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2/e P T.

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1 2/e P T

2 1 The Basics McGraw-Hill/Irwin

3 What Is Communication? Communication Continuous process
creating message meaning within a person and exchanging meaning between people Continuous process Various contexts Cultural symbols Spoken, nonverbal, and visual symbols

4 Skills for 21st-Century Business
Twenty-first-century business communicators need multiple communication skills. © Jon Feingersh/CORBIS

5 Skills for 21st-Century Business
1.  Intrapersonal or internal communication internal processing of messages Listening active mental and cognitive process of attending to and interpreting sounds Reading intrapersonal process of attending to and interpreting written language

6 Skills for 21st-Century Business
FIGURE 1.1 Intrapersonal Communication © C. Borland/ PhotoLink/ Getty Images

7 Skills for 21st-Century Business
2.  Business communication design and exchange of messages between and among members to accomplish organizational goals 3.  Interpersonal or external communication interaction between at least two people who co-create a relationship

8 Skills for 21st-Century Business
4.  Small-group communication two or more people who join together to accomplish specific goals 5.  Verbal communication use of both spoken and written language to accomplish message goals 6.  Public communication public speaking or lectures presented to a group audience

9 Basic Communication Principles
Communication Is a Process Communication Is Contextual Communication Is Continuous Nonverbal communication body movements such as gestures, facial expressions, and vocal sounds that do not use words

10 Basic Communication Principles
FIGURE 1.2 Intrapersonal Communication Is Continuous © C. Borland/ PhotoLink/ Getty Images

11 Basic Communication Principles
Communication Coordinates Our Relationships Communication Is Symbolic Symbol type of sign that has no natural connection to the idea, word, or object it represents

12 Basic Communication Principles
FIGURE 1.3 Common Visual Symbols © Royalty-Free/ CORBIS; © Photodisc Collection/ GettyImages; © LawrenceLawry/ Getty Images; © S. Meltzer/ PhotoLink/ GettyImages; © Royalty-Free/CORBIS

13 Basic Communication Principles
Communication Is Culturally Linked Culture socially constructed way of thinking and behaving in the world Intercultural communication interactions between people from different cultural groups

14 Basic Communication Principles
Communication Is Collaborative Collaborative writing Collaborative decision making & problem solving Collaborative presentations Communication Is Ethical Ethics principles that guide appropriate conduct

15 How Does Communication Work?
FIGURE 1.4 Interactive Model of Communication

16 How Does Communication Work?
Is High Fidelity Hard to Achieve? High fidelity achievement of mutual understanding, which is the ideal communication experience Noise interference that interrupts or affects the exchange of messages

17 How Does Communication Work?
FIGURE 1.5 Noise

18 How Does Communication Work?
Components of the Communication Process 1. Ideas and encoding Ideas generated at the point of perception, when information from the environment or from inside your mind stimulates and arouses your attention Encoding transformation of ideas into symbols to design communication messages

19 How Does Communication Work?
Components of the Communication Process (continued) 2. Communication source and receiver Source originator and transmitter of the message Receiver recipient of the message, or the destination point

20 How Does Communication Work?
Components of the Communication Process (continued) 3.  Messages ideas encoded and designed into one or more symbols to communicate meaning

21 How Does Communication Work?
Components of the Communication Process (continued) 4. Communication channels Channel medium that carries messages within and between people Human channels thoughts, verbal communication (speech and writing), nonverbal behaviors (body movements and vocal sounds), sound, sight, and smell Technological channels radio, TV, telephone, fax, video, , and hand-held devices

22 How Does Communication Work?
Components of the Communication Process (continued) 5. Decoding Decode perceive, translate, and interpret information received in a message

23 How Does Communication Work?
Components of the Communication Process (continued) 6. Message feedback Feedback special type of message designed as a response to a received message

24 Communicating Intrapersonally
Encoding and Decoding Messages Intrapersonally Selectivity choosing certain information to focus on

25 Communicating Intrapersonally
The Meaning of Symbols Intrapersonal factors Interpersonal factors Contextual factors Social factors

26 Communicating Intrapersonally
Sending Ourselves Messages Self-talk Mental imagery Nonverbal behaviors

27 The Intrapersonal and Business Communication Connection
Designing Business Communication Communication designer someone who skillfully plans and designs effective business messages

28 The Intrapersonal and Business Communication Connection
What Is a Communication Design Strategy? Design strategy set of techniques that enable a business communicator to design messages more effectively and accomplish communication goals Predesigned strategies Integrated and situational strategies

29 Questions ?

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