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Questions to consider during target group engagement planning

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1 Questions to consider during target group engagement planning
Who is your target audience? Based on your partnership objectives, what is the target state? Does the target group need to be more aware of something? Does the target group need to change their attitude? Does the target group need to change their behaviour? Should my communications be more informative or engaging? What kinds of reputational risks are there? What are the key messages for them? What do they need to know or understand? How can they best be reached with key messages? Is there some 3rd party who has an access to them? Who is credible in their eyes? What kind of materials could be utilised or distributed to them? In which occasions? How frequent should the communications be in order to reach the aspired target state or change? How do I follow up or measure the progress? How do I know the activities were successful?

2 Partnership target group communications & engagement -template
PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVE/S Create awareness of water shortages Local farmers in Example are Local women in Example village TARGET GROUP/S At the current ways of consumption, water shortages are getting worse Water shortages influence the whole community Use water wisely KEY MESSAGES REPUTATIONAL RISKS How are you going to Capture the Action? MATERIALS DESCRIPTION During spring 2016, two educational campaigns will be organized together with EcoNGO organization. Campaign 1 will include: Posters in local supermarkets Two training sessions about “How to use water wisely” for local women One information session about “Water shortage influences” for local farmers Educational brochures will be distributed in the trainings. These brochures include actual pictures from the Fake River. Campaign 2 will include: Educational brochures will be distributed in the Example village Local stories will be gathered and shared in cooking event for the local women Campaign 1: January 15th-March 15th Posters distributed on January 18th to local supermarkets First training session on Feb 20th One information session on March 13th Second training session in March 23rd Campaign 2: March May 2016 Local stories will be gathered during Feb 2016 Cooking event is organized on April 15th Brochures will be distributed in May FREQUENCY Educational video series Educational brochures Posters Stories Pictures CHANNELS Training sessions Information sessions Cooking event

3 External communications plan - template
Objective Target audience Key messages Communications material Communications channel Schedule Responsible Budget Raise awareness of water challenges in Example city Citizens in Example city xxx Newspaper article Local newspaper Feb 2016 N.N. 600 $ Local women entrepreneurs in Example city Brochure Training event Mar 2016 400 $

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