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Maurine A Haver Haver Analytics Hong Kong 30 August 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Maurine A Haver Haver Analytics Hong Kong 30 August 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maurine A Haver Haver Analytics Hong Kong 30 August 2013
The Challenge of Supplying Comparable International Statistics to Professional Users Maurine A Haver Haver Analytics Hong Kong 30 August 2013

2 High Quality & Timely Data for Global Strategy & Research
Haver Analytics High Quality & Timely Data for Global Strategy & Research Financial Institutions & Money Managers Central Banks & Other Government Entities Corporates Consulting & Nonprofit Research

3 What do users need? Comparability Timeliness History Transparency

4 Data Comparability Data Users… Often do not investigate differences
Ignore differences even when informed Risk flawed analyses that can lead to bad decisions

5 Data Comparability International Standardization
National Accounts (SNA 2008) Balance of Payments (BPM6) Monetary & Financial Central Bank Surveys on lending Private Surveys (PMI)

6 Not necessary to give up tables presented in familiar formats
US National Accounts now presented in an “ international style” as well Bank of Italy presents balance sheets according to their original format and the format adopted by the Eurosystem

7 Standardization can create problems
History has been lost with the moves to SNA 2008 and BPM6 Standard needs to be fully adopted Transition period

8 Big Problems/Frustrations
Industry classification systems NACE, NAICS, etc. Public sector financial statistics Central, General, ? Cash or Accrual Debt statistics very country specific

9 Other problematic areas
Where are the inventories? Profits? House Prices Repeat-valuation approach rarely used Treatment of housing in the CPI

10 HICP Comparison v2 US Euro Area Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices
% Change - Year to Year NSA, 2005=100 Year over Year % Change - HICP Comparison v2.EMF (EUDATA) P025H / USH

11 US CPI vs US HICP HICP CPI-U US CPI VS HICP - Year over Year % Change

12 Final Thoughts Standardization of our statistics can help us understand the true country differences Transparency is important for users who need to make adjustments to the data History is necessary for most models. The best organization to estimate that history when a methodological change causes a break is the one that produces the data in the first place.

13 Thank you! Users greatly appreciate those data suppliers who provide easily accessible and free data via their web sites.

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