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Properties of the Atmosphere

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1 Properties of the Atmosphere
Earth Science Chapter 11, Section 2

2 Temperature Measure of kinetic energy Two types of measures
How fast the particles are moving Two types of measures Fahrenheit (F) Used mainly in the US Celsius (C) SI Unit for temperature Kelvin (K) 0˚ K is called absolute zero- the coldest temperature any substance can have. Temperature

3 The force exerted on an object by the weight of th atmosphere
Measured in N/m2 (Newton divide by square meters) mb (millibars) = 100 N/m2 At sea level the atmosphere exerts about 100,000 N/m2 or 100,000 mb Air pressure decreases with altitude Air Pressure

4 Density of Air Density = mass/volume Air is most dense at sea level
Density decreases with altitude Density of Air

5 Pressure-Temperature-Density Relationship
Air Pressure and temperature Pressure increases the collisions on the inside of a container Particles are moving faster Fast particles increase temperature Pressure-Temperature-Density Relationship

6 Pressure-Temperature-Pressure Relationship
Air pressure and Density With no change in temperature but added air to a containter Density increases Volume did not change, but the mass did More force exerted on the walls of the container Pressure-Temperature-Pressure Relationship

7 Pressure-Temperature-Pressure Relationship
Temperature and Density Heating air in a balloon causes it to expand and increase volume If air in a balloon decreases in temperature it gets smaller (less volume) Pressure-Temperature-Pressure Relationship

8 Temperature Inversion
An increase in temperature with height in an atmospheric layer Warm air on the top of cold air Temperature Inversion

9 Wind Wind is air in motion
Wind happens when there are differences in atmospheric pressure Due to the uneven absorption of solar radiation Warm and cold air have different densities Wind

10 Wind and Pressure Differences
Unequal density difference are produced by uneven heating Air pressure increases as density increases More air in the same space Air moves from regions of high pressure to areas of low pressure Wind and Pressure Differences

11 Wind Speed and Altitude
On Earth’s surface wind is slowed by trees, buildings, hills, etc. Higher altitudes have less obstacles and wind speed is higher. Wind Speed and Altitude

12 Humidity Amount of water vapor in the atmosphere Saturation
Occurs when the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere reaches the maximum amount. Can’t hold any more water vapor Relative humidity Amount of water vapor in a volume of air relative to the amount of water vapor needed for the volume of air to reach saturation Expressed as a percentage Humidity saturation

13 Temperature to which air must cooled at constant pressure to reach saturation
If dew point is nearly the same as the air temperature, relative humidity is high. Dew Point

14 Extra thermal energy contained in water vapor compared to liquid water
Water vapor contains more thermal energy than liquid water It had to be heated to turn to vapor When this energy is released, condensation occurs Latent Heat

15 Condensation Level Adiabatic process:
Air mass can change temperature with out being heated or cooled Air heated by compression Air cooling when it expands Condensation Level

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