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Fast Track Marine Licensing: Self-Service

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1 Fast Track Marine Licensing: Self-Service
Jethro Watson & Fern Skeldon

2 Current fast-track licence application process
Applicant fills out application form via MCMS, selecting to be considered as fast track. Application is reviewed to check fast track criteria met and allocated to a case team. Case team process application without direct consultation working, working to a 13 week KPI deadline.

3 Development & Progress
Reducing Regulatory Burden Government commitment to savings for business MMO commitment to better regulation FT concept developed as part of a package to provide MMO contribution Phase 1 & 2 - Consultation Phase 3: Finalise activities and descriptions – 24 activity types Complete risk assessments and produce a conditions matrix Produce application and licence templates Develop a mechanism to validate fast track applications (The mighty wizard) Finalise templates for method statements Developed a Fast track specific GIS tool Develop MCMS UAT testing end of April – Currently in progress. Roll out….tbc

4 Benefits for applicants.
Improved guidance: - Greater certainty about qualifying fast track activities. - Clear what information is required and reduced need for enquiries. Reduced waiting times: - No wait of up to 13 weeks for simple fast track activities. Reduced cost of processing: - New fast track fee set at £50 down from £175.

5 How will it work? New system was expected to go live mid-May.
At this time applicants will be directed through the Wizard which will determine if they qualify for a fast track licence. Qualify  automatically issue fast track licence. If they do not meet the criteria they will be re-directed appropriately: seek agreement on methodology from (NE/HE/MCA/TH/HA) and come back in to fast track. Activity requires full marine licence.

6 The Mighty Wizard – Fast Track Validation
This sits behind the system as the applicant navigates through the pages they will be asked questions and prompted for certain pieces of information.


8 Finalising Activities


10 MCMS Wizard Demo

11 The Wizard - MCMS entry point
Possible entry points are from: MMO website; and applicants work basket. Applicants selecting Do I need a marine licence will be directed to the validation tool as will those selecting apply for FT. Selection ‘apply for a standard marine licence’ will open an standard application in the usual way.

12 The Wizard - Dual purpose validation
Is the activity licensable? Does the activity meet fast track criteria? The validation tool assists applicants in establishing: If the activity is licensable; and If the activity qualifies for fast track. Once we have established the activity is to take place within the MMO jurisdiction applicants will be asked about the high level activity type.

13 The Wizard - Response screen
Not suitable for fast track Suitable for fast track Following the selection of activities the system provides a response screen which provides an initial assessment against the activities selected. Incineration, scuttling and explosives are not suitable for fast track and an option is provided to open a standard track application for those. Construction, deposit, removals and dredging are potential fast track activities subject to questions which assess whether criteria is met.

14 The Wizard – Specific Activity selection
Following the selection of high level activity types a range of related fast track activities will appear. Applicants are required to select an appropriate option. If ‘other’ is selected it means the activity is not suitable for fast track and the applicant will be redirected to standard track.

15 The Wizard – Sub activity selection
This screen is an example of the sub-activity options which are produced if an applicant selected maintenance as their fast track activity type. Applicants can selected one or all of the activities listed. Selection of ‘other’ will redirect the applicant to standard track for that element.

16 The Wizard – Fast track suitability questions
If the activities the applicant propose fall within the fast track activity types provided and meet with the description of the activity a series of questions will be asked to establish whether or not the activity meets fast track criteria. Respond no – kicked out of fast track

17 The Wizard – Fast track suitability questions – GIS Site Search
We are developing a tool which allows the applicant to view site specific information to inform the questions asked in this stage of the application. Examples included whether the activity is proposed within a defence area or designated site. The answers to these questions inform risk and required actions.

18 Open Fast Track Application
If the questions posed are successfully navigated a response screen is produced. The screen in view captures the activities proposed and confirms that FT qualification criteria is met. To continue applicants select the open fast track application button to select the site and enter organisational details. Questions answered to this point are remembered and used when creating the licence document.

19 Application - Project details
Basic info

20 Application - Site selection

21 Application - Site specific activities

22 Licence preview and declaration

23 Pay £50 and Issue Licence

24 Any Questions?

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