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Testosterone By: Katrina Felipe.

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Presentation on theme: "Testosterone By: Katrina Felipe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testosterone By: Katrina Felipe

2 Steroid hormone Males: Majority secreted from the testis Small amounts from the outer layer of the adrenal glands Females: -ovaries males secrete 10x more testosterone than females

3 Functions responsible for the male reproductive organs: testes, penis, & prostate promotes increased muscle mass, bone mass, deepening of the voice, maturation of facial structures, & growth of body hair during puberty

4 Hypothalamus secretes GnRH
Pituitary senses higher levels of GnRH and releases gonadotropin Testicles sense the higher levels of that & release testosterone Hypothalamus senses high levels of testosterone and decreases amount of GnRH Hypothalamus/Pituitary Negative Feedback System

5 Analogy Testosterone Testes Testes= produces testosterone

6 Hypogonadism When the body’s sex glands produce little to no hormones
Complications: decreased sex drive, infertility, muscle loss/weakness, enlarged male breasts, decreased body hair growth


8 Works Cited "Testosterone (male hormone) Information on" MedicineNet. 14 Feb < "Storify." Storify. 14 Feb < testosterone>. "MEN’S SEXUAL FUNCTION,." Male Sexual Function, Andropause & Testosterone. 14 Feb < John, M.D. Tina M. St. "3 Roles of Testosterone." LIVESTRONG.COM. 23 June LIVESTRONG.COM. 14 Feb < testosterone/>.

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