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General Meeting 2/11/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "General Meeting 2/11/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Meeting 2/11/2015

2 Upcoming Training Be sure to RSVP on OrgSync beforehand
General Safety: 3pm 2/18 SDELC Basic Machine Shop: 2pm 2/17 SDELC Driver Training: TOMORROW 2/12 3pm SDELC

3 OrgSync Run through pages REALLY QUICKLY
Everyone who has not been added automatically after signing up at will receive a manual invitation this weekend. You must accept to be in the group. Sign in for this week is the OrgSync form “Sign In 2-11”. You have 3 days (until 11:59pm 2/14) to fill it out. “no”

4 Banhammer Incoming Next Wednesday 2/18 at 3pm
Anyone who has not signed back up at (read: aren’t on the sign-in sheet) will be removed from OrgSync Anyone who has not filled out subgroup roster form will receive a 24 hour advance warning before being removed

5 Subgroup Things You must absolutely fill out the subgroup roster form on OrgSync. This helps communication and records keeping. LEADS: There are still some meeting times missing from the calendar.

6 Current Rosters: Aero SAE
D&M: Paul Black, Chris Crank, Justin Crum, Austin Foutch, Zachary Reever, Andrew Taylor, Jeremy Weih, Steven Williams Structures: Paul Black, Steven Williams Propulsion: Bret Curtis, Daniel Jamrozik, Terence McGarvey, Steven Williams Aerodynamics: Bret Curtis, Austin Foutch, Daniel Jamrozik, Terence McGarvey, John Schaefer, Jeremy Weigh, Steven Williams

7 Current Rosters: HPER M&D: Ben Bruemmer, Jill Davis, Max Gao, Jerrica Givens, Nathan Henshaw, Seth Kitchen, Victoria Kraemer, Dominic Lafata, Brandon Schmitt, Matthew Trimble PR/Doc: Ben Bruemmer, Jill Davis, Jonathon Jarvis, Electronics: Zachary Martinez, Jared Reichert, Ben Royer, Brandon Sullivan

8 Current Rosters: HPER A&P: Ben Bruemmer, Jill Davis, Matt Fogle, Jerrica Givens, Jacob Harrison, Nathan Henshaw, Brennen Huseman, Daniel Jamrozik, Victoria Kraemer, Dominic Lafata, Zach Martinez, Brandon Schmitt, Kyle Segobiano, Austin Steimel, Andrew Taylor TARS: Joshua Derousse, Corey Dodd, Jacob Harrison, Jonathon Jarvis, Seth Kitchen, Andrew Taylor

9 PRO Day 2/28 Resource Fair Volunteers: Kyle Bruer, Brad Parks

10 Career Fair Next Week Ask your leads or officers for help with resumes or advice

11 New PR Event Cub Scouts from Chesterfield Give 20 min presentation
Help build little kit rockets More information to come

12 SpaceX Almost have the solid works done Rocksim file is mostly done
Parts list is coming together

13 Documentation and PR Still in progress: New Pictures!
Fundraiser Ideas Possible Outreach Program? Editing subgroup reports (see electronics excerpt) New Pictures! Presentation Board


15 Testing and Rocket Systems
So……… Didn’t have a meeting last week Why? Because reasons > We will be trying again this week. Same time: Friday at 5:00P.M. at the SDELC

16 Aerodynamics and Propulsion

17 Research

18 This week RockSim Present if time

19 Electronics Found free parts from Texas Instruments.
Clarified Thermocouple bays Completed weight information for all payload bays K

20 Electronics Meet with testing and integration Learn Fritzing
Begin documentation of payload bay circuits in Fritzing. K

21 Questions for HPER

22 SAE

23 This Week Design report internal deadline
Member affiliation for competition Construction Finish up wheels Static payload carriage Static payload bay and sand bag adjustment Waterjet’s down, waiting for waterjet parts

24 Other items Drop code/test flight w/Bertha
Prop dynamic thrust testing in wind tunnel being scheduled

25 Competition venues Static Event Location (Friday) Airtel Plaza Hotel & Conference Center 7277 Valjean Ave Van Nuys, CA 91406 Flying Field Location (Saturday - Sunday)  Apollo 11 Field 6201 Woodley Avenue Encino, CA 91436

26 Questions for Aero SAE

27 After the Meeting….

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