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Investment opportunities OF ZHAMBYL REGION in tourism

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1 Investment opportunities OF ZHAMBYL REGION in tourism

2 DOING BUSINESS RATING 35 41 +16 75,09% 70,45% +4,64% Doing Business
2017 2016 Change in rank 2017 (%) 2016 (%) in rank (%) 35 41 +16 75,09% 70,45% +4,64% Topics Rank DB 2017 Rank  DB 2016 Change in rank Создание предприятий  45 54 9 Dealing with construction permits 22 78 56 Registering property 18 - Protecting minority investors 3 25 Paying taxes 60 57 Enforcing contracts  Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

3 Investment preferences
Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated of October 29 in 2015 № 375-V Release from payment of the customs duties to 5 years on the import of the imported equipment, components, raw materials and spare parts. The state natural grants in the form of land, buildings, machinery, equipment, transport and others. Tax privileges exemption from payment of corporate income tax and land tax for 10 years, as well as from the payment of property tax for 8 years. Investment subsidy investment subsidies, providing compensation to 30% of the actual costs for the construction and purchase of equipment. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

4 Protection of the rights of investors in Kazakhstan
Entrepreneurship Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 29, 2015 No. 375-V GUARANTEE OF LEGAL PROTECTION OF INVESTORS GUARANTEE ON USE OF INCOME PUBLICITY OF THE STATE ACTIVITY IN RESPECT OF INVESTORS GUARANTEES OF INVESTORS’ RIGHTS AT NATIONALIZATION AND REQUISITES The 3-rd place among 189 countries for protection of investors – "Doing Business" Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

5 Additional guarantees of investors’ protection
Agreements on mutual protection and encouragement of investmentswith 48 countries USA Slovakia Egypt Macedonia Russia Turkey Azerbaijan Qatar Afghanistan Jordan Hungary Sweden Austria Serbia Israel Netherlands Tajikistan Vietnam Armenia Malaysia Latvia China Germany Switzerland Belgium-Luxembourg Union Finland India Poland Uzbekistan Japan Georgia Mongolia Lithuania Korea Greece Estonia Bulgaria France Iran Romania Ukraine Member States of the Eurasian Economic Community Kyrgyzstan Pakistan Kuwait Spain United Kingdom Czech Republic Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

6 Протяженность маршрута, км (численность населения)
ЖАМБЫЛСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ Месторасположение: юг Казахстана, граничит: на севере с Карагандинской, на востоке - Алматинской, на западе - Южно-Казахстанской областями, на юге - с Киргизской Республикой. Территория: 144,3 тыс. кв. км (5,3% территории страны) Население: свыше 1,1 млн. чел. (6,2% от населения страны). Плотность населения: 7,1 человек на 1 кв. км Административно-территориальное деление: 10 районов, областной центр - Тараз, 3 города районного подчинения - Каратау, Жанатас, 379 населенных пунктов Протяженность маршрута, км (численность населения) Алматы (1,9 млн.), Астана (880 тыс.), Шымкент (2,7 млн.), Бишкек (Киргизия - 6 млн.), Ташкент (Узбекистан - 32 млн.) , Омск (1,1 млн.), Оренбург (564 тыс.), Урумчи (Урумчи - 3,5 млн., Китай - 1,38 млрд.) Контакты: Казахстан, Жамбылская область, г. Тараз, ул. Толе би, 93 А, тел./факс: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

7 Tourism For information support purposes, the CSE
HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL TOURISM - more than 2,000 historical, archaeological and architectural monuments the oldest legacy of the Great Silk Road ECOLOGICAL TOURISM - a variety of natural areas (mountains, steppes, deserts) Unique species of flora and fauna (more than 3 thousand species of plants, More than 158 species of animals and 260 species of birds) ACTIVE TOURISM TYPES - mountain tourism, water sports, fishing, hunting, rallying, motocross, and others. The total area of hunting grounds is 14 thousand hectares (40 species of animals). The fish fund (28 thousand hectares) includes 59 water bodies suitable for fishing. For information support purposes, the CSE "Tourist Information Center "Taraz-Tourism" Construction of roadside service complexes Number of projects: 7 complexes of categories A and B The required amount of investments for 1 complex: million USD Investment projects requiring investments Construction of a ski resort "Karalma“ (250 million USD) Agro-tourist complex "Altyn Bulak" (3 million USD) Tourist complex with yurt town "Koksay" (3.1 million USD) Tourist complex on the coast of Lake Balkhash (up to 1 million USD) Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

8 Investment projects requiring financing in tourism sphere

9 Transport and logistics center based on the international airport "Aulie-Ata"
Initiator of the project:"International Airport" Aulie-Ata JSC in cooperation with SCAT Airline JSC Purpose of the project: creation of the transport and logistic center on the basis of the international airport "Auliye-Ata" Taraz (creation of cargo terminal of “A” class, expansion the geography of flights, purchase of special equipment) Capacity of the project: - passengers: people / hour; - cargo: 10 thousand tons / year (airports of Bishkek and Almaty receive about tons of cargo per day) Approximate value of the project: $ 3, 957 million Assets of the initiator:own fund is $ , functioning assets of the company (airport, infrastructure, etc.) Required investment : $ 3,165 million Target direction of investment: cargo terminal: equipment $ 2 million, construction - $ 1,957 million Terms of the project implementation: 2018 Internal passenger traffic: Astana, Almaty, Aktau, Atyrau, Karagandy International passenger traffic: Moscow, Istanbul, Urumchi. Cargo and passenger transit: Tajikistan/India - Russia; Southeast Asia - Europe; The Middle East – Siberia Current status of the project: constructed a new runway in 2013; reconstructed passenger terminal, area sq.m in 2015, with the capacity for 200 passengers / hour. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

10 Construction of the ski resort
Initiator of the project: akimat of Zhambyl region, "NC" SEC "Taraz“ JSC Purpose of the project: construction of the Karalma ski resort Capacity of the project: - quantity of ropeways – 4 pieces. - extent of skiing runs – m. - extent of ropeways – m. - high-rise difference of ropeways – m. - number of skiers – people per year - one-time capacity of the resort – people. Indicators of a ski resort :- lower elevation is meters; - top elevation mark is meters; - elevation difference – meters Services: ropeways, skiing runs and the related service infrastructure (hotels, cafe, etc.) Market: local population, CIS, Near Abroad. Approximate value of the project: $ 292 million; Project location: Zhambyl region, Zhualy area, Karalma canyon, Tattybai village (20 km. from the district center) Current status of the project: allocation of the land plot and development of the feasibility report are planned Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

11 Construction of the tourist complex "Koksay"
Initiator of the project: «Baiterek Travel Center» LLP Purpose of the project: construction of an all-season yurt town with a modern hotel for tourists at «Koksay» canyon Capacity of the project: - 21 national yurtas - hotel for 120 beds - restaurant for 200 people Approximate value of the project: $ 3,125 million Required investments: $ 3,125 million Project location: Zhambyl region, Zhualy district, Tattybai Duisebayuly village Period of the project implementation: Current status of the project: infrastructure has been completed, draft of the project has been developed, detailed design of the project is required. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

12 Formation of Altyn-Bulak agro-tourist complex
Initiator of the project: “Altyn-Bylak“ farm Purpose of the project: construction of the agro-tourist complex "Altyn-Bulak“ and organization of recreation for Kazakhstan and foreign tourists, for family, individual and corporate recreation. Period of the project implementation: Approximate value of the project: $ 2,6 million Required investments: $ 2,1 million Capacity of the project: - up to 24,000 vocationers / year; - 30 cottages for 200 people; - golf course with an area of ​​5 hectares. Project location: Zhambyl region, Zhambyl district, Shaykoryk village Assets of the initiator: - own fund of $ 520 thousand; - land plot of ​​10 hectares; - an apple orchard and vineyards; - natural reservoir, with in area of ​​2.5 hectares. Current status of the project: infrastructure has been completed, construction works are underway (40% of the complex has been built), there are all the title documents ready. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

13 Roadside service complex
Purpose of the project: construction of a roadside service complex for heavy truck transport, passenger buses and cars along the international road "Western Europe - Western China“ Capacity of the project: - В category hotel; - catering station; - gas station; - parking place; - technical service station; - tourist center; - medical point; Approximate value of the project: $ 2,5 million Required investment: $ 2,5 million Assets of the initiator: there is land plot with an area of 3 hectares and further expansion is planning up to 7 hectares Period of the project implementation: Project location: Zhambyl region, Zhualyn district, along the route "Almaty - Shymkent" Current state of the project: project is at the stage of development, technical conditions are obtained. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

14 Roadside service complex Trakstop "Shakpakskie vorota"
Purpose of the project: construction of the roadside service complex for heavy trucks, passenger buses and cars along the international road "Western Europe - Western China“ Capacity of the complex: - В category hotel; - catering station; - gas station; - parking place; - technical service station; - tourist center; - medical point; Approximate value of the project: $ 2 million Requiring investment: $ 2 million Project location: Zhambyl region, Zhualynsky district, 582 km road "Almaty-Tashkent-Termez“ Period of the project implementation: Assets of the initiator: land port with an area of 4 hectares. Current status of the project: there are technical specifications from the National Road Operator of Kazakhstan NC "KazavtoZhol“ JSC and topographic survey. Design-estimate documentation, financial and economic model of the project are at the final stage. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

15 Construction and operation of the roadside service complex
The essence of the project: construction and exploitation of the roadside service complex of category "A" on the international highway "Western Europe - Western China“ Capacity of the project: - roadside service from 360 to 400 thousand people per year; - “A” category camping for 60 beds; - catering service for 250 people contemporaneously;  - medical point;  - gas station;  - technical service station;  - minimarket with an area of 100 square meters;  - parking place for 80 cars Approximate value of the project: $ 700 million Requiring investment: : $ 700 million Project location: Zhambyl region, Merke district Period of the project implementation: Assets of the initiator: land plot with an area of 7.5 hectares, located in Merke district, on 325 km of the Almaty-Tashkent-Termez road along the Western Europe-Western China international road. Current status of the project: technical conditions were obtained from "NC" KazAvtoZhol“ JSC, project is at the stage of development. Contacts: Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, str. Tole bi, 93 A, phone / fax: 8 (72 62) , , Е-mail:

DEPARTMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INDUSTRIAL-INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF AKIMAT IN ZHAMBYL REGION THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION!!! Contacts: Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz city, Zhambyl region, Tole bi, 93 А, BC “Arai Plaza”, 6-th floor Ph./fax: + 7 (72 62) , Е-mail:

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