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A B % positive cells 10 % positive cells 10 5 Gy 5 Gy Figure S3

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1 A B 20 20 % positive cells 10 % positive cells 10 5 Gy 5 Gy Figure S3
b-III tubulin O4 % positive cells 10 ** % positive cells 10 PM DM PM DM PM DM PM DM 5 Gy 5 Gy Effect of IR on neuronal differentiation of NSCs. NSCs were incubated in proliferation-permissive medium (PM) or differentiation-permissive medium (DM) for 7 days. NSCs were also incubated in PM after 5 Gy of X-rays (PM + 5 Gy). A, Neuronal differentiation. B, Oligodendrocytic differentiation. The data represent the mean ± SEM. **p < Bar indicates 50 µm. Figure S3

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