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Today’s topics Project 2 - Work on CEREAL - Due: Oct 10, :00 pm

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1 Today’s topics Project 2 - Work on CEREAL - Due: Oct 10, 2008 5:00 pm
Using Pthread Library. Paper & pencil assignment Sample Questions

2 Project 2’s goals Gain experience with multithread programming
Use common synchronization primitives: locks & condition variables. Gain some tangential exposure to network programming Understanding the concept of overlapping I/O & computation

3 Background Single-thread Multi-threads

4 3 parts Resource:MTServer.tar.gz Part 1: Build a thread pool in C
Edit ONLY “threadpool.c” Test by using “threadpool_test.c” Learn from “example_thread.c” Part 2: Use your thread pool to turn a single-threaded server into a multi-threaded server Edit ONLY server.c Part 3: Measure the performance of your multi- threaded server Clear debug code from part 2. Make NUM_LOOPS -> command-line argument. README: Makefile: to compile example_thread, server, and client, just type "make" or "make all". common.[c|h]: some code that is useful to both the server and client server.c: the source code for the single-threaded server client.c: the source code for a single-threaded test client example_thread.c: an example multithreaded program that uses pthreads threadpool.[c|h]: the code you will modify to implement a thread pool threadpool_test.c: some sample code that invokes a threadpool SocketLibarary:

5 Part 1: Build the thread pool
Implement 3 functions: threadpool create_threadpool(int num_threads_in_pool); void dispatch(threadpool from_me, dispatch_fn dispatch_to_here, void *arg); Dispatch() will cause exactly one thread in the pool to wake up and invoke the supplied function with the supplied argument. Once the function call returns, the dispatched thread will re-enter the thread pool. void destroy_threadpool(threadpool destroyme); Test by using “threadpool_test.c” Do synchronization to satisfy 2 requirements: (1) NO BUSYWAITING (2) NO DEADLOCKS & NO RACE CONDITIONS

6 Part 2: Make server become multi-threaded
What need to change? Create a thread pool Create a listening socket (x) Loop: Accept new connection from a client. (x) Dispatch the connection to a thread from the thread pool. Read data from the dispatched connection (x) Process the request (x) Write a response back to the client. (x) Close the connection to the client. (x) Socket int socket_listen; int socket_talk; socket_listen = setup_listen(argv[1]); socket_talk = saccept(socket_listen); // step 1 request = read_request(socket_talk); // step 2 close(socket_talk); // step 5

7 Part 3: Measure the performance
How? In the main thread, increment a counter for every dispatch Whenever the counter increases by 50(or 100), take a timestamp (using gettimeofday()) Run 36 situation: # threads in pool = 1 and NUM_LOOPS=1, 100, 1000, 10000, , # threads in pool = 2 and NUM_LOOPS=1, 100, 1000, 10000, , .. # threads in pool = 32 and NUM_LOOPS=1, 100, 1000, 10000, , Run in “quiet” environment

8 Part 3 (cont.): Draw graph

9 WHAT TO SUBMIT A gzipped tar file includes: WriteUp: Write Up
The server/ directory will ALL your codes, including unmodified files, such as Makefile, client.c… WriteUp: A verbal description of the structure of your threadpool implementation, including a list of any design decisions you made. A list of critical sections inside your threadpool code (and why they are critical sections). A description of the synchronization inside your threadpool. What condition variables did you need, where, and why? Under what conditions do threads block, and which thread is responsible for waking up a blocked thread? The graph you produced in part 3, as well as an explanation of why your graph is shaped the way it is. Try to explain all of the interesting features on your graph, if possible.

10 Pthread Library Links:
Creating and Terminating Threads int pthread_create (pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, // NULL void *(*start_routine), void * arg); void pthread_exit (status) // NULL Passing Multiple Arguments to Threads via a structure. void *PrintHello(void *threadarg) { struct thread_data *my_data; ... my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg; taskid = my_data->thread_id; sum = my_data->sum; hello_msg = my_data->message; ... } //in main () rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, PrintHello, (void *) &thread_data_array[t]);

11 Pthread Library - Mutex
Creating and Destroying pthread_mutex_init (mutex,attr) pthread_mutex_destroy (mutex) pthread_mutexattr_init (attr) pthread_mutexattr_destroy (attr) Locking & Unlocking mutexes pthread_mutex_lock (mutex) pthread_mutex_trylock (mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex)

12 Pthread Library – Condition Variables
Creating and Destroying pthread_cond_init (condition,attr) pthread_cond_destroy (condition) pthread_condattr_init (attr) pthread_condattr_destroy (attr) Usage pthread_cond_wait (condition,mutex) // pthread_cond_signal (condition) pthread_cond_broadcast (condition)

13 Using Condition Variable
THREAD A Do work up to the point where a certain condition must occur (such as "count" must reach a specified value) Lock associated mutex and check value of a global variable Call pthread_cond_wait() to perform a blocking wait for signal from Thread-B. Note that a call to pthread_cond_wait() automatically and atomically unlocks the associated mutex variable so that it can be used by Thread-B. When signalled, wake up. Mutex is automatically and atomically locked. Explicitly unlock mutex Continue THREAD B Do work Lock associated mutex Change the value of the global variable that Thread-A is waiting upon. Check value of the global Thread-A wait variable. If it fulfills the desired condition, signal Thread-A. Unlock mutex. Continue

14 Paper & pencil Assignment
Lock Condition Variables Semaphore Synchronized counting variables Formally, a semaphore is comprised of: An integer value Two operations: P() and V() P() While value = 0, sleep Decrement value and return V() Increments value If there are any threads sleeping waiting for value to become non-zero, wakeup at least 1 thread

15 Writing Assembly-language functions
Registers: %ebp -> base register points to the local variables (another name : frame pointer). esp -> stack pointer GCC requires that some register not change across a function call: %ebp, & segments register %ds, %es & %ss .. -> pushl ebp; popl ebp When GCC calls a function: Push all the arguments onto the stack, starting with the last one. Then, issues a call. Ex: “call foo” - push the return address -> stack - %esp -> return address After a call, discard the called activation record. addl n, %esp

16 Example ← 8(%esp) ← 4(%esp)

17 Writing Assembly-language functions (cont.)
Inside the function: Make %esp & %ebp point to right places pushl %ebp Local variable: -4(%ebp) Return Value Integers (of any size up to 32 bits) & pointers are returned in the %eax register. Compute the return value & store in %eax Invoke “ret”

18 Inside swap()

19 procedure producer() { while (true) { item = produceItem() if (itemCount == BUFFER_SIZE) {sleep() } putItemIntoBuffer(item) itemCount = itemCount + 1 if (itemCount == 1) { wakeup(consumer) } } procedure consumer() { if (itemCount == 0) { sleep() } item = removeItemFromBuffer() itemCount = itemCount – 1 if (itemCount == BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { wakeup(producer) } consumeItem(item) } } semaphore fillCount = 0 semaphore emptyCount = BUFFER_SIZE procedure producer() { while (true) { item = produceItem() down(emptyCount) putItemIntoBuffer(item) up(fillCount) } } procedure consumer() { down(fillCount) item = removeItemFromBuffer() up(emptyCount) consumeItem(item)

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