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First MINOS Results from the NuMI Beam

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1 First MINOS Results from the NuMI Beam
Simona Murgia Stanford University PHENO 2006 Madison, WI, May for the MINOS Collaboration Argonne • Athens • Benedictine • Brookhaven • Caltech • Cambridge • Campinas • Fermilab College de France • Harvard • IIT • Indiana • ITEP-Moscow • Lebedev • Livermore Minnesota-Twin Cities • Minnesota-Duluth • Oxford • Pittsburgh • Protvino • Rutherford Sao Paulo • South Carolina • Stanford • Sussex • Texas A&M Texas-Austin • Tufts • UCL • Western Washington • William & Mary • Wisconsin Simona Murgia - PHENO06

2 Outline Neutrino oscillations
Oscillations at Dm2atm: Super-K, K2K, MINOS MINOS NuMI/MINOS overview Start-up and running Oscillation analysis Results Summary Simona Murgia - PHENO06

3 Oscillation Physics → L/E determines what Dm2 is probed
There is experimental evidence that neutrino flavor is not conserved and thus neutrinos have non-zero masses. A neutrino of flavor a=e,m,t is a superposition of mass eigenstates described by the lepton mixing matrix U: sij=sinqij, cij=cosqij |Uai|2: probability that ni interaction will produce n of flavor a In the two-flavor approximation: → L/E determines what Dm2 is probed Simona Murgia - PHENO06

4 Neutrino Mass Spectrum
(3 mass eigenstates - assume no nsterile) n 3 e m t Normal Hierarchy Inverted Hierarchy 1 2 |Umi|2 |Uti|2 |Uei|2 Dm2atm Dm2sol Two mass splittings: Large (Dm2atm ): Atmospheric (up-down asymmetry) Long baseline Small (Dm2sol ): Solar + reactor |Ue3|2 is not known (bounded by reactor expts) and neither is the mass hierarchy. Solar data suggests |Ue2|2~1/3, and thus |Ue1|2~2/3 (unitarity and small |Ue3|2 ). Also, data suggests nm  nt dominant at Dm2atm and maximal mixing angle, |Umi|2 ~|Uti|2 With L/E~103 MINOS is sensitive to Dm2atm This scale will be the focus of this talk Simona Murgia - PHENO06

5 50 kT water Cherenkov detector
Super-Kamiokande Ref. hep-ex/ , T. Kajita WHEPP9 Neutrinos produced by the interaction of primary cosmic rays in the Earth’s atmosphere. Wide range of energies and travel distances. Measurement relies on knowledge of flux w/o oscillations 2,700 m.w.e. overburden 50 kT water Cherenkov detector Simona Murgia - PHENO06

6 Super-K (I+II) – Zenith
Down 90% CL: 2.1 < Dm223< 3.0×10-3eV2 sin22q > 0.93 (preliminary) Unoscillated MC Best fit: Dm223 = 2.5x10-3 eV2, sin22q23=1 Data (preliminary) Simona Murgia - PHENO06

7 Super-K (I+II) – L/E SK-I+II SK-I+II (preliminary) (preliminary)
Consistent with Zenith angle analysis results. At 90% CL: 2.0 < Dm223 < 2.9 ×10-3 eV2 , sin22q23> 0.92 (preliminary) SK-I+II Osc. Decay Decoh. (preliminary) SK-I+II Simona Murgia - PHENO06

8 K2K First long baseline accelerator neutrino experiment.
Ref. hep-ex/ , hep-ex/ First long baseline accelerator neutrino experiment. Accelerator produced nm beam (1.3 GeV mean energy) travels 250 km toward Super-K. The near detector is located 300 m from the production target. Observe energy dependent nm disappearance. Super-K Δm2=0.003eV2 , L=250km En (GeV) Near Detectors (SciBar, 1 kton water Cherenkov) Simona Murgia - PHENO06

9 K2K - Results Observe deficit of nm at SK and distortion in the energy spectrum: Well described by nm  nt oscillation 112 events at SK, expect 0.922x1020 POT MC normalization: number of events (preliminary) En (GeV) Best fit: Dm223 = 2.76 x 10-3 eV2, sin22q23= 1 For sin22q23= 1: 90% CL 1.9 < Dm223<3.5 x10-3 eV2 Simona Murgia - PHENO06

10 MINOS Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search
MINOS is a long baseline neutrino experiment n produced at Fermilab travel in the direction of Soudan, MN, 735 km away. Measure the neutrino energy spectrum at Soudan, MN, site of the MINOS far detector and compare it to the unoscillated spectrum prediction from the near detector, 1km from the target. 735 km 1 2 Monte Carlo 2 1 spectrum ratio Simona Murgia - PHENO06

11 NuMI Beamline 120 GeV protons from the Fermilab Main Injector
Up to 4x1013 protons every 1.9 sec 0.4 MW average beam power Single turn extraction (10 ms) Simona Murgia - PHENO06

12 NuMI Target and Horns Target: 6.4x15 mm2 graphite segments.
ASSEMBLED HORN #1 TARGET HORN #2 Target: 6.4x15 mm2 graphite segments. Two parabolic focusing horns (3T at 200kA). The relative position of the target and the focusing horns allows running in different energy configurations sensitive to different values of the oscillation parameters and non-oscillation models study systematics and tune simulation Simona Murgia - PHENO06

13 Hadron and Muon Monitors
DECAY PIPE Parallel plate ionization chambers monitor hadron and muon content of secondary beam BEAM MONITORING HADRON MONITOR MUON MONITOR Simona Murgia - PHENO06

14 The MINOS Detectors n beam n beam
Near and Far detectors have same basic design, with alternating layers of 2.54 cm thick steel and 1 cm thick solid scintillator (extruded polystyrene) Magnetized to 1.2 T Far Detector, Soudan, MN 980 tons, 105 m underground 282 steel and 153 scintillator planes Near Detector at Fermilab, IL n beam 735 km 5400 tons, 710 m underground 486 steel and 484 scintillator planes n beam Scintillator planes segmented in 4.1 cm wide strips embedded with WLS fibers. The orientation of the strips in adjacent planes is orthogonal Multi-anode Hamamatsu PMT (64-channel at near det and 16-channel at far det) optical readout. Simona Murgia - PHENO06

15 Calibration Calibration of ND and FD response using:
Light Injection system (PMT gain) Cosmic ray muons (strip to strip and detector to detector) Calibration detector (overall energy scale) Energy scale calibration: 1.9% absolute error in ND 3.5% absolute error in FD 3% relative Simona Murgia - PHENO06

16 Start-Up and Running NuMI operations underway in December 2004
First neutrinos recorded in early 2005: Near Detector, Jan Far Detector, Mar 2005 Average intensity (15 Oct to 31 Jan): 2.3 x 1013 protons every 2.2 sec Integrated POT in 1 year running 1.39 x 1020 POT Simona Murgia - PHENO06

17 Neutrino Energy Spectrum
Running in different energy configurations has been achieved by moving the target. 1.5 x 1018 POT in pME and pHE configurations early in the run. Target in LE-10 configuration (sensitive to favored Dm223 ) Beam composition: 98.5% nm+nm (6.5% nm), 1.5% ne+ne LE pME pHE Beam Target z position (cm) FD Events (no osc) per 1 x 1020 POT LE-10 -10 390 pME -100 970 pHE -250 1340 Events in fiducial volume Simona Murgia - PHENO06

18 Oscillation Analysis The beam nm disappearance analysis was performed using data collected between May and Dec 2005. The data sample corresponds to 0.93 x 1020 POT. The analysis was performed by blinding an unknown fraction of far detector events (based on event length and total energy deposition) The near detector data remained unblinded. Extensive quality checks of the near and far (open) data were performed. The data selection and analysis procedure were finalized before unblinding the far detector data in early March, 2006. Simona Murgia - PHENO06

19 Event Topologies nm ne En = Eshower+Pm Monte Carlo CC Event CC Event
UZ VZ Long m track + hadronic activity at vertex 3.5m ne CC Event Short, with typical EM shower profile 2.3m NC Event Short event, often diffuse 1.8m En = Eshower+Pm 55%/E % range, 10% curvature Simona Murgia - PHENO06

20 Data Selection nm CC-like selection:
Events with at least one good reconstructed track. Track vertex within the fiducial volume of the detector: NEAR: 1m < z < 5m (z from front face) FAR: z>50cm from front face R< 1m from beam center z>2m from rear face R< 3.7m from center of detector 3. Fitted track should have negative charge (selects nm) 4. Discriminate NC background based on Particle ID parameter (next two slides). Calorimeter Spectrometer NEAR DETECTOR n FAR DETECTOR Fiducial Volume Simona Murgia - PHENO06

21 Selecting CC events Further NC background reduction is achieved by assigning to each event CC-like and NC-like probabilities. Pm and PNC are based on three input Probability Density Functions (PDFs) that differ for True CC and NC interactions: Event length in planes Fraction of event pulse height in the reconstructed track Average track pulse height per plane Simona Murgia - PHENO06

22 CC Selection Efficiencies
The Particle ID (PID) parameter is defined as: Optimized CC-like cuts: PID>-0.2 at FD, PID>-0.1 at ND NC contamination limited to Evisible<1.5 GeV Selection efficiency is quite flat as a function Evisible. MC MC CC-like Simona Murgia - PHENO06

23 Near Detector Distributions
Very large near detector data sample (~107 events in the fiducial volume for 1020 pot) allows detailed Data/MC comparison and better understanding of detector performance. Area normalised Beam points down 3 degrees to reach Soudan Reconstructed track angle with respect to vertical Reconstructed x vertex (m) Reconstructed y vertex (m) Detector outline Fiducial region Partially instrumented planes Distribution of reconstructed event vertices in the x-y plane Vertex Z Simona Murgia - PHENO06

24 Near Detector - PID Distributions
Calorimeter/ spectrometer boundary Event length Track PH per plane Track PH fraction LE-10 Simona Murgia - PHENO06

25 Hadron Production Tuning
Good agreement between data and Fluka05 Beam MC Better agreement obtained by tuning the MC by fitting to hadronic xF and pT. LE-10/185kA pME/200kA pHE/200kA LE-10/Horns off LE-10 events Weights applied as a function of hadronic xF and pT. Not used in the fit Simona Murgia - PHENO06

26 Far Detector Data The far detector n events used for the oscillation analysis have timing consistent with the spill. Event time-stamping provided by GPS units. Easily separated from cosmic muons (0.5 Hz) using topology (upper limit on cosmics background in open sample: 1.7 events 90% C.L.) Simona Murgia - PHENO06

27 Observed/Expected Rates
33% deficit of events between 0 and 30 GeV with respect to the no oscillation expectation is observed. Numbers are consistent for nm+nm sample and for the nm-only sample The statistical significance of this effect is 5 standard deviations Data sample observed expected ratio significance All CC-like events (nm+nm) 204 29815 0.69 4.1s nm only (<30 GeV) 166 24914 0.67 4.0s nm only (<10 GeV) 92 17711 0.52 5.0s Simona Murgia - PHENO06

28 Far Detector - PID Distributions
Track Length Track Pulse Height per Plane Particle Identification Parameter Simona Murgia - PHENO06

29 Far Detector -Physics Distributions
Muon Momentum (GeV/c) Shower Energy (GeV) y = Eshw/(Eshw+Pm) Simona Murgia - PHENO06

30 Predicting the Far Detector Spectrum
Use the Near detector data to perform the extrapolation between Near and Far. Monte Carlo provides necessary corrections for energy smearing and acceptance. Use our knowledge of pion decay kinematics and the geometry of our beamline (extended neutrino source, seen as point-like from the Far Detector) to predict the Far detector energy distribution from the measured Near detector distribution This method is known as the “Beam Matrix” method. p+ to far Detector target (stiff) qf p+ qn (soft) Decay Pipe ND Simona Murgia - PHENO06

31 Beam Matrix Method FAR NEAR
Beam Matrix encapsulates the knowledge of pion 2-body decay kinematics & geometry. Simona Murgia - PHENO06

32 Predicted Spectrum Predicted FD unoscillated spectra
Nominal MC 0.93e20 pot The Far Detector, unoscillated spectrum as predicted by the beam matrix method. Excess in the high energy tail carried over from the near detector true spectrum. Predicted FD unoscillated spectra Three alternative methods were used to predict the far det spectrum. Different sensitivities to systematics. Very good agreement. Simona Murgia - PHENO06

33 Oscillation Parameters
Simona Murgia - PHENO06

34 Ratio Data/MC and Allowed Regions
The results of the four different extrapolation methods are in excellent agreement with each other. Simona Murgia - PHENO06

35 Total (sum in quadrature) Statistical error (data)
Systematic Errors Systematic shifts in the fitted parameters have been computed with MC “fake data” samples for Dm2=0.003 eV2, sin22q=0.9 for the following uncertainties Uncertainty Dm2 shift (eV2) Sin22q shift Normalisation +/- 4% 0.63e-4 0.025 Muon energy scale +/- 2% 0.14e-4 0.020 Relative Shower energy scale +/- 3% 0.27e-4 NC contamination +/- 30% 0.77e-4 0.035 CC cross-section uncertainties 0.50e-4 0.016 Beam uncertainty 0.13e-4 0.012 Intranuclear re-scattering 0.030 Total (sum in quadrature) 1.19e-4 0.063 Statistical error (data) 6.4e-4 0.15 Simona Murgia - PHENO06

36 Outlook nm disappearance nmne
Perform precise (<10%) measurements of Dm223 and sin22q23. Search for sub-dominant nmne oscillations well below the current exclusion limit. Test/rule out alternate models such as neutrino decay, sterile neutrinos. nm disappearance nmne Simona Murgia - PHENO06

37 Summary The first MINOS accelerator-based neutrino oscillation analysis from a 0.931020 POT exposure has been performed. 5 s evidence of nm disappearance has been observed. The result is well described by nm oscillations with: If sin22q23 is fixed to one, the best fit result is: Systematic uncertainties are well under control. Increasing POT will greatly improve the accuracy. Total exposure to date is 1.4 1020 POT. Simona Murgia - PHENO06

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