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Eclipse IAM: Eclipse Integration for Apache Maven

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1 Eclipse IAM: Eclipse Integration for Apache Maven
Creation Review Eclipse IAM: Eclipse Integration for Apache Maven TODO Good idea to have a snappy tagline on this slide, would suggest however that this is something like ‘managing the complexity of software communities’ rather than ‘minimizing’ them. Carlos Sanchez Copyright © 2008 Exist Global, Made available under the Eclipse Public License v 1.0

2 Overview IAM aims to bring into Eclipse integration with the popular Apache Maven tool Kepler aims to make component oriented development simpler By maintaining project metadata that describes people and systems By allowing extensions to this metadata for customization Kepler aims to improve development community effectiveness Kepler aims to make component oriented development simpler By maintaining project metadata that describes people and systems By allowing extensions to this metadata for customization

3 Scope Kepler will develop a community project model and provide a way to discover the details of the model from existing systems Kepler will integrate with Build management tools Continuous integration tools Other tools that may need community information Kepler will develop a community project model and provide a way to discover the details of the model from existing systems Kepler will integrate with popular software development tools Build management tools Continuous integration tools Other tools that may need community information

4 Collaborations within Eclipse
Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox p2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team support Valuable integration with source core repositories Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

5 Data flow overview Don’t you just love OmniGraffle ;-)‏
Maybe change ‘Kepler Model’ to ‘Kepler Community Model’ Update ‘Model Editor’ to read ‘Model Editors’ -- there may be >1, a Kepler one, plus Mylyn integrations perhaps. Need spoken word to indicate what this diagram is trying to convey. Maybe use the word ‘presence’ when referring to ECF.

6 Participants Committers Carlos Sanchez, DevZuz Maria Odea Ching, Exist
Philip Dodds, DevZuz Brett Porter, DevZuz Mike Lim, Exist Jonas Lim, Exist Glenn Gonzales, Exist Maria Odea Ching, Exist Catalino Pineda, Exist Erle Mantos, Exist Genesis Deiparine, Exist Thomas Hallgren, Cloudsmith Henrik Lindberg, Cloudsmith

7 Bios I Carlos Sanchez Apache Maven PMC member since 2004
Co-author of the book "Better Builds with Maven" Spring Security committer since 2004 Q for Eclipse (Maven integration for Eclipse) project lead Philip Dodds CTO of DevZuz Apache ServiceMix PMC member Previously VP of Technology and Architecture at GoldenSource and co-founder of Unity Systems Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

8 Bios II Brett Porter Vice President of Engineering and co-founder of DevZuz Co-author of the book "Better Builds with Maven" Member of the Apache Software Foundation PMC member of several Apache projects including Apache Maven since 2003 Mike Lim CTO of Exist Global Apache Jetspeed 1 and 2 contributor Apache Geronimo contributor Jonas Lim Apache ServiceMix PMC member Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Camel committer Eclipse Swordfish committer Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

9 Bios III Glenn Gonzales Apache Agila BPM contributor
Architect and team lead at Exist Global Maria Odea Ching Apache Maven PMC member and committer since 2005 Apache Archiva and Continuum committer Catalino Pineda Project Architect for Applications at Exist Team Lead, Gluecode SE Application Server Apache Geronimo contributor since 2005 Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

10 Bios IV Erle Mantos Q for Eclipse (Maven integration for Eclipse) committer Genesis Deiparine Thomas Hallgren Chief architect and co-founder of Cloudsmith Eclipse Buckminster project co-lead Eclipse Spaces committer Henrik Lindberg CTO of Cloudsmith Buckminster architect Previously Director of Engineering of BEA's Java Run Time Products Group Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

11 Project mentors Oisin Hurley, IONA Thomas Hallgren, Cloudsmith
STP project lead Thomas Hallgren, Cloudsmith Buckminster project lead Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

12 Community interest I'm excited to learn more about the Kepler project. [...] the goal of supporting a community-oriented development model addresses a need that not only exists for open source software projects, but for commercial software development as well. Definitely something that provides value to the IT industry. [Dennis O'Flynn] Discussions about the community model have taken place over the last year Thomas Hallgren and Henrik Lindberg (Buckminster) provided insight about the Buckminster project and their work on the CSPEC Ed Merks (EMF) provided help with the EMF representation of the model Mark D Weitzel (IBM) on interaction with system management Pete Mackie (Seaquest) about ties with build systems Marcin Okraszewski, Dennis O'Flynn (Corona) about model representation Nick Chalko (Gump) about community interactions Call this slide ‘Collaborations within Eclipse’ or ‘Important Eclipse Projects’ Buckminster Technology neutral materialization model is valuable and can be potentially extended to include community descriptive aspects Equinox P2 Mechanisms for team workbench assembly and push updates have potential Mylyn Valuable integration with tracking systems, potential for extension with community metadata Team Support Valuable integration with source core repositories

13 Roadmap 6 to 8 weeks milestones M1 Core model definition M2
Adapters & UI 6 to 8 weeks milestones M3 Definition of Collaboration Storage Extensions M4 Project Store and Integration Extensions Core Model Definition EMF Models for the core model and base extensions Definition of meta-data around artifacts Maven2 and PDE model adapters (integration with Buckminster)‏ Collaboration Model Viewer/Editor Adapters and UI Definition of integration with component model from Buckminster Definition of extension points for extending collaboration model Definition of extension points for extending collaboration model viewer/editor Integration of Corona Event notifications in Collaboration model Definition of Collaboration Storage Extensions Definition of concept of Project Store and Artifact Store API definitions for Project Store and Artifact Store (WSDL)‏ UI components for searching Project Store and Artifact Store Integration of Q4E for generating model for Maven Integration of PDE/Java for generating model from Eclipse projects Project Store and Integration Extensions Prototype of local Project Store and Artifact Store Extension point definition to allow tooling to integrate based on Collaboration Model Integration Integration of Corona Integration of ECF (IRC/Jabber)‏ Integration of SCM tooling Integration of Mylyn Integration of Build/CI Servers Definition of Build/CI server API (Buckminster)‏ UI Components for Build Servers Meta-data extensions for builds servers M5 Integration: ECF, SCM, Mylyn M6 Integration of Build/CI Servers

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