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ERRIN By Françoise Chotard

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Presentation on theme: "ERRIN By Françoise Chotard"— Presentation transcript:

1 ERRIN By Françoise Chotard
Director of the Ile de France Europe office, Management Board member of ERRIN

2 ERRIN – in brief… Brussels-based Platform 130+ member regions
Focus on research and innovation 14 Thematic Working Groups Shaping policy Supporting project development Expertise in Smart Specialisation 4P approach: Profile Partnerships Projects Policy

3 ERRIN Purpose To contribute to and shape European Research and Innovation Policy from a place-based (city/regional) perspective. To promote research and innovation as key drivers of a competitive EU economy contributing to economic, social and territorial well-being. To support regional and other place-based stakeholders improve their research and innovation capacity through the construction of effective regional research and innovation ecosystems.

4 What our members say about ERRIN
ERRIN is the best regional network on EU level ERRIN is a key network for EU regions in Brussels. Thank you very much for the great work achieved by the ERRIN Secretariat! ERRIN is the best thematic network in Brussels dealing with research and innovation in a very comprehensive way. A real added value for Brussels based European Regions ERRIN is an excellent Network for creating valuable and lasting personal contacts! I am very happy with ERRIN team members. They are really nice, quick and effective. My very best congratulations to the ERRIN team!!! WHEB has benefited from being an active member of ERRIN which has provided a strong and stable framework for building working relationship with other regions. And many more… *Member Survey 2017

5 ERRIN DNA Trust & Confidence Visibility Raising capacity Essential
contacts Voicing positions Partners & projects Trust & Confidence Sharing knowledge Developing networks Mutual learning Information & Intelligence

6 ERRIN Four Ps Influencing EU Research & Innovation Policy
Policy papers - Position paper on FP9 - Cohesion Policy -Urban Agenda - Smart Specialisation Policy Projects Profile Network Partner searches on website Project Brokerage events - ‘Going Green in 17’ - Brokerage Week Nov Working with members Joint events MoUs -Quebec, KIC, etc. Partnership 4 events per week Concrete examples of what we work on in each P. POLICY 2-3 position papers a year Want to influence R&I from a regional perspective - when looking at R&I and funding More money for regional R&I WGs can propose position papers – SCC position paper on Urban Agenda (ERRIN has made a position paper on European Innovation Council) PARNTERSHIP Also involved in other partnerships in BXL Membership base is secure so work with other organisations too – open to partnerships where ERRIN+members can mutually benefit. Do not compete with many, only specialised organisations. PROFILE We build your profile: If you want to participate in projects, you need to be know by people, need to have a good profile. Get invited to relevant events EC coming to us to speak -> the bigger network means more influence Synergies paper last year PROJECTS Partner search: Project idea, specific call, building a project Brokerage event – cross cutting, look at H2020 WP, 10 WGs sign up, aim at 400 participants, practicioners, be around specific project development + ELAN third country participation Supporting project development and engaging ERRIN regions in EU projects Raising the profile of ERRIN and member regions in Brussels

7 Innovation & Investment
ERRIN Working Groups 2017 Energy & Climate Change Bio-economy/ Food & Agri Health Water / Process Industry Transport Smart Cities Tourism Advanced manufacturing/ Nano Blue Growth Design & Creativity ICT Opening Science Innovation & Investment Smart Specialisation Policy

8 ERRIN Working Groups Working Group Insight in policy developments
Contact with EU institutions - speakers Working Group Policy Projects Partnership Profile Brokerage sessions for our WGs Regional presentations Regional interests & competences Consortium building Visibility Project dissemination Well connected to other networks Strategic Organisation Mutual learning Open nature

9 ERRIN and Policy Overview
Policy WG FP9 WG to develop position (June 2017) Good links to the future CoR opinion on FP9 ERRIN input to the CoR Cohesion Opinion ERRIN Ten points on Smart Specialisation

10 Collaborating between regions – adding European value
Region B Expand Interreg Europe post 2020 ERDF Smart Specialisation FP9 Region A ERDF Smart Specialisation FP9 Strengthen S3 Thematic Platforms: Energy; Agrifood; Industrial modernisation Encourage Strategic Cluster partnerships Support Value Chain Initiatives

11 ERRIN - connectivity MoUs Working Groups Projects Smart Specialisation
JPI Advisory and Sounding Boards DG RTD DG Growth DG CONNECT DG REGIO EU institutions MoUs Working Groups Networks and Boards Smart Specialisation Mirror Group SWAFS Advisory Group ERA Stakeholder Platform Director Projects Comms Members Projects EURADA

12 Contacts and events Broad overview of research and innovation from a regional dimension . Work with a wide range of partners Link different agendas and stakeholders Active organisation  4 events per week in 2017 (Jan- June)

13 Profile Event Design Days 2017
Mode and Design Brussels Fashion and Design Platform 19-20 September 2017 +120 participants expected How can design help regions and cities counter local problems? Flagship event of ERRIN participants 3 days 6th year of hosting it At BMW shop last year About using D&C to support R&I Put ERRIN on the Design&Creativity map – EC is interested in this event. PAY EC participates, public services, help regions, connect designers with incubators, etc.

14 ERRIN activities June 2017 1st-2nd June: ERRIN at Smart Regions Conference – Helsinki 6th June: ERRIN presents to FP9 High Level Group 6th-7th June: UNALAB Project Kick-Off Tampere 8th June: STOA eventg on health systems (with SPARKS project) 12th-16th June: ERRIN delegation to Quebec 13th June: SET Plan workshop 14th June: ICT WG: Robotics event 19thJune: Pilots4U kick-off meeting in Gent 19th June : Tourism WG 19th June: Bioeconomy WG 19th June: Smart Specialisation WG 20th ADMA WG: Advanced Manufacturing and Renewable Energy

15 ERRIN activities June 2017 (2)
21st June: Energy WG – energy storage (EUSEW side event) 21st June: ERRIN AGM 22nd June: EUSEW Smart Cities Lighthouse event 22nd June: Energy systems for smart mobility 22nd June: Energy in Horizon 2020 (with EEN 26th-27th June: ERRIN at Cohesion Forum, Brussels 27th June: Wolverhampton University and ERRIN – Brain workshop 29th-30th June: WIRE Conference in Kosice

16 ERRIN activities 2017 July 3rd ERRIN at HLG on FP9 Conference
4th Water WG 4th-5th ERRIN at ‘Thinking Smart’ Advisory Board, Milan September Innovation and Investment WG 15th Circular Economy WG 19th-21st Design Days, at Mode and Design Centre, Brussels October 9th-12th ERRIN moderates two events in Week of Cities and Regions (Open Days) 9th-12th ERRIN /POLIS event on transport 26th ICT as enabler for Smart Cities November 20th - 23rd Brokerage Week Late 2017 Cultural Heritage events

17 ERRIN Communication My ERRIN Website
Weekly newsletter Update on latest information from the web Website E-alert WGs My ERRIN Partner Search Calendar with EU activities Add your partner searches Find new partnerships News Visibility Supporting material Subscribe for WGs of interest Create an account Directory Overview of profile

18 How ERRIN can help you… Policy influencing Profile raising
Project development Intelligence Use ERRIN for early information on policy and funding opportunities from working groups and weekly e-alert Use ERRIN to gain critical mass and expertise in developing policy ideas Use ERRIN to put forward ideas, find potential partners via the ERRIN website partner search or Working Groups and develop winning project proposals together Again 4 Ps Members can join under their region but also alone (Case of West Midlands where ERRIN had 1 region and 3 universities all paying-wanted profile and exposure on website). If you are interested in something specific, ERRIN can put you forward as speaker, connect you to people. We share newest project deadlines – H2020 WPs in WGs Good to have experts and attend project, as meeting often turn into the first project meeting in a new project. Pick 2-3 areas of focus – else too many activities – can build up closer relationship. Use ERRIN to raise your profile in Brussels and publicise your activities and events 33 % of our members have received EU funding for 2+ projects thanks to ERRIN services

19 Nordic House 3 rue du Luxembourg B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 2 503 3554
Richard Tuffs Director Ryan Titley Strategic Planning Manager Anett Ruszanov Projects Manager Pernille Dagoe Junior Member Relations Manager Veronica Cornacchione Junior Communications Manager Nordic House 3 rue du Luxembourg B-1000 Brussels Tel @ERRINNetwork ERRINNetwork ERRIN Group

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