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Wen Zhang & Sheng-Cai Shi Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS

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1 Development of THz Superconducting Mixers & Detectors at Purple Mountain Observatory
Wen Zhang & Sheng-Cai Shi Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS Key Lab of Radio Astronomy, CAS

2 CO (J=4-3) detection w/ Nb SIS500
Mm/Submm-Wave Astronomy Developed at PMO 1998 2002 2006 2008 2010 2014 PMODLH-13.7m C18O/13CO/12CO w/ SIS100 MWISP w/ SSAR XCold’97 w/ SIS100 POST CO (J=4-3) detection w/ Nb SIS500 1st Demonstration w/ NbN SIS500 SMA collaboration with ASIAA ALMA collaboration with NAOJ

ALMA & Band8/10 Results PCTJ& I-V curve SIS Resonance Cavity PMO-ASIAA Nuclear mini-bar? SMA Mt. Fuji Submm Telescope

4 SSAR: 3x3 multibeam SIS receiver for 100GHz
A 100-GHz 3x3 Multibeam Receiver & MWISP Survey Project MWISP: Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting by observing 12CO/13CO/C18O -10° ≤ l ≤+250 °, -5 °≤ b ≤+5 ° PMODLH-13.7m 超新星遗迹Kes 75观测成图 (德令哈毫米波12CO/Spitzer中红外/Chandra X-ray) SSAR: 3x3 multibeam SIS receiver for 100GHz Lynds 935恒星形成区12CO/13CO/C18O (J=1-0)谱线积分强度图 RF divider LO divider SIS mixer RF LO IF-U IF-L Bias-T 100GHz 2SB SIS 银河系新发现的分子旋臂的位置和分布示意图

5 A 0.5THz NbN SIS Mixer Operating at 10K
Nb vs NbN J. Li, Appl Phys Lett (2008) 92: J. Li, IEEE Trans Appl Supercond (2009)19: 417. In collaboration with Z. Wang at NiCT (Japan) 0.5THz SIS with NbN twin junctions Nb vs NbN Less stringent requirement for cooling Easier suppression of Josephson effect Wider dc bias region of high stability 2m Multi-Bands Telescope onboard China’s Space Station (to be lunched ~2020) Science cases with 0.41~0.51THz NbN SIS receiver CI mapping to trace the molecular evolution of carbon Spectral line survey toward star forming regions Distribution and dynamics of H2O in stratosphere Chemical process of the trace gases in stratosphere

6 A 2.7 THz HEB/QCL Integrated Receiver
A 2.734THz QCL by IEF 1.1W) QCL Lens w/o lens beam:~10x40° & C.E.:~0.7% w lens: beam:~2x3 ° & C.E ~8% HEB 1st demonstration of a fully integrated THz HEB/QCL receiver W. Miao, et al, Optics Express 23, 4453, 2015

7 Measurement of THz Transmission at Dome A in Antarctic
Nature Astronomy 1, 0001 (2016) Dome A FTS Instrument

8 Antarctic Observatory of CHINA & DATE5
KDUST DATE5 Antenna Cassegrain Diameter 5m, with rms accuracy <10m Band 350/200m, plus 450m (1st light) Receiver 1x4 SIS & 1x4 HEB mixer IF BW 4GHz x 4 beams x 2 bands FOV 5′×5′(200m) Pointing ≤2"

9 Superconducting Mixers for DATE5
FTS response Nb/AlN/NbN hybrid SIS higher gap voltage lower dark current Mixer cavity w/ feed horn E-field distribution PCTJ (twin SIS) 0.85THz/350m m SIS Mixer 0.8~1.5THz Calibrated FTS response 1.4THz /200m m HEB Mixer In collaboration with IREE (Russia) & LERMA (France)

10 TES & MKIDs Detectors for DATE5
8x8 Ti 345GHz, with NEP reaching 10-17W/Hz0.5 32x32 array at 350mm 32x32 Al/TiN 850GHz, under testing

11 PMO-SRON MOU Signed in 2006 Dr. Wolfgang Wild visited PMO in 2006
PMO-SRON MOU concerning collaboration on THz astronomy and technology

12 Collaboration between PMO & SRON/TUDelft
3.5THz 3rd DFB QCL (by MIT) SRON/TUDelft PMO MIT THz HEB by SRON Tuning of QCL Combined THz QCL & HEB with a Gas Cell for the detection of 3.5THz methanol line Y. Ren, et al., App. Phys. Lett., 97, (2010) Y. Ren, et al., App. Phys. Lett, 98, (2011) Y. Ren, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, (2012) Y.Ren, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. , (2012) Measured 3.5THz methanol line

13 Collaboration between PMO & SRON/TUDelft
CAS Vice-President, Wen-Long Zhan, meeting Prof. Thijs de Graauw (then ALMA director) during IAU General Assembly in Beijing, CHINA A delegation of six people (one of them is Dr. R. Stark) from NWO Physical Sciences and Chemistry paid a visit to PMO, Nanjing, China in the week of January 2010.

14 Proposed Collaboration
THz high sensitive superconducting HEB mixers with lager IF bandwidth Using new superconducting film such as MgB2 Large-scale THz multibeam receivers Using new integration technology

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