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Celtic Languages Student 2 PIN Loginov Egor.

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Presentation on theme: "Celtic Languages Student 2 PIN Loginov Egor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Celtic Languages Student 2 PIN Loginov Egor

2 Distribution of Celtic languages
Once upon a time Celtic languages ​​were spoken in vast territories of Western and Central Europe, now they are preserved only in the far west: in Ireland, Wales, Britain, Scotland.

3 History The ancestral Celts were localized probably in Central Europe, between the Rhine and the Danube. About the ancient stages of the development of the Celtic languages we know relatively little: the monuments of that era are very scarce and not always easily amenable to interpretation.

4 Variants of celtic 1. Brittish 1.1. Welch
Ancient Welsh language (VI-X cc.) Medieval Welsh (X-XII cc.) Novovalli language (from the XIII c.) 1.2. Breton Ancient Breton (VI-XI cc.) Middle Russian language (XII-XVII cc.) Modern Breton language 1.3. Korn language Old Russian language (VI-XI cc.). Srednekoron language (XII-XVI cc.) Novokor language (XVII-XIX cc.) Modern Korn language (from the XX c.)

5 2. Goidel 2.1. Irish language Ogamic Irish language (II-IV c.). Old Irish language (V-IX cc.) Middle Irish language (X-XI c.) New Irish language (from the XII c.)

6 3. Continental All these languages ​​belong to the dead and are documented very badly. Lepontian language Keltiberian (the only written Spanish-Celtic language, referring to the same Lusitanian language is controversial). Gallic language

7 Classification Celtic languages ​​are usually divided into ancient and Novoceltic languages: the latter are living or at least recently disappeared (Korn and Mens) Celtic languages

8 Contacts with other languages
From the earliest times the Celtic languages ​​came into contact with other languages ​​of Europe. Celtic substratum, apparently, played an important role in the development of many Romance languages, for example, French and Italian. Latin influenced the Celtic languages ​​in the first place: first as the language of the Roman Empire, then as the language of the Catholic Church, when Ireland was influenced through Britonian Latin.

9 Current status Currently most Celtic speakers live in the outlying regions of Europe. There are also small colonies in America: for example, Welsh speakers live in Argentina, Scottish in Canada. Basically the carriers are concentrated in the countryside and live compactly.

10 Thank you for attention!
The End Thank you for attention!

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