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Precipitation Presentation

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1 Precipitation Presentation
Changes to Air Parcels Precipitation Presentation

2 Definitions Lifting condensation level: the altitude where the parcel of air has reached saturation and cloud formation begins Adiabatic: a process where the parcel temperature changes due to an expansion or compression

3 Environmental lapse rate
The environmental lapse rate is the actual decrease in temperature with an increase in altitude through the troposphere. 

4 Dry adiabatic lapse rate
The rate of expansion cooling for dry air is very close to 10_C/km dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR).

5 Wet adiabatic lapse rate
moist adiabatic lapse rate (MALR) increasing altitude = 0.6C per 100 meters greater the amount of vapour = smaller the adiabatic lapse rate.

6 Dew Point Temperature The dew point is a measure of the humidity content in the air. The temperature at which condensation starts occurring is what we call the dew point. The temperature the dew point is in direct relation to the humidity

7 Sources

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