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Lab experience teaching System Software

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1 Lab experience teaching System Software
Boro Jakimovski, M.Sc Vangel Ajanovski

2 Course curriculum The course covers the network services that are available on the internet and the local are network More practical course with a lot of hands on experience for the students, but also giving them the insight on the services and their purposes

3 Lab excercises Lab exercises are conducted in selected laboratories where additional HDD is added to the system Students disconnect the primary drive and activate the second drive and then install the required software and services Two students work on one seat

4 Covered services Services are divided depending on the operating system they are running Two operating systems are covered: Windows 2000 Server Linux (any distribution) Some services overlap but are covered in the both operating systems

5 Windows 2000 Server The following services are discussed:
Active Directory (setting up, configuring security policies) DNS (forward and reverse lookup, forwarding) DHCP Internet Information Server Web FTP Services File System Security

6 Linux The following services and issues are covered under Linux:
File system organization Services under Linux DNS (bind) Web (apache) Mail (postfix, sendmail, qmail) FTP (wu-ftp)

7 Student projects Student were given a project to install and configure certain services under Linux that were not covered in the standard curriculum DHCP ntоp Kerberos Apache (HTTP proxy) Quota NTP NFS Inn Xdm ipchains

8 Conclusion Students find this course very interesting because it gives them the opportunity to get hands on experience with system administration skills Many students previously did not had the opportunity to see how a server is configured and installed Good as a reference for their application

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