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Holy Fear Acts 5:1-11.

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1 Holy Fear Acts 5:1-11


3 Fear of the Lord? Not a paralyzing unhealthy fear- Deut. 31:6 Joshua 1:9 Do not fear for I am with you! Isaiah 41:10 Matthew 14:27- It’s Me! Jesus! Perfect love drives our fear- I John 4:18 Fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom Pr. 1:7; 9:10 Ps. 111:10 Jeremiah 5:22 Yareh- Awe, Healthy respect/care, honour- Ps.128:1- Blessed/Ashrai- Happy those who fear You! Great fear came upon the church-v.8

4 Background? No one was in need- Acts 4:34-35
Those who had lands and houses sold it and laid it at the Apostles feet Joseph Barnabas- Son of Encouragement The love of Jesus in action- I John 3:16-18 A community of “crazy love!” John 13:34-35 Powerful/ awesome witness! II Cor. 8:2 Macedonians- from their poverty!

5 Ananias and Sapphira? Very Strange
Make an offering and are struck dead- Leviticus 10:1-2 Nadab and Abihu Genesis 4:4-5 Able and Cain Hosea 6:6 Your heart and your love not your empty religion!

6 What went wrong? What can we learn from them?
Distorted understanding of stewardship and ownership- Psalm 24:1-2 The earth is the Lord’s- He created it all! Ps. 50: The cattle on a thousand hills Distorted understanding of thankfulness- Give thanks in all circumstances- I Thessalonians 5:18 Daniel 6:10 A distorted understanding of God’s grace and mercy- You are not your own! Redeemed! At a great price! I Cor. 6: Galatians 2:20 No longer I- Christ! Matt. 18:21-35 the unforgiving servant “It’s mine!”

7 What did they/we do wrong?
They held part of their offering back-v.2 Romans 12:1 Response to God’s crazy mercy? The whole thing! Deut. 6:5 What are we holding back from God? ( time, talent, finance)? What we hold back will rule over us and probably kill us. Exodus 16:20 Psalm 115:4-8 Lifeless idols! Do we offer God everything ( both our best and our worst)?Exodus 22:19 pr. 3:9 First Fruits Your children I Peter 5:7 Your anxieties Your sin- I John 1:9

8 They Hid and they Lied Hiding a consequence of our sin- Gen. 3:7-8 Where are you hiding? They lied to the Holy Spirit-v. 3,4 The Spirit is God!- v.4 They were grieving the Holy Spirit- Ephesians 4:30 You were sealed! Build one another up ( Barnabas) vs. Build me up! They tested the Spirit and God’s grace-v Deut. 6:16- Massah- Exodus 17:7 Is God among us? Outward religion vs. whole hearted sacrifice and worship- Isaiah 29:13 Malachi 3:10- The whole tithe!

9 Coram Deo In the Presence of God!
Holy Fear Matthew 10:28

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