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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY REVIEW Mr.Masters."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pick a Product -Must be an electronic (phone,tv)
-Must have multiple models -Must have professional reviews -School appropriate

3 Power Point Presentation
- 3-5min - Must have a minimum of 15 slides - Use color - Use transistions (15) - Use Chart (1) - Make sure headers are large - Font should be able to read / see

4 Power Point layout 1-15 slides
1. Intro to the product 2. Compare and Contrast old with new 3. Accessories/Parts 4. Future of the product 5. Cool facts 6. Why did you choose this product 7. What is the average cost of the product 8. How would this product make your life easier? 9. Impact on society positive/negative 10. How does this item relate to (4 slides) 1. science 2. technology 3. engineering 4. math Picture of the product

5 Poster - Picture of Item - What does the item do/purpose?
- How much does it cost? - How does it relate to science/ technology/engineering/math? - How has it advanced over time? - Impact of society positive/negative

6 8 Things you should NOT do on Powerpoint
Don’t present too much text on a slide. Some powerpoint users develop slides that look just like your lecture notes – don’t do this! Text on a powerpoint slide should be used for reinforcing big ideas. Moving Images- Moving images often distract you audience. Using ClipArt or fuzzy graphics. ClipArt is the antithesis of sophistication: don’t use it. Going overboard with text animation and sound effects.

7 8 Things you should NOT do on Powerpoint
Select Colors that Have High Contrast Pick Fonts that are Large Enough Use Bullet Points Use Visuals Instead of Text (white space)

Does everyone see what I am writing Is the font color correct? This is a more recent design. It's a variation on PL-1, I added additional folds to the leading edge of the wings to force an airfoil. It's more robust than PL-1 (It does better in crash tests) but isn't quite as stable.One of the goals on this design was to have every fold referenced to either the paper itself, or to another fold.    This plane is a little harder to make, but it will last all afternoon (If you keep it out of puddles.)  I designed this plane over 30 years ago. It's resistant to stalling, and it flies very nicely with just a gentle toss. It's also my first design that uses downward folded winglets - they're not just rudders, or for show, the winglets are there to balance the lift. As an experiment, try flying the plane before you fold them, then try building one with upward turned winglets)

9 IPhone Mr.Masters

10 Who Invented the IPHONE
Steve Jobs thought of the idea in 2003 stating that cellphone are going to be a important device for transfering information and data. Iphone announced in at apple convention

11 First IPHONE 2007 Samsung arm11 core processor Onboard ram 128mb
Max resolution 480x320 Battery life 8hrs talk Weight .3lbs Sold for $599 8gb

12 IPHONE 5 2012 Apple A4 On board ram 512 MB Retina display 5 MP camera
Battery life 7 hrs Sold for $549 8gb

13 NEW IMPROVMENTS LIFE PROOF CASE Waterproof Shockproof Fire retardent


15 Interesting facts 1-3 of highschool student owe a iphone
In iphone adds the time is always 9:42 The iphone was orignally called “purple” Steve Jobs made a prank phone call to starbucks ordering 4,000 lattes when introducing the iphone in 2007 Samsung makes the processor that is used in the iphone

16 FUTURE IPHONE 13 Mega pixel camera Sony proccesor Making Siri Psychic
Storage improvments double the size proccesor Wireless charging IPhone 24 2050

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