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Earth’s Weather Chapter 17

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1 Earth’s Weather Chapter 17
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 The atmosphere A relatively thin shell of gases surrounding the solid Earth Density decreases with increasing altitude 50% within 5.6 km of Earth’s surface 99% within 32 km of the surface Earth’s radius = 6,373 km 32/6,373 = 1/200

3 Composition of the atmosphere
Mostly nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and argon (1%) Nitrogen and oxygen cycle in and out of atmosphere Argon: inert; of radioactive origins Trace components Water, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, krypton, xenon, hydrogen, methane, nitrous oxide, … Aerosols: dust, smoke, salt and other tiny solid or liquid particles

4 Measurement of atmospheric pressure
Barometer: pressure measuring device Mercury barometer Depends on atmospheric pressure supporting a column of mercury Standard atmospheric pressure (1 atmosphere) corresponds to cm of Hg Pressure variation with altitude 10.0 N/cm2 at sea level 5.0 N/cm2 at 5.6 km

5 Warming the atmosphere
Heated by incoming solar radiation Direct heating 16% absorbed by air 3% absorbed by clouds Indirect heating 51% absorbed by surface Infrared reemitted by surface and absorbed by atmosphere Involves water and CO2 Greenhouse effect Losses 20% reflected by clouds 6% scattered by air 4% reflected by surface

6 Structure of the atmosphere
Temperature generally decreases with increasing altitude Heating mechanisms more efficient at lower altitudes Cooling mechanisms more pronounced at higher altitudes Observed lapse rate is 6.5ºC per km Inversion: colder temperatures near surface

7 Layered structure Troposphere Stratosphere Ionosphere
Surface to where temperature stops decreasing with height Most weather here Stratosphere Temperature increases with height Less turbulent layer Ionosphere Merges with vacuum of space Free electrons and ions

8 The wind Three general motions
Upward movement over a region of greater heating Sinking of air over a cooler region Horizontal movement between warmer and cooler regions Wind: this horizontal movement of air

9 Local wind patterns Two important relationships
Air temperature and air density Density decreases with temperature Hot air rises; cold air sinks Air pressure and air movement Upward movement leaves low pressure behind “lifting effect” Downward movement builds higher pressures “piling up effect” Air generally moves from higher pressure areas to lower pressure regions Examples: sea breezes, mountain winds, Chinook (compression) winds

10 Wind Chill Chart

11 Global wind patterns Earth receives more direct solar radiation in the equatorial region Intertropical convergence zone Hot air rises here Rising air cools, causing precipitation Cooler air descends at higher latitudes High pressure belt 30º N and S of equator Jet stream Meandering loops of wind near the top of the troposphere Speeds of 100 mi/h or more

12 Water and the atmosphere
Three phases of water Liquid generally above 0ºC (98% of Earth’s water) Solid below 0ºC in the form of ice, snow and hail Water vapor Smallest component of the three Contributes to greenhouse effect One of the principal weathering and erosion agents Responsible for maintaining life on land

13 Evaporation and condensation
Liquid-to-gas and gas-to-liquid phase changes occur at any temperature Liquid molecules with higher than average kinetic energy can evaporate Gas molecules with lower than average kinetic energy can condense Saturation Equilibrium between evaporation and condensation Influenced by temperature Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air

14 Humidity Absolute humidity Relative humidity
The amount of water vapor in the air at a particular time Ranges from near zero to the temperature dependent saturation limit Relative humidity A relationship between the actual absolute humidity and the maximum absolute humidity Capacity of air to hold water changes with temperature Capacity increases, relative humidity decreases

15 The condensation process
Condensation factors Relative humidity Temperature of the air Water molecules join together to: produce a liquid On a surface as dew In the air in droplets or to produce a solid As frost on a surface As snow in the air

16 Condensation, cont. Air must be saturated for condensation to occur
Saturation processes Water vapor added to the air via evaporation Seeing your breath on a cold day Jet aircraft contrails Cooling reduces the capacity of the air to hold water vapor The dew point A combination of 1 and 2. Dew and frost tend to form on cool, clear and calm nights Related to radiative cooling of surfaces Grass blades have relatively high surface areas Cooling occurs in low-lying areas near the surface

17 Fog and clouds Fog - near the ground; clouds - higher up
Comprised of small, suspended water droplets Form around condensation nuclei Particles about which fog or cloud droplets form Cloud classification schemes Cirrus (curly), cumulus (piled up), stratus (spread out)

18 Clouds Form when a mass of air above the surface is cooled to its dew point temperature Usually because air pushed into higher levels in atmosphere Three major causes of upward air movement Convection Differential heating Mountain Ranges Barriers to moving masses Colliding air masses with different densities Cloud formation depends on atmospheric stability

19 Atmospheric stability
Stable atmosphere Lifted parcel of air is cooler (and denser) than surrounding air Lifted parcel returns to its original level Unstable atmosphere Lifted parcel of air is warmer (and less dense) than surrounding air Moved to a higher level, it will continue to rise “Thermals”

20 Upward mobility and moist air
Rising moist air cools and eventually reaches the dew point Droplets condense around condensation nuclei in saturated air (No condensation nuclei: supersaturated air) Cooling of rising air slowed by release of latent heat of vaporization Huge numbers of droplets appear as clouds

21 Origin of precipitation
Water returning to Earth’s surface Dew and frost are surface processes, not precipitation Precipitation forms in two ways Coalescence of cloud droplets Growth of ice crystals Coalescence process Takes place in warm cumulus clouds near the tropic oceans Clouds contain giant salt condensation nuclei Ice-crystal process Takes place in clouds at middle latitudes Ice crystals capture nearby water molecules and grow Fall as snow in the winter; melt and turn to rain in summer

22 Weather producers Idealized model
Region 10ºN and 10ºS of equator receives more direct solar energy Air heats up, rises and spreads toward poles Air cools and becomes more dense as it rises, sinking back to the surface at latitudes 30ºN and 30ºS End result Band of low pressure near the equator, bands of higher pressure 30ºN and 30ºS of the equator Large convective cells form to equalize pressure

23 Air masses Large, horizontally uniform bodies of air Four main types
Moisture and temperature conditions nearly the same Four main types Continental polar Maritime polar Continental tropical Maritime tropical Dictate air mass weather Weather conditions remain the same over several days Weather changes when a new mass moves in or when the air mass acquires local conditions

24 Weather fronts Boundaries between air masses at different temperatures
Cold front Cold air mass moves into and displaces warmer air upward Moist rising air cooled, leading to large cumulus and thunder clouds Warm front Warm air mass advances over a cooler air mass Long, gently sloping front Clouds and rain may form in advance of the front Stationary front Forces influencing warm and cold air masses become balanced

25 Waves and cyclones Mechanism Cyclone Anti-cyclone
Bulges or waves often form between oppositely moving air masses Overriding, uplifted cold air produces a low pressure area Further cold front motion leads to an occluded front and a cyclonic storm Cyclone Low-pressure area with inflowing, upward forced winds Circulation pattern caused by Coriolis effect Anti-cyclone High-pressure area Air sinks, is warmed; relative humidity is lowered

26 Major storms Rapid, violent weather changes
Often associated with frontal passage Three major types Thunderstorms Tornadoes Hurricanes

27 Thunderstorms Usually develop in warm, very moist, and unstable air
Three stages Cumulus Associated with convection, mountain barriers or a cold front Mature Updraft can no longer support growing ice crystals and snow flakes Falling frozen water melts and becomes rain Hail formed through ice accumulation cycles Final All updrafts are exhausted

28 Lightning and thunder Updrafts, downdrafts and circulating precipitation separate electrical charges Charges accumulate in different parts of the thunderhead Lightning Discharge between charge centers Discharge can be cloud to ground, ground to cloud or cloud to cloud Expanding pressure wave from heated air produces crack of thunder

29 Hail Frozen precipitation
Irregular, spherical or flattened forms of ice Alternating layers of clear and opaque ice Believed to form as hailstone cycles through falling and returning to upper parts of thundercloud

30 Tornadoes Smallest, most violent weather disturbance
Rapidly whirling column of air Diameter of meters Wind speeds up to 480km/h Damage produced by high winds, drop in pressure at the center, and flying debris Associated with intense thunderstorms

31 Hurricanes Tropical depression Tropical storm Hurricane
Area of low pressure Winds generally moving 55km/h or less Tropical storm More intense low pressure area Winds between 56 and 120 km/h Hurricane Very intense low pressure Winds in excess of 120 km/h Fully developed hurricane has a calm eye surrounded by intense rain and thunderstorms

32 Weather forecasting Based upon mathematical models of the atmosphere
Billions of calculations necessitate use of supercomputers Fairly accurate forecasts up to three days possible Major uncertainty: insufficient technology to connect small and large scale events Ultimately oceanic influences need to be better understood

33 Climate Composite, larger weather patterns occurring over a number of years Determining factor in Types of plants and animals at a given location Types of houses built Lifestyles Influences Shape of the landscape Types of soil Agricultural type and productivity

34 Major climate groups Two primary factors
Intensity of incoming solar radiation Determined by angle of incidence Number of daylight hours Tilt of Earth’s rotation axis Equatorial regions receive more solar radiation Intensity changes on a yearly basis Number of daylight hours varies annually

35 Climate and latitude Low latitudes Middle latitudes High latitudes
High solar radiation Yearly variation small Temperatures uniformly high Middle latitudes Higher solar radiation during one part of the year; lower during the other Overall temperatures lower with greater variation than low latitudes High latitudes Maximum amount of radiation during one part of the year; none in the other Overall temperatures are lowest with widest variation

36 Climate zones Defined in terms of yearly temperature averages
Tropical climate zone Near equator Receives most solar radiation; hot Polar climate zone Least solar radiation; cold Constant daylight part of summer; constant darkness part of winter Temperate climate zone Intermediate between others Rainfall patterns shift seasonally

37 Regional climatic influences
Four major factors Altitude Higher altitude air radiates more energy into space Mountains Cooler air at higher altitudes Upwind slopes receive more precipitation; downwind slopes less

38 Regional climatic influences
Large bodies of water High specific heat of water moderates temperature changes Ocean currents Can bring water nearby that has a different temperature than the land

39 Describing climates Problems No sharp boundaries
No two places have exactly the same climate

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