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Yasamin Gollaleh.

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1 Yasamin Gollaleh


3 Shab-e Yalda’, also known as ‘Shab-e chelleh’, (in English: Yalda Night) celebrated on December 21st or 22nd has great significance in the Iranian calendar. It was one of the most important celebrations in ancient Iran 5,000 years ago and continues to be celebrated to this day. It is the eve of the birth of Mithra, the Sun god, who symbolized light, goodness and strength on earth. Shab-e Yalda is a time of joy.

4 Yalda is a Syriac word meaning birth
Yalda is a Syriac word meaning birth. Iranians used the term ‘yalda’ specifically with reference to the birth of Mithra. As the longest night of the year, the Eve of Yalda (Shab-e Yalda) is also a turning point, after which the days grow longer. In ancient times it symbolized the triumph of the Sun god over the powers of darkness.

5 On Shab-e Yalda, families gather at the house of parents or grandparents to spend the night eating delicious foods, nuts, fruits, and reading Hafez poems. In some areas it is believed that forty varieties of edibles should be served during the ceremony of the night of Chelleh. During Shab-e Yalda, fruits such as watermelon and pomegranates; and nuts like pistachio, almond, walnut, and dried seeds are served. After dinner the older individuals entertain the others by telling them tales and anecdotes. Another favorite and prevalent pastime of the night of Chelleh is divination by the Dīvān of Hafez (fāl-e Hafez). Shab-e Yalda is a good opportunity to be with family members and friends, refresh old friendships and mend strained relations

6 Because Shab-e Yalda is the longest and darkest night, it has come to symbolize many things in Persian poetry; separation from a loved one, loneliness and waiting. After Shab-e Yalda a transformation takes place - the waiting is over, light shines and goodness prevails.

7 'The sight of you each morning is a New Year
Any night of your departure is the eve of Yalda'  (Sa'adi) 'With all my pains, there is still the hope of recovery Like the eve of Yalda, there will finally be an end'  (Sa'adi)

8 Good bye Yalda 1395

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