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1.1 Why do we need a framework for tackling complex interdisciplinary problems? Gabriele Bammer.

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1 1.1 Why do we need a framework for tackling complex interdisciplinary problems?
Gabriele Bammer

2 It is well-recognised that…
Well-developed, established, reductionist methods can only take us so far in dealing with complex (wicked) problems. They don’t deal well with critical aspects like…

3 Y M T S E

4 E V A L U S

5 T C O N E X

6 N U K O W S

7 T C O N E X N U K O W S Y M T S E E V A L U S I M P E R F E C T I O N

8 Population ageing Gun control Global warming Killer bacteria Education crisis Stockmarket crash Boat People Sustainability Rising hospital costs Organised crime Biodiversity loss Terrorism

9 Complex real-world problems
Horn, R. E. and Weber, R. P. (2007), New Tools For Resolving Wicked Problems: Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. Connected to other problems

10 Complex real-world problems
Horn, R. E. and Weber, R. P. (2007), New Tools For Resolving Wicked Problems: Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. Connected to other problems Constraints: ideological, cultural, political, economic

11 Complex real-world problems
Horn, R. E. and Weber, R. P. (2007), New Tools For Resolving Wicked Problems: Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. Connected to other problems Constraints: ideological, cultural, political, economic Multiple value conflicts

12 Complex real-world problems
Horn, R. E. and Weber, R. P. (2007), New Tools For Resolving Wicked Problems: Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. Connected to other problems Constraints: ideological, cultural, political, economic Multiple value conflicts Resistance to change

13 Complex real-world problems
Horn, R. E. and Weber, R. P. (2007), New Tools For Resolving Wicked Problems: Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. Connected to other problems Constraints: ideological, cultural, political, economic Multiple value conflicts Resistance to change Data uncertain or missing Considerable uncertainty and ambiguity

14 Complex real-world problems
Horn, R. E. and Weber, R. P. (2007), New Tools For Resolving Wicked Problems: Mess Mapping and Resolution Mapping Processes. Connected to other problems Constraints: ideological, cultural, political, economic Multiple value conflicts Resistance to change Data uncertain or missing Considerable uncertainty and ambiguity Contradictory solutions Numerous possible intervention points Consequences difficult to imagine

15 Kulla’s Ripple by Tim Spellman


17 ?

18 A framework is needed to…
Ensure all the elements of complexity are taken into account Provide a way to communicate between researchers handling complex problems in different ways Provide a way to store and organise relevant concepts, methods and cases

19 Exercise… Think about the problem you are working on.
Using the characteristics above: in what ways is it complex?

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