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FAIR ACCELERATORS Peter Spiller EMMI workshop 16.2.2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "FAIR ACCELERATORS Peter Spiller EMMI workshop 16.2.2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAIR ACCELERATORS Peter Spiller EMMI workshop 1

2 The FAIR Start Version (Modules 0-3)
SIS100 Modul 1 CBM, APPA Modul 2 Super-FRS Modul 3 Antiproton-target, CR, p-Linac, HESR

3 Preparation of FAIR Construction Side
Civil construction and procurement of major accelerator components and series has started

4 Major Accelerator Procurements Started

5 Integrated Project Tools
Definition of a frame schedule for the subprojects and the major procurements. Setting-up of a MS project based, detailed time schedule for each machine and work package. Definition of work package leaders. Goal: Meeting the official milestones „building readiness“ for all components needed for the comissioning with beam. For SIS100 and HEBT primary beam lines: 2016. Planning and estimate of (human resources) and the cross support of the project devisions Identification of (time) critical components (long lead items) and setting of priorities. Consideration of interconnection and links of the subprojects. Integration of budget profiles. Final goal: Tool for the follow-up of the subprojects, the busget flow and the resource management.

6 Building Readiness BOE Facility
No major staging possible. Installation basically in parallel. Requires an optimized logistics- and installation planning and a strongly parallel commissioning of devices (without beam). 6

7 Project Frame Schedule SIS100
All major contracts closed for building and infrastructure All contracts closed for major component All major component series Production started Building and infrastructure ready for assembly All components ready for installation (incl. testing) Assembly and alignment finished Building and infrastructure ready for commissioning Commissioning without beam finished Dipoles modules - Q1/2012 Q4/2013 Q2/2016 Q1/2017 Inst.&Align.=Q3/2017 Q4/2017 Quadrupole modules Q2/2013 Q4/2014 Q2/2017 Inst.&Align.=Q4/2017 Rf systems Q1/2013 Magnet testing dipole modules Q2/2014 Q3/2016 PS: Q1/2017 quadrupole modules PS: Q2/2017 Stringtest Q1/2015

8 Focusing on the Construction of FAIR: Restructuring of GSI

9 WBS of the Accelerator Subproject

10 Link Existing (Accelerator) Facility
Upgrade and preparation of the injector chain for the FAIR booster operation (High current sources, UNILAC and SIS18) Civil Construction Measures: Modifications in the transfer channel for linking the proton linac. Modifications in the HEBT system for linking the FAIR HEBT system. Upgrade of the shielding of SIS18 and other radio protection issues Set-up of a new main control room (probably in a FAIR building) Shut down of the GSI accelerators and interruption of machine operation.

11 02.01.2017 reactivation accelerator tests LPH 2-5
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 feasibility study approval letter Z-building method service break VOF-proceedings reactivation accelerator tests LPH 2-5 technical approval-design-and implementation plan acceptance radiation protection related to building law LPH 6-7 public tendering for award of construction contracts construction FAIR- accelerator envision concept HKR adjustment of hard- and software test run LPH 8-9 construction phase HKR + SIS18 FAIR construction project completion structural works PLinac (bldg.20) regulatory proceedings constructional realization proceedings Plinac assembly processes of principals and users tunnel 101 assembly

12 Preparing the Injector Chain – UNILAC upgrade
Exchange of 35 years old Alverez accelerator With modern interdigital H-type structures Higher intensities  28 GHz ECRIS SIS 18 upgrade Fast ramping, enhanced intensity per pulse Increase of injection acceptance Improvement of lifetime for low-charged U-ions Increase of beam-intensity per time due to reduction of SIS18- cycle time UNILAC upgrade High power (high intensity), short pulses Increase of beam brilliance (Beam current / emittance) Increase of transported beam currents Improvements of high current beam diagnostics / operation

13 Preparing the Injector Chain - SIS18 Upgrade
Scrapers and NEG coating for pressure stabilization Injection system for low charged state heavy ions Charge separator for higher intensity and high quality beams h=2 acceleration cavity for faster ramping Power grid connection The SIS18upgrade program: Booster operation with intermediate charge state heavy ions

14 SIS18 Intensity Status – FAIR Reference Ion

15 System Design - DMU/Integration

16 System Design - DMU/Integration Status

17 Status of Major Procurements
Status Procurements: SIS100 dipole modules: contract signed, FDR completed, preseries magnet in production SIS100 quadrupole modules preseries (including all components): Detailed design(at GSI) and specifications close to be completed SIS100 quadrupole module series: Tendering process of module design running Power converter upgrade for s.c. magnet test stand (20 kA): in production High current HTS current leads (for test stand and option for series): type 1 in production Sc. wire (all s.c. SIS100 magnets): ordered SIS100 dipole magnet chambers: contract signed – production running SIS18 h=2 acceleration cavity: Test of first module in January, installation in May Remaining procurements in Q1 2013 SIS18 main dipole power converter upgrade: Contract signed – production running SIS18 correction coils PC: production running Main specifications (long lead items) SIS100 acceleration system: spec completed (transfered to FAIR) – tendering in preparation SIS100 bunch compression systems: specs. completed – procurement in preparation HEBT nc magnets (incl. chambers and support) batch 1: specifications completed (transferred to FAIR) inkind contract in preparation – UHV system components signed HEBT nc magnets batch 2 and 3: specification almost completed SIS100 dipole series test stands cryogenics plant and local cryogenics: contract singned Next main goal: Completion of design and specifications for the preseries SIS100 quadrupole module, including all components until end of March Completion of Specifications for local cryogenics components

18 S.C. Magnet Testing SIS100 dipole units will be tested at GSI
SIS100 quadrupole units potentially tested at JINR Super-FRS magnets potentially tested at CERN Since the testing is strongly linked to the magnet production – all missing decisions must be taken soon. For the SIS100 dipole testing and the SIS100 string test, an existing large building plus annex buildings are prepared. SIS300 magnet testing has been considered as later option. Major procurements are launched (e.g. cryogenic plant and feed boxes)

19 Upgrade GSI Magnet Teststand
20 kA upgrade of the test facility at GSI in preparation Power converter upgrade contracted New HTS current leads contracted

20 Interaction with Civil Engineering
Room specific data (temperature tolerance, humidity..) Cable data for cable routing and cable trays Component data (in the supply areas) Planning of suppy areas in detail Full integration of infrastructure and collision checks Input for radioprotection/shielding design Next civil construction milestones in 2013: Construction of building pillars Preparation of construction side 20 20

21 SIS300 System Design (not part of Module 0-3)
Major improvements of the lattice/optics design in 2012. Significantly improved performance of slow extraction at high energies by means of a new sextupole arrangement Open System Design Issues: Slow extraction of large emittance beams, e.g. low energy beams, stretcher mode Is transverse coupling an option to reduce the horizontal beam size ? Operation with low charge state beams with major ionization beam loss. Is protection of the magnets in the extraction straight possible ? Is the amount of ionization beam loss in the arcs low enough to avoid quenching ?

22 SIS300–SIS100 Synergies of Components
Identical Components RF acceleration system, LLRF atc. Beam position monitor and electronics Components which are almost identical and can be adapted Residual gas profile monitor Main HTS current leads and local (corrector) current leads Profile grids and electronics Scintillators and cameras CWTs Electrostatic septa and HV power supply Q-kicker and pulse power supply Schottky pick-up with electronics Beam transformers Components with equal technology but with major differences RF KO and BTF exciter New components S.c. magnetic septum magnet S.c dipole and quadrupole moduls, incl cable and coil and incl. correction magnets Local cryogenics system (concept equal) Bypass lines, connection boxes, cold links etc. Relaxed Requirements Vacuum chambers and cooling

23 SIS300 Dipole Magnet (INFN)
Full length curved, fast ramped s.c. SIS300 dipole magnet Preparation for testing at LASA Curved winding of a collared low loss cable

24 Results of SIS300 Dipole Magnet Testing
The SIS-300 model magnet DISCORAP reached the nominal current with only one training quench. The magnet has been operated in pulsed regime, up to dB0/dt = 0.7 T/s (the upper limit of the station). The magnet has demonstrated to work in fast ramp rate up to the ultimate field (B0=4.5 T) with some limitations. The main evident limitation is that the maximum variation of field allowed ΔB0=1.5 T - 2 T for fast ramp rate, independently by the final field or to the sign of the ramp. Preliminary results show that the losses are very low (at least a factor 2 below the estimated value, even if the region at the nominal ramp rate has not been already explored).

25 SIS300 Magnets – CRISP Program
Development and manufacturing of an upgraded collared coil of a SIS300 type dipole with An enhanced 2d-coil block design to minimize field errors A better design of the coil ends, also to reduce field errors A new low loss conductor (Bruker EST wire) A full (second) magnet could be build if additional money is available

26 SIS300 Magnets – 2nd Generation s.c. Dipole
Wire INFN money CERN EU-money: Cable production Tests on insulation scheme INFN EU-money: Modify Coil design Provide Material for Collars, End spacers, Coil wedges, Coil protection sheaths. GSI EU-money: Project coordination Cable Manpower costs ARD money Materials ASG Drawings of coil Manufacturing drawings (for end spacers, wedges, tools etc.) Assembly of tools Construction of coils Assembly of collared coil Q.A. and tests

27 SIS300 Quadrupole Magnet (IHEP)

28 Results of Quadrupole Testing at IHEP
Two SIS300 quadrupole prototypes were manufactured and successfully tested. The nominal central gradient of 45 T/m with ramp rate of 10 T/m/s was produced by a single - layer coil at 6.25 kA current. 8.7 and 9.4 kА critical current (40 and 50 % current margin) were reached in 1st and 2nd prototypes. The critical current of the quadrupoles was higher than 8.5 kA up to 5 kA/s (36 T/m/s, 2.8 T/s) ramp rate. Hysteresis AC losses of the second prototype is lower than the first that by factor 1.5 up to 3 kA current and 1.06 at 5 kA. The lower harmonic components of the quadrupole magnetic field at 3 kA current were less than 2×10-4 which is an acceptable level.

29 SIS300 Magnet – S.c. Steerer Magnet (IHEP)

30 HEBT 300 Supply area in building 17.1 with current lead boxes and cryogenics distribution system HEBT 300 in building 4 Cryogenics distribution system HEBT 300

31 Summary: GSI has strengthend the project activities by a major restructuring and focusing of the resources Production of SIS100 and HEBT components has been started The goal is commissioning of SIS100 and primary beam lines in Q Prototypes and R&D models for the main lattice elements of SIS300 have been build and succesfully tested.

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