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WORKSHOPS FOR TEACHERS PowerPlayer game as a didactic tool

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1 WORKSHOPS FOR TEACHERS PowerPlayer game as a didactic tool
Sustainable Entrepreneurship – A Game-Based Exploration for Lower Secondary Schools – SUSEN WORKSHOPS FOR TEACHERS PowerPlayer game as a didactic tool This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 PowerPlayer game as a source of knowledge for learners
Sustainable Entrepreneurship – A Game-Based Exploration for Lower Secondary Schools – SUSEN PowerPlayer game as a source of knowledge for learners PowerPlayer game as a source of knowledge for learners – learning outcomes possible to achieve KNOWLEDGE SKILLS SOCIAL COMPETENCIES KNOWLEDGE: Learner knows the basic principles of construction of the company budget (revenues, expenses, financial resources). Learner knows the three pillars of sustainable development (environmental, economic and social) Learner is able to identify examples of conflicts between actions for economic efficiency and sustainability. Learner knows power sources and the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy. Learner understands the impact of different types of energy on the environment, especially the negative effects of the use of non-renewable energy sources Learner knows that energy from non-renewable sources is often cheaper than energy from renewable sources (taking into account all investment and external costs and not the actual energy production). SKILLS: Learner can perform basic analysis of costs and benefits. Learner develops his own system of thinking, developing the ability to analyse the impact of the principles of sustainable development to production processes. Learner is able to plan expenditures, taking into account the needs and available financial resources. Learner is able to perform simple mathematical operations quickly (bills), and analyse the results. Learner increases his ability to work-oriented targets and deadlines. Learner improves his ability to work in a group, taking a role of leadership or a task contractor. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES: Learner accepts responsibility for the size and structure of energy consumption, and is aware of the consequences of his action in this regard. Learner is aware of the structure of energy consumption in his school. Learner is aware that modern social norms have an impact on sustainable development and environmental protection. Learner is looking for solutions to potential conflicts between the goals related to sustainable development and financial objectives (profit maximisation). Learner is aware that it is important for the companies to have a good image in society (including the company's reputation as an environmentally friendly), as well as the satisfaction and trust of their employees Learner is aware of the ambivalence of the good image of the company in the field of environment.

3 Exercise 4.1 Exercise 4.1 (worksheet)
Examine the contents of the documents, which indicate the framework of education (eg. in Poland it is core curriculum) to the subject that you teach and select which learning aims and outcomes you think can be achieve using the PowerPlayer game. Here is a sample selection of content that can be implemented on various school subjects with the use of game….

4 How to use the game in practice?
Learning outcomes that can be achieved with the PowerPlayer game can be found in the current documents forming the framework of education, eg. in Poland in core curriculum, but they are distributed in different school subjects. To achieve this, one of the proposed organizational models can be used. Models of using the game in school practice: - monodisciplinary - multidisciplinary - interdisciplinary

5 Monodisciplinary model
Sustainable Entrepreneurship – A Game-Based Exploration for Lower Secondary Schools – SUSEN Monodisciplinary model Monodisciplinary model consists of: implementation of the entire game in one school subject enriching the subject with the content from other subjects building a holistic picture of the world, thanks to the integration of knowledge from many disciplines on one lesson. Monodisciplinary model It has a didactic value, but it will be difficult to implement in everyday school practice because: is very time-consuming (requires to spend even 10 lessons in one subject) It is a burden for one teacher who has to implement it by yourself (it requires to prepare the content from other school subjects, to prepare interdisciplinary lesson plans with the use of the game and preparation of carrying out of the game alone)

6 Exercise 4.2 Exercise 4.2 (worksheet)
Consider how to carry out the game with your learners using the monodisciplinary model. Plan four two-hours long meeting with the learners, where you play one round of the game and you achieve selected educational goals. . Before you begin, refer to the descriptions of successive rounds of games included in "Four rounds" chapter of PowerPlayer Guide. This will help you to adjust the objectives to be achieved properly at the various meetings, so as to fit the nature of the rounds.

7 Multidisciplinary model
Multidisciplinary model consists of: implementation of consecutive rounds of the game within a variety of school subjects - the division of labor and education content among several teachers cooperation of teachers in the interdisciplinary team, who on the occasion of carrying out the specified round, can implement the selected learning objectives of their subject. This model: gives teachers and students the possibility of examining issues in the course of the game, from the point of view of different education learners realize the complexity of the problems related to energy and sustainable development

8 Objectives from core curricula of particular subjects to achieve
Polish example: Learning outcomes chosen by the teachers on consecutive four 2-hours-long meetings Meeting number/the round of the game Teacher running a meeting Objectives from core curricula of particular subjects to achieve 1 geographer GEOGRAPHY:6.8 It indicates the need to protect the natural and cultural environment in Poland; lists the forms of its protection, it proposes concrete measures for its protection in their own region. 2 biologist BIOLOGY: 10.3 Proposes activities reducing the use of water and electricity as well as waste generation in households. 3 physicist PHYSICS: 4.11 Converts electricity given in kilowatt hours per joule and joule for kWh 4 civic education teacher CIVIC EDUCATION: 31.1 presents ethical principles which should guide employees and employers; explains what the social responsibility of business is.

9 Exercise 4. 3 Exercise 4. 3 (worksheet)
Select a group of 4 persons, so that in each of them were teachers of at least two different school subjects. Your group is now a interdisciplinary team of teachers, whose job is to play PowerPlayer and implementation of lessons of their subjects referring to the game. Make a plan who will lead each round of the game and what learning goals of your subject will be realized during the lesson. An additional task of each teacher is to indicate the idea of one example of an exercise related to the theme of the game, which will be conducted during the lesson.

10 Interdisciplinary model
Sustainable Entrepreneurship – A Game-Based Exploration for Lower Secondary Schools – SUSEN Interdisciplinary model Interdisciplinary model consists of: the cooperation of teachers of different subjects, who will work together on the implementation of education content and will conduct the game the creation of such a plan to use the game to build a coherent picture of learners' educational complex problem of sustainable development from different points of view, showing of cause-and-effect relations while tackling the issue correlation measures of the teachers in time and setting the order of introduced content consolidation of elements from various school subjects: in terms of content and methodology. Example Teachers of geography, biology and physics decided to use the PowerPlayer game to complete their school education project on "Attitudes our students to energy." The project involves the learners of three classes. Each of them has the task to prepare a survey examining the other school students. Class 1A under the care of a geographer prepares and conducts a survey on knowledge of the school students of renewable and non-renewable energy sources and comments on their use, Class 1B under the supervision of a biologist prepares and conducts a survey on knowledge of the learners' actions reducing the consumption of water and electricity and the production of waste in their households,

11 Service learning activity
Exercise 4.4 (worksheet) Select a group of 3-4 persons, so that each of them were teachers at least two different school subjects. Your group is now a interdisciplinary team of teachers, whose job is to come up with an educational project in which you consolidate methodology and content of the issues related to sustainable development (or both at the same time – it is a challenge for the ambitious!) The project must take into account the use of PowerPlayer game. Good luck in your creative thinking!

12 Service learning activity
Sustainable Entrepreneurship – A Game-Based Exploration for Lower Secondary Schools – SUSEN Service learning activity Proposals for learning by working for the community (service learning) offer the possibility of joint development of concepts about how the knowledge that learners take away from the game can be used for the local community. Elements of service learning should also take into account the classes prior to use of the game. Thanks to this, during the game the learners will be able to associate actions taken in the game, with those encountered in everyday life more easily. The game becomes more real and gain on educational values. Example tasks: Ask the learners to identify the most energy-consuming appliances in their environment (home, school, local business) and to identify possible ways to reduce energy consumption. To this end, the learners split into groups, each of them will analyse the different energy-consuming equipment or the form of activities. Let each group, seeking knowledge in a variety of sources of information, will become an "expert" on energy consumption in their field and show practical ways to save energy. In conclusion the task, let each group present the results of their analysis and tips for saving energy in the class.

13 Sustainable development in local community
Exercise 4.5 Exercise 4.5 (worksheet) Working in groups of 3-4 indicate at least four ideas of activities / projects inducing students to learn the issues related to sustainable development, by working for the local community. Enter the ideas in the scheme. Sustainable development in local community _____________

14 Thank you for your work in this part of the training!

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