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CARTILAGE and bone ahmed

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1 CARTILAGE and bone ahmed
انسجة عملي / د . سارة ( م 4 - 5) ثاني اسنان موصل 9/ 12 / 2015 CARTILAGE and bone ahmed

2 PERICHONDRIUM is a layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the cartilage. No blood vessels or nerves It consists of two separate layers: an outer fibrous layer and inner chondrogenic layer. Present in most of the hyaline & elastic cartilage Absent in fibrocartilage Fibrous layer Cellular layer


4 CHONDROBLAST cells that develop from the mesenchymal and form cartilage Progenitor of chondrocytes Lines border between perichondrium and matrix


6 CHONDROCYTE Mature cartilage cell Reside in a space called the lacuna
Isogenous cell group


8 Figure 4.8g Connective tissues.
(g) Cartilage: hyaline Description: Amorphous but firm matrix; collagen fibers form an imperceptible network; chondroblasts produce the matrix and when mature (chondrocytes) lie in lacunae. Function: Supports and reinforces; has resilient cushioning properties; resists compressive stress. Location: Forms most of the embryonic skeleton; covers the ends of long bones in joint cavities; forms costal cartilages of the ribs; cartilages of the nose, trachea, and larynx. Chondrocyte in lacuna Matrix Costal cartilages Photomicrograph: Hyaline cartilage from the trachea (750x).


10 Figure 4.8h Connective tissues.
(h) Cartilage: elastic Description: Similar to hyaline cartilage, but more elastic fibers in matrix. Function: Maintains the shape of a structure while allowing great flexibility. Chondrocyte in lacuna Location: Supports the external ear (pinna); epiglottis. Matrix Photomicrograph: Elastic cartilage from the human ear pinna; forms the flexible skeleton of the ear (800x).


12 Figure 4.8i Connective tissues.
(i) Cartilage: fibrocartilage Description: Matrix similar to but less firm than that in hyaline cartilage; thick collagen fibers predominate. Function: Tensile strength with the ability to absorb compressive shock. Location: Intervertebral discs; pubic symphysis; discs of knee joint. Chondrocytes in lacunae Intervertebral discs Collagen fiber Photomicrograph: Fibrocartilage of an intervertebral disc (125x). Special staining produced the blue color seen.


14 : fibrocartilage

15 Histology of Compact Bone
Osteon – the structural unit of compact bone Lamellae – matrix tubes composed of collagen and crystals of bone salts Central canal - (Haversian canal) canal containing blood vessels and nerves

16 Histology of Compact Bone
Lacunae - cavities in bone containing osteocytes Canaliculi - hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal Perforating canal (Volkmann’s) – channels lying at right angles to the central canal, connecting blood and nerve supply of the periosteum to the central canal (interconnecting the Haversian canals with each other and the periosteum). )

17 Cells in Bone Osteoprogenitor cells – precursors to osteoblasts
Osteocytes - mature bone cells between lamellae Osteoclasts - bone-destroying cells, break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium Osteoblasts - bone-forming cells Responsible for osteogenesis (new bone)

18 The Structure of Spongy Bone
No osteons Lamellae as trabeculae plates of bone Branching network of bony tissue Strong in many directions Red marrow (blood forming) spaces

19 Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones
Plates of periosteum- covered compact bone on the outside with endosteum-covered spongy bone, on the inside Have no diaphysis or epiphyses Contain bone marrow between the trabeculae



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