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Direct and Indirect Objects

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1 Direct and Indirect Objects
Ms. Gott 7th Grade Language Arts

2 Direct Objects Receives the action of the verb Answers the question of
Who what NEVER in a prepositional phrase

3 Examples Bob kicked (verb) himself.  (who/ D.O.)
During the game, he kicked (verb) the ball.  (what/ D.O.)

4 Practice: Directions- Find the Direct Object and write it down on the dry erase board: I opened a bag of Doritos. I read a letter from the Brian Urlacher Someone should have invited the coach. She bought a can of Monster. Have you watched the Bears lose?

5 Indirect Object A noun or pronoun that answers the question:
To whom? For whom? To what? For what? “In the Middle” Subject + Verb (1st) + INDIRECT OBJECT (2nd) + DIRECT OBJECT (3rd)

6 Examples Steve kicked (verb) his team (I.O.) the ball (D.O.)
(SUBJECT) What is the subject? (VERB) What is the subject doing? (D.O.) Who/What is the subject verb/ing? (I.O.) To/For whom, To/For what is the subject verb/ing?

7 Practice Directions- Find the D.O. and the I.O. and write them down on the dry erase board: I ordered her another pop. The principal read the Step System. I saved the bottle for her. Subject Verb I.O. D.O.

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