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How to strengthen research infrastructures in order to promote innovation and competitiveness ? Vaasa, May 4th 2011 Boosting regional competitiveness.

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Presentation on theme: "How to strengthen research infrastructures in order to promote innovation and competitiveness ? Vaasa, May 4th 2011 Boosting regional competitiveness."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to strengthen research infrastructures in order to promote innovation and competitiveness ? Vaasa, May 4th 2011 Boosting regional competitiveness through innovation: a European perspective Olivier Brunet Regional Dimension of Innovation Directorate General for Research and Innovation EUROPEAN COMMISSION


3 Regional Innovation Performance
Source: Regional Innovation Scoreboard, 2009

4 R&D spending, 2007 (Source DG REGIO, EUROSTAT)

5 Foreseen investments in R&I in cohesion policy )

6 Policy context Europe 2020 Communications on “Innovation Union” and “Regional policy supporting Smart Growth”. Budget Review … multi-annual financial perspectives 5th Cohesion Report … EU programmes and initiatives 6

7 Budget Review and 5th Cohesion Report
The Budget Review sends a clear message that greater thematic focus and conditionality are essential in the next round of Structural Funds, including in the domain of R&I. It also announces the development of a Common Strategic Framework (CSF) for EU level research and innovation funding (FP, CIP & EIT). This will link to a distinct CSF covering Cohesion policy. The need for greater thematic focus and conditionality are carried into the 5th Cohesion Report and the work now being undertaken for the next programming period. As well as providing the framework for EU research and innovation policy, the “IU” addresses regional issues. In commitments 24 & 25, it urges MS to improve their use of existing Structural Funds for R&I to develop skills, improve the performance of national R&I systems and start to develop smart specialisation strategies. It also calls for an increased focus on innovation and smart specialisation post 2013. Regional policy supporting Smart Growth Adopted the same day as the IU, this Communication develops in more detail the regional issues raised in the IU. In terms of improving use of funds for R&I it cites a range of activities that can be favoured (clusters, lifelong learning, research infrastructures, digital agenda, public procurement) It promises support for a Smart Specialisation Platform and recommends the adoption by the Structural Funds of best practices from the FP such as international peer review. 7

8 European Regions need Smart Specialisation
encourage regions to play to their strengths by giving priority to investment in research and innovation programmes that complement their productive assets. help regions avoid tending towards strategies that just happen to coincide with the high-profile research topics of recent years unless this is justified. concentrate on research relating to an existing, or emerging, area of regional economic strength. link to Regions of Knowledge and other Commission Cluster initiatives as clusters reveal opportunities for smart specialisation. Joint S3 Platform led by EC (REGIO, RTD, ENTR) 8

9 The Union’s Research and Innovation Policy and the Structural Funds can provide solutions for a more innovative Europe By improving structural conditions in the MS and by building capacity for a competitive Europe through knowledge and innovation (all Member States with a priority in spending in Convergence regions) : role of the Cohesion policy, Structural funds By stimulating excellence, industrial competitiveness and by tackling major societal challenges : role of Research and Innovation policy

10 Green Paper towards a common strategic framework for EU R&I funding
Proposing major changes to future funding Bringing together the FP, CIP and EIT into a Common Strategic Framework Standardising the rules Simplification (single entry points, common IT platforms, etc) For the next EU Budget (to start in 2014) Seeking stakeholder views ahead of the Commission’s formal proposals (to be presented by end 2011) On the proposed changes On the priorities and design of the Common Strategic Framework

11 Scope of the Common Strategic Framework
Bringing together The 7th Framework Programme for research, technology development and demonstration The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme The European Institute for Innovation and Technology And strengthening complementarities with the Structural Funds

12 Debate, next steps Addressed to all stakeholders:
Key questions for design of the Common Strategic Framework Deadline for contributions by 20 May 2011: Online questionnaire Submission of position papers Interactive blog Next steps: Major event to conclude consultation (10 June 2011) Commission proposals for next multi-annual financial framework Commission legislative proposals for the Common Strategic Framework (by end of 2011)

13 How the Structural Funds can stimulate R&I investment in European regions
Fund R&D infrastructure and equipment (conventional approach- still valid) favouring the establishment of medium and long term R&D and innovation investment strategies through Smart Specialisation (coupled with increased conditionality and clear thematic priorities) help create the appropriate framework conditions for stimulating R&D and innovation especially in connecting academia and industry stimulate the emergence of clusters of technological competence / excellence involving especially SMEs Favouring peer review through international expertise to raise quality in terms of strategy and delivery strengthening co-operation between businesses and between businesses and public / private research institutions by supporting the creation of regional and trans-regional clusters of excellence / competence supporting RTD activities in SMEs and enabling SMEs to access RTD services in publicly-funded research institutions support for regional cross-border and transnational initiatives aiming at strengthening research collaboration and capacity building in priority areas of EU research policy making regional RTD innovation and training supply more efficient and accessible to firms, in particular SMEs, for example by: establishing poles of excellence, bringing together high technology SMEs around research and technological institutions by developing and creating regional clusters around large companies; associating in a coherent cooperation / learning framework large and small companies (“extended enterprise” model)

14 How to ensure complementarity between Research Innovation + Cohesion Policies
Two sides of the same coin: both important for Competitiveness main responsibility lies with the national /regional authorities Need for fine tuning of national and regional Research investment priorities at short, medium and long term in the future SF Strategic National Reference Frameworks / Operational Programmes Guiding principles: the 7th Framework Programme ( ) strategic research priorities and its future successor CSF, the developing ERA process, the recent Strategic Commission Communications (notably Innovation Union) NO CO-FUNDING of the same costs - but funding of different phases of the same PROJECT is always possible FP projects will emerge while STRF Programmes will result from planning However planning may be adjusted to overall strategic research priorities of the Union, at national or regional level / medium or long term Such planning may maximise chances for emerging projects / create the best possible conditions for research and creativity A major contribution to the ERA process / a huge responsibility for the national / regional planning authorities

15 What national and regional authorities can do right now
Raise awareness of all actors involved in planning at national and regional level about the importance of research and innovation investment strategies Raise awareness of local R&D and Innovation communities in business and academia about the combined possibilities of the future CSF RI and the Structural Funds Align to the maximum extent possible future National Strategic Reference Frameworks research and innovation priorities to EU Research and Innovation strategic ones (in line with National Reforms programmes)

16 Last but not least Read the “Regions of Knowledge” evaluation by Technopolis, soon available on the Internet Revised Practical Guide by summer Expert Group on synergies Come to the WIRE 2011 Conference, June : clusters and research infrastructures, conclusions of an Expert Group on synergies Or take part in the Biomasses conference in Berlin, RESGEN-BIOCLUS- BIOMOB common paper Open days in October 2011 Get inspiration from what happens in other countries and regions : the finish SHOCK for instance FP projects will emerge while STRF Programmes will result from planning However planning may be adjusted to overall strategic research priorities of the Union, at national or regional level / medium or long term Such planning may maximise chances for emerging projects / create the best possible conditions for research and creativity A major contribution to the ERA process / a huge responsibility for the national / regional planning authorities

17 Sources of information
Innovation Union Regional aspects of FP7 Regions of Knowledge Unlocking Research Potential Practical Guide to EU funding for Research and Innovation Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) EU Regional Policy

18 Thanks for your attention! And ready for discussion

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