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Musculoskeletal system

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1 Musculoskeletal system
CONTENT Biomechanical terms: Biomechanics Kinesiology Kinetics Kinematics Musculoskeletal system Engr Saeeed Ahmed Maitlo Lecturer Institute of Biomedical Technology LUMHS Jamshoro

2 Mechanics Mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the motion of objects and the forces that cause that motion., but the three main areas most relevant to biome­chanics are: Rigid-body Deformable-body Fluid

3 Rigid body mechanics Rigid-body mechanics, the object being analysed is assumed to be rigid and the deformations in its shape so small they can be ignored.

4 Deformable-body mechanics
Deformable-body mechanics studies how forces are distributed within a material, and can be focused at many levels (cellular to tissues/organs/ system) to examine how forces stimulate growth or cause damage.

5 Fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics is concerned with the forces in fluids (liquids and gasses). A biomechanist would use fluid mechanics to study heart valves, adapting sports equipment to minimize air resistance.

6 kinesiology Kinesiology is a combination of the Greek for 'to move' (kinein) and 'logos' (discourse). Science of human movement.

7 Biomechanics The study of the structure and functions of biological systems by means of the methods of mechanics We might think of biomechanics as the “physics of human movement” Biomechanics is science examine the internal and external forces acting on the human and effects to produces the forces.

8 Why study biomechanics?
skill analysis correction pinpointing errors developing a new technique adapting to new equipment understanding complex movement behavior

9 What is Biomechanics Used For?
Improving Sports Performance Better technique & training Better equipment . Sports Injury Prevention Identifying safer techniques Training to reduce risk of injury Developing protective equipment (e.g. knee brace) • Occupational Injury Prevention –(e.g. low back pain, hand & wrist trauma) • Injury Rehabilitation – Identify when safe to return to activity

10 Kinematics Study of the description of motion, including considerations of space and time

11 Kinetics Study of the action of forces

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