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Changes to Assessment March 2015.

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1 Changes to Assessment March 2015

2 Historical Context Government will not impose a single system for ongoing assessment’, it is up to schools to implement a system. DfE April 2014 We like most Essex Schools are using Target Tracker to record assessment data. During the Autumn Term 2014 we maintained national curriculum levels as a transition method of assessment and we were able to share progress and levels during the Autumn Term consultation meetings.

3 Assessment during Pupils in Y2 and Y6 are being taught the pre 2014 national curriculum They are being assessed using national curriculum levels They will be tested at the end of this year using SATS Pupils in Y1, 3, 4 and 5 are being taught the 2014 national curriculum. They are being assessed against end of year expectations Pupils in Y1 will still undertake a phonics assessment in June

4 How do we know how well your child is doing?
Ongoing informal assessments during class work – assessment for learning Specific assessment tasks that relate to particular aspects of the curriculum – assessment of learning eg. mental maths tests spelling tests

5 What do we expect children to achieve?
The 2014 National Curriculum sets out end of year expectations These expectations are challenging and pupils are expected to achieve at a higher level than in the past Higher expectations in order to achieve “secondary readiness”

6 Y1 pupils should be taught to
read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = – 9.

7 Y5 pupils should be taught to
add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (column addition and subtraction) add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

8 Target Tracker Bands In order to support assessment and record pupil progress each year group is assigned a band. This is divided into three broad steps and subdivided for finer assessment. Beginning Working within Secure B B+ W W+ S S+

9 Year Group Expectations
Number – Number and Place Value Number – Addition and Subtraction I can count to and past 100, forwards and backwards starting from any number I can use number bonds and matching subtraction facts up to 20 I can read, write and understand number statements using +, - and = I can add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers to 20 I can count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and count in jumps of 2, 5 and 10s I can answer problems that use addition and subtraction, including missing number problems, using objects and pictures I can identify one more and one less, given a starting number

10 How is my child doing? “Your child is secure within Band 5”
Teaching staff have been using the end of year expectations to assess your child During your consultation meeting your child’s teacher will tell you “Your child is working within Band 5” “Your child is just beginning to achieve some of the areas within Band 5” “Your child is secure within Band 5”

11 What does that mean? A pupil Beginning within a band may still be focussing on some criteria from the previous band and starting to focus on some of this band. Working Within – Pupil learning is fully focussed on the criteria for the band. Up to 70% of the statements are confidently achieved To reach end of year expectations a child needs to be assessed as Secure This year we anticipate that less than the expected numbers will reach the end of year expectations – this is the first year of the new curriculum and your child will not have received the grounding upon which to build

12 Not all children are the same ….
Pupils with special educational needs or learning difficulties Pupils who have previously been working at above national expectations Your child may be working within a different band eg. A year 4 pupils with additional learning difficulties may be assessed as working within Band 3 With higher national expectations your child may initially be working within or secure within a band. Pupils will not be assessed in bands higher than their year group. The government expects pupils to experience breadth and apply learning in new contexts. These pupils will be assessed as secure +

13 How can we judge progress?
Spring 2015 We continue to assess pupil progress in every subject through ongoing assessment for learning. This is a key feature of good teaching and learning and remains fundamental within school Summer 2015 Teachers will formally record within the bands – expected progress is one step within the band each half term. From Autumn 2015 Half termly assessments against statements will support assessment and evidence pupil progress

14 At consultation appointment
Child’s attitude to learning How your child is doing …. Eg Within the band are they beginning, working within or secure Whether they are expected to reach end of year expectations Attendance Statements for English and Maths bands will be on display outside your child’s classroom

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