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Industrial revolution

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1 Industrial revolution
Why England? Industrial revolution

2 February 27, 2017 Learning Target: Explain why the Industrial Revolution began in England WH/CE, collect missing work Causes DBQ Industrial Rev. Video with questions Why England? Notes

3 Origins of other Revolutions:
Enlightenment Scientific French

4 FOUR Main Reasons: Labor Land Capital (wealth) Stability

5 LABOR – Growing Population
Agricultural Advancements Food supplies increased Livestock developed Living conditions improved Demand for food and goods increased Farmers lost land – became factory workers Enclosure Act

6 LAND – Natural Resources
Water (steam) and Coal For power and fuel Iron Ore Make machines, tools, and buildings Transportation for trade Rivers, harbors, and canals

7 CAPITAL – Wealth Banking System Entrepreneurs Overseas Empire
Federal and private Loans Entrepreneurs Middle class and well educated After money, self improvement and success Overseas Empire Cheap raw materials

8 Stability – Political Military Success Strong Government Authority
No war on British soil Largest navy Strong Government Authority Parliament had power of King Parliament Passed Laws Protected and expanded business

9 March 2, 2017 Learning Targets: To explain the important inventors and their innovations during the Industrial Revolution. WH/CE Review Why England Notes, Innovations notes Inventors Bracket, research and decide

10 FOUR Main Reasons: Labor Land Capital (wealth) Stability

11 Improvements – Technology
Boosted profits by speeding up the process Textile (clothing) Industry Flying Shuttle to Spinning Jenny Water Frame – Richard Arkwright (1769) Power Loom – Edwin Cartwright (1787) Bulky and expensive machines Factories: built by streams and rivers

12 Improvements – Transportation
Search for better sources of fuel: Power Engine: Steam Engine- James Watt (1765) Water Transportation: Steam boats Canals Roads: Stone paved for drainage Built for profit (tolls)

13 Improvements – Railroads
Steam-Driven Locomotives: Carry coal, Iron to coast Cheap transportation Many new jobs Railroad Lines: First- 27 miles from Yorkshire Coal fields to Stockton (North Sea) Liverpool-Manchester Railroad Opened in 1830 First run carried 13-tons going 24 miles an hour!

14 March 3, 2017 Learning Target: Explain significant inventors and innovations of the Industrial Revolution WH/CE Finish inventors bracket and response (on back) Create a Coin, paragraph explanation

15 Coin Activity Design a coin to celebrate your winning inventor who dominated the Industrial

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