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Hermes By Shelbin Cheriyan.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermes By Shelbin Cheriyan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermes By Shelbin Cheriyan

2 The Gods Born from the Titans, Rhea and Cronus
Led by Zeus, 12 Olympians

3 The Gods All related and siblings, except for Aphrodite and Athena
Were all eaten but Zeus All hold title of God of certain elements

4 Hermes Depicted as a young man with sandals and a rod with intertwined snakes Messenger God One of the youngest gods Can be helpful but also destructive Imperfect charisma of the gods

5 Apollo and Hermes Hermes very mischievous from a young age
Sneaked way into pastures and stole Apollo’s holy cows

6 Apollo and Hermes Covered tracks well Clever with his deviousness
Gave Apollo the lyre in peace

7 Conclusion

8 Picture Citations

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