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Tidcombe Primary School Improvement Plan
Resilience Enquiry Confidence Empathy Aspiration
What Tidcombe Primary School is trying to achieve: Overview Vision For every child to be a well-rounded person with the moral and social values, skills and confidence to achieve their goals as they move on from Tidcombe school. A. Purpose Values Resilience Enquiry Confidence Empathy Aspiration Strategic Objectives 1. Exemplary provision in all subjects enables all pupils to progress well 2. Effective assessment informs teaching and drives high levels of achievement 3. Accurate monitoring and evaluation shows impact of improvement at all levels Wider curriculum progression Mastery in Maths Link assessment and planning Incisive and timely feedback Culture of Accountability Monitoring cycle and timetable B. Direction & Perf Mgmt Priorities Strands Planning time, high expectations, coaching, pupil progress meetings, outdoor learning C. Actions
A. Purpose of Tidcombe Primary School
For every child to be a well-rounded person with the moral and social values, skills and confidence to achieve their goals as they move on from Tidcombe school. Vision Values Resilience Enquiry Confidence Empathy Aspiration For pupils this means: I am in a safe place to learn. I know what is expected of me. I am treated as an individual. Learning opportunities are relevant, interesting and meet my needs. I have help if I need it. I am challenged to reach my potential and understand what I need to do to progress my learning. I am learning how to deal with life through strong social and moral values. School is enjoyable. A. Purpose For parents this means: I am included in and supportive of my child’s learning journey. The school listens to me and wants the best for my child. I feel that my child is special and known to everyone. I feel confident that the school keeps me informed of my child’s progress and growth as a individual. For staff and Governors this means: I am highly valued in my role. I have a key part to play in ensuring every pupil achieves their very best. I support the ethos in the school. I want pupils and their parents to be part of a shared approach to learning. I constantly seek ways to develop in my role. 3 3
B. Direction & Performance Management Framework
Strategic Objectives 1. Exemplary provision in all subjects enables all pupils to progress well There is clear curricular progression in all subjects across the key stages Broadening the curriculum with rich and meaningful learning experiences, and opportunities to apply English skills Embedding staff knowledge and skills in teaching for mastery in Maths 2. Effective assessment informs teaching and drives high levels of achievement Formative assessment accurately and dynamically informs planning so pupils progress rapidly Summative assessment in all subjects is accurate, informing school improvement planning Feedback from, to and between pupils is more precise so that all pupils know how to improve and make strong progress 3. Accurate monitoring and evaluation shows impact of improvement at all levels Subject leaders become more effective at evaluating (rather than narrating) their subjects A monitoring and evaluation schedule supports good strategic leadership and governance Teachers are challenged and supported by leaders at all levels to help those pupils making less than typical progress to catch up B. Direction & Perf Mgmt Priorities and Indicators Wider curriculum progression 1.1 Subject leaders’ evaluations demonstrate good pupil progress and curricular progression across the whole curriculum 1.2 Pupil voice evidences a rich, wide and enjoyable curriculum Mastery in Maths 1.3 Closing the attainment gap between Reading and Maths with both in line with or above national average 1.4 Primary Mastery Self-evaluation document shows progress in teachers knowledge and skills in teaching for mastery in Maths Link assessment and planning 2.1 Monitoring of planning shows that planned learning addresses pupils’ needs 2.2. Internal/external moderation shows that judgements in all subjects in all year groups are increasingly accurate Incisive and timely feedback 2.3 Books evidence feedback is ensuring pupil progress 2.4 Pupil voice evidences that feedback ensures they know what they can do and what they need to improve Culture of Accountability 3.1 Actions generated by pupil progress meetings are followed up and improve outcomes for pupils 3.2. There is evidence that governors are supporting and challenging all leaders responsible for school improvement 3.3 Teachers have the highest expectations for pupils to take pride in their work Monitoring cycle and timetable 3.3 Subject leaders’ termly reports show evaluation of impact of school improvement actions 3.4 Improved monitoring schedule in place and adhered to by all staff and governors at all levels 4 4
C1. Actions Target position (Success Criteria) Implementation process
Lead person Time scale Staff Development Likely resources 1.1 Subject leaders’ evaluations demonstrate good pupil progress and curricular progression across the whole curriculum A planning day each term for teachers to ensure high-quality medium term plans in all subjects Subject leaders monitor curriculum map and signpost resources that support learning Subject leaders evaluate curricular progression and pupil progress English subject leader supports and advises class teachers on linking a range of writing genres to the wider curriculum EYFS staff to ensure the outdoor area is fully integrated into the curriculum all year round JM/SS Subject Leaders Every term –July 2019 Guidance on, and time for planning Release days for staff to plan £4800 = 3 days x 8 classes Curriculum resources 1.2 Pupil voice evidences a rich, wide and enjoyable curriculum Teachers use pupil voice as part of the planning process Teachers ensure that pupils do enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all subjects as well as Maths and English JM/HE Every term – July 2019 In-house training No financial cost 1.3 Closing the attainment gap between Reading and Maths with both in line with or above national average Teachers carefully plan lessons that cover small steps in the curriculum to ensure that all concepts and skills are mastered. They use “keep-up” sessions to support children in danger of falling behind Termly pupil progress meetings identify actions needed to ensure all pupils make good progress and these actions are implemented by teachers HE/CG Every term -July 2020 1.4 Primary Mastery Self-evaluation shows progress in teachers knowledge and skills in teaching for mastery in Maths Teachers implement the teaching for mastery approach in their classes Use Jurassic Hub grant money to continue support for teaching for Mastery – TRG, resources, CPD Maths subject leader delivers a continuing programme of CPD on teaching for mastery in Maths HE/SG Every Year – July 2020 £4000 (from Jurassic Maths Hub grant) C1. Actions
Implementation process Lead person Time scale Staff Development
Target position (Success Criteria) Implementation process Lead person Time scale Staff Development Likely resources 2.1 Monitoring of planning shows that planned learning addresses pupils’ needs Teachers use elicitation tasks at the beginning of learning sequences in each subject to inform planning Teachers reflect on the learning after each session to modify the learning for the next lesson to meet learner needs Teachers refer to the advice on checklist in the front of their planning files to ensure planning is meeting all learners’ needs Teachers seek advice from subject leaders or senior leaders if they are unsure whether their planning is effectively meeting learners’ needs SG/HE Every term – July 2018 Coaching by HE No financial cost 2.2 Internal/external moderation shows that judgements in all subjects in all year groups are increasingly accurate Subject leaders to provide teachers with, or work alongside teachers to generate, the end of unit criteria that the subject leaders will need to evaluate their subject Teachers seek advice from subject leaders if they feel uncertain about the end of unit criteria they are using to evaluate a subject Teachers to work alongside colleagues within school and from the wider MAT/ learning community to moderate judgements JM/SG Subject Leaders Every term – July 2019 In-house training/ within MAT training Release time may need to be provided for MAT meetings 2.3 Books evidence feedback is ensuring pupil progress HT to reiterate to staff the advice given previously on the purpose of feedback and marking Where teachers are unsure about the effectiveness of their feedback and marking, to seek advice from senior leaders SLT to monitor by frequent and scheduled scrutiny of books Every half-term to July 2018 Professional dialogue with staff 2.4 Pupil voice evidences that feedback ensures they know what they can do and what they need to improve Teachers use pupil voice to find out whether teacher feedback is effective HT/SLT regularly interview groups of pupils to monitor effectiveness of feedback JM/HE In-house training C2. Actions
Implementation process Lead person Time scale Staff Development
Target position (Success Criteria) Implementation process Lead person Time scale Staff Development Likely resources 3.1 Actions generated by pupil progress meetings are followed up and improve outcomes for pupils Termly pupil progress meetings will follow-up on and evaluate actions from previous meetings CG/SG Every term – July 2018 £600 – day per term to release staff for pupil progress meetings 3.2 There is evidence that governors are supporting and challenging all leaders responsible for school improvement Governors have input into the monitoring plan and carry out actions Governors review reports and meet key leads each term Chair of Governors/SG Time for governors and school leaders to work together 3.3 Teachers have the highest expectations for pupils to take pride in their work Teachers have consistently high expectations for the presentation of pupils’ work including joined handwriting, spelling, the careful use of books etc. Pupils build on the expectations set in the previous year group to make sure that there is no “slippage” and the quality of work continues to improve Pupils know what the expectations are and can say when their work is of the highest quality SS/JM Every term – July 2020 Clear message to staff on inset day No financial cost 3.4 Subject leaders’ termly reports show evaluation of impact of school improvement actions Each term the subject leaders will report on the strengths and needs in their subjects and on pupil progress HT will coach subject leaders on what is required for evaluative reports JM/SS Coaching 3.5 Improved monitoring schedule in place and adhered to by leaders and governors at all levels SLT and governors create a school planner that links monitoring, reporting, SEAL and other whole school initiatives so workload is spread throughout the year and there is systematic accountability Monitoring schedule is evaluated at the end of the year for impact Lead person in this document will produce an impact report on SIP progress each term SG/HE All staff to refer to planner C3. Actions
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