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Hermes is the second youngest Olympian God born to Zeus and a mountain nymph named Maia and was born a precocious child who was known for his wisdom and.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermes is the second youngest Olympian God born to Zeus and a mountain nymph named Maia and was born a precocious child who was known for his wisdom and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermes is the second youngest Olympian God born to Zeus and a mountain nymph named Maia and was born a precocious child who was known for his wisdom and speed. Hermes is well known as the messenger of the Gods, he travels freely and with speed between the boundaries of the mortal and the divine. He also was acclaimed for his helpfulness to mankind and what he contributed to their technology. Including the lyre made from a tortoise shell made on his first day of life as well as, the pipes, musical scale, astronomy, weights and measures, boxing, gymnastics and the care of olive trees. It is also said that he invented the Alphabet. His attributes included his winged sandals known for their ability to make their wearer posses the ability to fly, his winged hat and staff. He was commonly dressed as a traveller or shepherd.

2 One of Hermes main purposes is to guide the dead into the underworld and assist those who travel there. He is also the God of roads and travel, hospitality, heralds, diplomacy, merchants, thievery, language, literature, athletes, astronomy and astrology. He was also closely connected with bringing dreams to mortals. Some of his symbols included the rooster, tortoise, purse or pouch as well as the snakes on his staff. Hermes plays a small part in The Odyssey by Gareth Hinds, a graphic novel based on Homers poem, his character portrays an essence of loyalty to the other Gods as he delivers their messages to mortals and those of the divine as well. He first appears in book one page 2 as he stands at the foot of Zeus’ throne, discussing the lives of the mortals they watch. Odysseus is first mentioned on this page also. Athena is the first to discuss the fate of ‘the great man’ Odysseus. Hermes is depicted with a serene and curious smile on his lips and is holding either a cup of some sort or a message.

3 In this graphic version of the original tale Hermes is outlined in shades of orange to represent his character each time he appears. Some believe certain colours to characterize certain essences or affiliations, orange is believed to convey and idea of enthusiasm, creativity, curiosity and with that the exploration of new things. As the Gods discuss Odysseus struggles, Athena decides upon the idea that Hermes should be sent to deliver the message to Calypso, the nymph holding Odysseus captive, to let him return home. This is the first sense of what Hermes’ role is within the structure of the Gods. Once again in book 5 Hermes appears to bring the news to Calypso on her island, he comes from the sky with great bounds revealing to Calypso what he had been sent to inform her of. It is said that Calypso is Hermes aunt, or great grandmother On page 48 you notice the staff sitting on a table, with the snakes woven around the stick, he is also wearing his winged hat and sandals.

4 Hermes appears for the last time in book 10 on page121 when he interacts directly with Odysseus to deliver what lies beyond in his quest to retrieve his crew. Hermes appears in a similar state of dress, minus his winged hat. He presents a herb to Odysseus to protect him from the magic and seduction of the immortal Circe who holds his crew captive as animals. Hermes then winks at Odysseus and flies back up towards the sky. It is also said that Hermes was responsible for delivering the suitors to Hades. Tody Hermes is recognised wildly for his function as a messenger. The French designer bag brand has named their company after the Greek god and greets its online customers with the phrase ‘les ailes d’ Hermes’ translating into ‘the wings of Hermes.’ The Greek postal service symbol is also that of Hermes.

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