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Living in the Kingdom Matt 10v Why all the fuss about Israel?

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Presentation on theme: "Living in the Kingdom Matt 10v Why all the fuss about Israel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Living in the Kingdom Matt 10v5-15 3. Why all the fuss about Israel?
Israel first, everyone else second Matt 10v5-6 God had to start somewhere – Abraham God made a binding agreement with Abraham Gen 17v3-5 He named Jacob ‘Israel’ & confirmed His agreement Gen 35v10-12 Israel were to spread God’s fame to the nations Deut 4v6-8 Rescuer comes thru Israel Matt 1v1-17 Jesus, Abraham’s descendant Gal 3v8 Jesus was Israel’s promised Messiah Rom 9v4-5

2 Living in the Kingdom Matt 10v5-15 3. Why all the fuss about Israel?
God’s choice of Israel was entirely of grace If He can love & stick with Israel, He can with you Now it’s King Jesus not King David Matt 22v42-46 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree 1 Pet 2v24 Now you can call Jesus Father, your Father Jn 20v17 Unlike Adam - Now you might fall, but not be lost

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