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Claire MERMET Network & Business

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Presentation on theme: "Claire MERMET Network & Business"— Presentation transcript:

1 Claire MERMET Network & Business
South-East France’s cluster for vegetal, agricultural and food sector Fruits & veg, wine, cereals A network of companies, research and training partners Nearly 300 members 4 500 researchers 300 R&D projects Areas of action and expertise Agriculture and Factory for the Future (breeding, biotech, biocontrol, digital, robotics, agro-ecology) New technologies for food processing, preservation, green extraction, waste management Improve food taste, security and nutritionnal quality Consumer, distribution and food of the future Please follow the instruction to fill in the slide of presentation above. Please notice that your presentation has to fit on one slide only. Presentations with more than one slide won’t be selected. English is required: In the title, add your organisation name and the logo Add a photo of you. If any of your colleague is taking in the event, please add their photo too. In the presentation section, add information about the type of organisation (cluster, entreprise, SME, laboratory), type of products/services/process you developp or want to promote/develop and any useful information about your organisation. In this section, you can also add a map to better locate your organisation in the world/Europe. On the right side, please add information related to the topics on specialized on/ you are working on. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! NETWORK INNOVATION GROWTH Claire MERMET Network & Business

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