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Food For Thought Final Unit.

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1 Food For Thought Final Unit




5 What Is Data? Data is information. An example:
In my FCS class we took a pizza lovers survey. We learned that twenty kids liked pepperoni pizza best. Nine kids liked sausage pizza best. Seven kids liked cheese pizza best. This information is called DATA. What is data? Page

6 I need to order 10 pepperoni, 9 sausage and 7 cheese pizzas.
What do we do with Data? If a someone was planning a pizza party for that class, they would need the pizza lovers survey DATA. I need to order 10 pepperoni, 9 sausage and 7 cheese pizzas.

7 Graphs Make Data Easier to Understand
Below is data without a graph. Animals on the farm Chickens rule! Cows 124 Chickens 450 Turkeys 388 Horses 56 Mules 110

8 Data WITH A Graph is easier to read
Cows 124 Chickens 450 Turkeys 388 Horses 56 Mules 110

9 Turning data into graphs…

10 Graphs should teach you something

11 Showing portions…

12 Showing growth…

13 Warm up #1 Define Quantifiable
Calculable I can count these Increase from 3 to 9 inches Measurable I can see the difference Color change/scale Temperature Computable Repeats/repetitive Plotting

14 creating Graphs Use PowerPoint to embed a graph in your slides
Use the link below to create a customized graph Agraph/

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