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[w] Water, war, wish, word, wings [t]

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Presentation on theme: "[w] Water, war, wish, word, wings [t]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [w] Water, war, wish, word, wings [t] Two, ten, team, tent, tool, trip, tree [d] Down, duck, dream, drive, drink [g] Grass, go, gold, bid, dog, glue, get


3 grasshopper mosquito wasp dragonfly fly ladybird butterfly bee

4 There are about 10 million types of insects in the world.
1.How many insects are there in the world? 2.Where do they live? 3.Why are insects important? 4.What can bees do? There are about 10 million types of insects in the world. They live near water, in fields, parks, forests, gardens and our homes. They keep our gardens clean and they are food for birds and animals. Bees can make honey.

5 Fill in the cluster NAMES CAN I N S E C T S TYPES BODY

6 Today at our lesson I have
found out (выяснил)… learnt (узнал) … read (прочитал)… listened to (послушал)… discussed (обсудил)…

7 Homework Learn new words on the page 73.
Make a passport of your favourite insect according to the plan.

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