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Cell Structure and Function 7.2

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1 Cell Structure and Function 7.2

2 Plasma membrane

3 Plasma Membrane Helps cells maintain homeostasis
Contains cell contents Selectively permeable- allows nutrients in and waste out Double layer of phospholipids & proteins

4 Phospholipids Polar- arranged head with 2 tails
Hydrophylic head (likes water) Hydrophobic tail (doesn’t like water) The polar heads are toward the water- so water soluble substances are blocked by the inner tails.

5 Movement Across the Plasma Membrane
A few molecules move freely Water, Carbon dioxide, Ammonia, Oxygen Carrier proteins transport some molecules Proteins embedded in lipid bilayer Fluid mosaic model – describes fluid nature of a lipid bilayer with proteins


7 Let’s Review: 1. Describe how the plasma membrane helps maintain homeostasis in a cell. Controls the substances that enter and exit the cell 2. Explain how the inside of a cell remains separate from its environment. The phospholipid bilayer provides a barrier

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