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Welcome to P.I.N. Night 2017! Please sign in. Find your child’s seat.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to P.I.N. Night 2017! Please sign in. Find your child’s seat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to P.I.N. Night 2017! Please sign in. Find your child’s seat.
Presentation Times For Third Grade 5:30- 6:15 6:20 – 7:00 This PowerPoint presentation available on my * Let’s learn about third grade! * If you have a question, please write it down on paper and turn it into the question basket. I’ll answer as soon as I can. Thank you!

2 Instructional Strategies
Individual Small Group/Cooperative Whole Cooperative Group Multiple opportunities for each child to become involved in the classroom learning. Active participation is sought!

3 Instructional Strategies continued..
Whole Group Instruction - Use of ActivBoard Technology/ActivExpressions - Use of Doc Camera -Teacher Read-alouds Small Group Instruction - Guided reading or math groups with teacher Extra help with a lesson

4 Common Core Now used by many states to add consistency in education from state to state. Now called “Florida Standards”. Buzz Words “Complex text”= more rigorous text for students to read. The purpose is to prepare students for college level reading. Now asking students to find “text evidence” to prove their answers. New rigors in math- journaling & use of multiple resources. “Accountable Talk” – Defending and defining your reasons.

5 New County E.L.A Grade Reading Comprehension= 40% of grade
Writing= % of grade Spelling/ Grammar/ Vocabulary= 10% of grade Speaking/ Listening= % of grade _________________ 100% ELA grade This is a change from traditional grades for each subject Special Note: The county’s goal is to move toward paperless report cards and for parents to see your child’s grade on the Parent Portal.

6 Curriculum Resources/Websites
Reading-Reading Wonders textbook/practice book -Spelling lists -Science- Fusion textbook -Mathematics- GoMath *Great resources when you miss a day of school*

7 Grade Level Assessments
Bi-Monthly math tests from GoMath Weekly ten question Common Core math quiz Weekly spelling tests-now only 20% of ELA grade Writing assessments- now 40% of ELA grade Weekly comprehension Reading Wonders–40% of ELA grade Weekly vocabulary Reading Wonders- 20% of ELA grade *IReady reading assessment 3 times a year* (reading fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and spelling)-used in Sarasota County

8 How to Access Grades On- line
Go to county website Click on the Parents tab Click on ESD/CrossPointe Parent Portal Then create your account with a password-SAVE IT!!! When the screen appears, click on the word assignments (This will show your child’s grades for the quarter) Grades are updated weekly. This takes the place of mid-terms. *The County is moving toward paperless report cards.

9 Lab= iReady Students work on two student-paced instructional programs daily (25 min.) 1. Math –teaches all of the curriculum strands 2. Reading - teaches reading comprehension, phonics, vocabulary. 3. Keyboarding Skills/Typing- word processing skills *Allows for above-level instruction=a challenge! * Teacher monitors reports for extra help or rigor!

10 Reading Counts (RC) Goals
Quarter 1= 25 points Quarter 2= 50 points Quarter 3= 75 points Quarter 4= 100 points 25 points per quarter (9 week quarters) These are minimum amounts in order to receive honor roll for each quarter.

11 Homework Policy A daily reading comprehension sheet goes home Monday through Thursday. GoMath nightly homework Monday through Thursday(except for quiz days). Homework is marked as an effort and work habits grade only.

12 Home-School Communication
Student Communication Agenda and Take Home Folder- this folder is used daily to send important papers home . Please view daily. Best Way To Reach Teacher- Contact the school at to leave a message. address = Web Site is ( link on website) Write a note and put in the student’s agenda.

13 Ashton’s Positive Behavior Initiative
PBS (Positive Behavior System) Celebration- Every grading period, our students are rewarded with the opportunity to participate in a school-wide celebration rewarding the students who have completed their school work and homework, displayed good behavior in the classroom and around the campus. *Ashton Coins*- a play money positive reward system used for following rules. Students then “buy” items with Ashton Coin in the front office. Recognition of students with coins is a part of the reward system.

14 Volunteers 1. Volunteers/visitors get name badge in the front office.
2. Must be approved. 3. Sign in on computer in the office (this must be redone each school year). Enter your hours for our Five Star School Award.

15 Student Handbook Reminders
Dress Code- Students need to wear close toed shoes at school. No flip flops or open toed sandals are allowed. Shorts and skirts need to be the length of one’s arm resting on leg. No spaghetti straps or open back shirts for girls. Baked Goods- Please do not send to school any home baked goods due to student allergies. Only buy store items. This is a Sarasota County school guideline.

16 Thank you for coming to Parent Information Night (P.I.N.)
This slide-show presentation was created by Paul Redington on September 29, 2016. Credit is given to Stephanie and Rachel Redington for helping design this presentation. Thank you for coming!

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