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Workforce Development Domain Task Force (WD DTF): Mentoring to Sustainable Independence Workgroup Christine A. Sorkness, Pharm.D. Professor of Pharmacy.

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1 Workforce Development Domain Task Force (WD DTF): Mentoring to Sustainable Independence Workgroup Christine A. Sorkness, Pharm.D. Professor of Pharmacy and Medicine Senior Associate Executive Director, Institute for Clinical and Translational Research University of Wisconsin-Madison Workgroup Facilitator 7/8/2015

2 Project Description The success of a sustainable and diversified biomedical workforce is to retain talented academic researchers, mentoring them to independence. This work group (WG) will identify best “K to R” practices from CTSA consortium programs, that successfully transition KL2 scholars. The WG will also identify: (1) key program elements that contribute to success; (2) processes and mechanisms to share best practices; and (3) resources to leverage.

3 Background: Sustaining a Translational Science Career
Translational Science F-T-F meeting, 4/2015 What we know – Building on the foundation of the CTSA Strategic Goal 2 KFC efforts, Janice Gabrilove “K to R Work Group” (2012) → “Mentored to Independent Investigator WG” (n=30 Ed KFC members) Projects undertaken In depth literature/systematic review (Yin & Toto) KFC member survey (Sweeney) Qualitative research study of 20 funded and 20 unfunded KL2’s from 9 CTSA’s (Robinson) WD DTF Mentoring to Sustainable Independence project received support to move forward 4/2015; approved at 5/27/15 CTSA Steering Committee meeting

4 In Depth Literature Review
Findings Mentoring (multidisciplinary) Protected time Early exposure to research methodology K to R programs Institutional culture shifts fostering and rewarding team science Unknowns; future directions Best mentoring methods to foster success Delineate essential vs supplemental program elements Leadership training

5 Understanding Career Success & Contributing Factors
Georgeanna Robinson, EdD University of Pittsburgh Institute for Clinical Research Education CTS meeting, April 2015, DC

6 Methods Interviews of 20 funded KL2’s vs 20 non-funded KL2’s from 9 CTSA’s Definition of “non-funded” No R01 or equivalent within last 2 years of last K award Characteristics (personal/family issues, lacked protected time, suffered tormentors, slow starters, chose alternative career paths) Identification of personal and organizational factors for funding success

7 Personal Factors Contributing to Success
Networking Aids productivity Makes research enjoyable Needs to be done proactively Collaborations allowed non-independently funded investigators to conduct research w/o being PI Persistence and resilience Mostly seen as a learned skill Has to be internally driven (pressure to persevere can lead to burnout) Need to celebrate small successes

8 Personal Factors Contributing to Success (cont.)
Initiative Controlling and driving one’s own career Onus of success rests with the scholar Autonomy Freedom to take ownership of his/her work Choice of what to work on (+ what to decline) Optimization of schedule and work environment Personal and professional balance 63% struggled to create balance Need to seek longer-term balance and/or reject expectation of constant balance

9 Organizational Factors Contributing to Success
Mentor and mentorship Protected time Institutional resources and support Research facilities and logistical support Strong community of researchers Bountiful study subjects in relevant patient populations Collaborative opportunities

10 Next Steps REDCap Survey for distribution to ID volunteers
Co-chairs, project components, and WG framework Deliverables and timeline Review Ed KFC projects/publications in more depth Update literature review REDCap Survey of “K to R” practices from CTSAs ID essential vs supplemental elements ID resources to leverage for career development and research mentorship training (CTSA & NRMN) ID processes/mechanisms to share best practices across the CTSAs


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