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서울대학교 물리천문학부 천문학전공 초기우주천체연구단 윤용민

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Presentation on theme: "서울대학교 물리천문학부 천문학전공 초기우주천체연구단 윤용민"— Presentation transcript:

1 서울대학교 물리천문학부 천문학전공 초기우주천체연구단 윤용민
SWIFT J 서울대학교 물리천문학부 천문학전공 초기우주천체연구단 윤용민

2 Brief introduction Swift J was first detected by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) at 12:57:45 UT on 28 March 2011. The source was assumed to be a gamma-ray burst and was named GRB110328A. Redshift : 0.35 A. J. Levan et al. (2011)

3 There are two models to explain this phenomenon.
1. Main sequence star was tidally disrupted by 106 – 107 M◉ BH and its debris accreted into the central BH. 2. White dwarf star was tidally disrupted by ~ 104 M◉ BH.

4 Procedure Flux decay ∝ 𝒕 − 𝟓 𝟑
Finding out the fraction of bulge component using HST images. CQUEAN(g, r, i, z, Y band) and UKIRT(J, H, K band) data → SED fitting → determining stellar mass of the bulge fraction. Finding out the mass of the central black hole. Analyzing the light curve of 1.5 years period. Flux decay ∝ 𝒕 − 𝟓 𝟑 M. Limousin et al. (2008)

5 Current Progress 1. WFC3 UVIS F606W image observed in 2011.12.02
2. WFC3 IR F160W image observed in

6 2D fitting by GALFIT to decompose the bulge component.
1. One component fitting : de Vaucouleurs(Bulge), Exponential(Disk) 2. Two component fitting : Bulge + Disk, Bulge + PSF, Disk + PSF 3. Three component fitting Bulge + Disk + PSF The models which have small chi-square value and reasonable parameters are selected as good fitting models.

7 Good fitting models of the optical image.
1. Single bulge component model (de Vaucouleurs profile) de Vaucouleurs profile (Bulge) Magnitude 22.66 Effective radius 0.24(arcsec) Axis ratio 0.97

8 2. Bulge + PSF Model Total magnitude : 22.63
de Vaucouleurs profile (Bulge) Magnitude 22.66 Effective radius 0.27(arcsec) Axis ratio 0.98 PSF component Magnitude 26.59 Total magnitude : 22.63

9 Good fitting models of the IR image.
1. Bulge + PSF Model de Vaucouleurs profile (Bulge) Magnitude 21.50 Effective radius 0.15(arcsec) Axis ratio 0.96 PSF component Magnitude 22.75 Total magnitude : 21.20

10 2. Bulge + Disk + PSF Model Total magnitude : 21.22
de Vaucouleurs profile (Bulge) Magnitude 22.08 Effective radius 0.11(arcsec) Axis ratio 0.72 Exponential profile (Disk) Magnitude 22.92 Effective radius 0.41(arcsec) Axis ratio 0.82 PSF component Magnitude 22.41 Total magnitude : 21.22

11 Future work CQUEAN(g, r, i, z, Y band) and UKIRT(J, H, K band) data
→ SED fitting → determining stellar mass of the bulge fraction. Finding out the mass of the central black hole. → Determining the disrupted star’s identity A. J. Levan et al. (2011)

12 Thank you

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