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The cruel, grim balance-sheet of the First World War was both horrific and remarkable.

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2 The cruel, grim balance-sheet of the First World War was both horrific and remarkable.
Some 619,000 Canadians served in the Army, including, for the first time, women [3,141 nursing sisters, 46 of whom died]. Of all the Canadians overseas, 66,655 did not return at the end of the War. Canadian casualties totalled 239,605, one-third of those who were in uniform.

3 Key Leaders Woodrow Wilson, USA David Lloyd George, England
Georges Clemenceau, France Vittrio Emanuele Orlando, Italy (Robert Borden, Canada)

4 Treaty of Versailles One of five peace treaties that ended WWI.
Signed on June 28, 1919 by Germany and by the Allies (except Russia). However the US Senate refused to ratify the treaty and so the US merely declared the war with Germany at an end in 1921.

5 Treaty of Versailles

6 League of Nations A major objective of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points.
Designed to protect smaller nations and prevent a similar war.

7 Full Blame on Germany “War Guilt Clause”
Burden of reparations payments restored Alsace and Lorraine to France German colonies placed under League most of W. Prussia & Polish Corridor lost establish Danzig as free city Saar territory placed under France admin for 15 years

8 Full Blame on Germany Rhineland to be occupied by Allies for 15 years
right bank of Rhine permanently demilitarized Germany army, navy max 100,000 each Germany forbidden to build major weapons of aggression


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