tissue insertion 60 : 40 taco overfold underside of donor taco on bottom, and endothelium on inside Injectors Busin glide is placed at incision site another instrument is passed through opposite paracentesis From incision to pull tissue through wound


19 Donor Apposition Techniques
place 10-0 nylon sutures in cornea or scleral wound tissue is unfolded - endothelium down and stroma side up Centering tissue gentle sweeping motion 30G needle through vent incision Air injection 30-gauge cannula or 30-gauge needle If tissue decentration occurs, cannula or roller may be used to sweep tissue A reverse Sinskey hook can be used through paracentesis to rotate tissue

20 Postoperative Complications
Donor dislocation. Suh et al. reported that in 27 (23%) of 118 eyes, Gorovoy reported a detachment rate of 25% in 16 eyes. Mearza et al. found detachments in 9 (82%) of 11 eyes. Koenig and Covert reported detachments in 9 (35%) of 26 eyes.  graft repositioning and/or rebubbling Suh et al. found a rate of 68% of reattachment after repositioning/rebubbling.

21 Postoperative Complications
Primary graft failure Eyes with well-apposed grafts after surgery but with persistent corneal edema inadequate endothelial function unhealthy donor endothelial inadequate preservation of the cornea traumatic pre- or intraoperative technique. Donor should have at least 2000 cells/mm2 donor age of >70 yrs : should be avoided Extra manipulation during surgery, after surgery, or both, may also contribute to endothelial cell loss

22 Secondary graft failure
donor endothelial tissue is detached from the recipient stromal cornea  preventing cornea from clearing. residual fluid or viscoelastic in the interface retained DM graft rejection. 2% to 45% in literature. regrafting Refractive change No significant change of astigmatism hyperopic refractive shift is observed after DSAEK

23 Interface deposits scarring and irregularity of interface d/t viscoleastic and blood in AC can resolve during time Epithelial ingrowth may be dragged onto stromal surface during insertion of donor no progress to visual axis and well attached donor cornea  followed closely without surgical intervention.

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