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Respiratory System.

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1 Respiratory System

2 Objectives State the structures that make up the respiratory system
Describe the function of the respiratory system

3 Introduction Works closely with the circulatory system in serving to supply the body with oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide Provides an exchange of gases between the animal and the environment

4 Structures Begins at the nostrils or nares
Creates an airway and help trap dust and foreign particles within the upper airway to prevent entry into the lungs Have the ability of raising the temperature of cold air before entering the lungs Mouth also serves as an airway that leads to the respiratory system

5 Structures Continued Pharynx or throat area is common passageway for air and food Larynx lies within the throat and is cartilage that opens into the airway Glottis opens into the larynx and has a covering called the epiglottis that prevents food from entering the airway and lungs during swallowing

6 Structures Continued Trachea is the windpipe and is the airway that needs to be established during anesthesia Made of cartilage and forms a tube that connects the pharynx to the lungs Two branches that lead to each lung Branches called bronchi Bronchi are large passages connected to lungs through tiny tubes called bronchioles Connect through tiny sacs of air called alveoli Alveoli exchange oxygen ad carbon dioxide in the blood These branches connect to the lungs

7 Structures Continued Each lung surrounds the heart and inflates with air during breathing Lungs are main organ of respiration Lining of lungs called pleura which contains a fluid that allows the lungs to function and exchange oxygen this allows the process of respiration to occur

8 Respiration Act of inhalation and exhalation creating breath
Inhalation is the act of inhaling or taking in air to the lungs with the nostrils and trachea opening Rib muscles expand or relax and the diaphragm contracts Thoracic cavity or chest cavity enlarges and air rushes in

9 Respiration Continued
Exhalation or to exhale is the act of air flowing out of the lungs Relation of the trachea and nostrils occurs, causing the rib muscles to contract and the size of the thoracic cavity to decrease as air flows out

10 Respiration Continued
Respiration or breathing is controlled by the respiratory center of the brain by an involuntary action Respiratory rate (RR) is controlled and affected by several factors including: excitement, body temperature, exercise and activity, fever or pain, and oxygen levels in the blood

11 Normal Respiratory Rates of Animals (breaths per minute)
Dog 16-20 br/min Cat 22-26 br/min Rabbit 30-60 br/min Guinea Pig br/min Horse 12-15 br/min Cow 30-35 br/min Pig Chicken 36-40 br/min Sheep/Goat 20-22 br/min

12 Diseases and Conditions
Disorders are common and often results of bacterial or viral infections Some may be result of trauma

13 Upper Respiratory Infection
URI Signs include: sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge, ocular discharge, wheezing and difficulty breathing

14 Pneumonia Causes lungs to become inflamed
Two types: bacterial and viral Advanced stages can develop into a pleural friction rub Abnormal lung sound that develops May cause crackling noise called crackles or rales which will sound like cellophane paper being folded

15 Asthma Condition in which the lungs have difficulty taking in enough oxygen Can lead to condition where lack of oxygen can cause animal’s mucous membranes to turn blue called cyanosis During attack sounds of wheezing can be heard Medications known as bronchodilators

16 Kennel Cough (Bordetella)
AKA Tracheobronchitis Causes severe an chronic cough mostly in dogs Some dogs will also develop nasal and coughing discharge Vaccination is typically a nasal spray

17 Shipping Fever Condition that occurs in livestock that are transported
Causes respiratory infection that affects the lungs and chest cavity, causing a severe problem that can be fatal Shipping can be stressful and can cause overheating where bacteria commonly grow and poor sanitation within a trailer can cause disease to spread rapidly Antibiotics and proper sanitation are key Signs include: fever, nasal discharge, and coughing Vaccine can be given to cattle 3-4 week prior to shipping Proper trailer ventilation and sanitation are best methods to prevent the disease

18 Diaphragmatic Hernia Caused by severe trauma (hit by a car)
Affects the diaphragm by causing a tear in the chest muscle that internal organs may protrude through Causes inability of the lungs to expand properly and labored and difficult breathing to occur Surgical correction is necessary

19 Heaves Horses are affected Caused by allergy (usually dust)
Common term for COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Lifelong condition that can be controlled by antihistamines and steroids Horses may need to be housed outside and may need hay source watered down to reduce dust spores Horses tire easily, have labored or difficulty breathing and exhibit nasal discharge, coughing and wheezing

20 Roaring Hoses Causes a sound (like a roar) due to the larynx only opening a small amount due to a trauma on the nerves of the throat area May be controlled with activity limitations and medications Severe trauma and breathing problems may be corrected surgically

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