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“NIM” Paper Cy Hoffman.

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1 “NIM” Paper Cy Hoffman

2 Focus on analysis methods and what has changed since Grito.
This is paper is a vehicle to making analysis papers go out faster. If what we publish in this paper is not what we do in our analysis, then the this paper will not be as useful. Elements may be published elsewhere which will reduce the length, publication time.

3 Outline Introduction: (bla bla bla novel new detector bla bla bla) Detector Description: (Heavily reference Grito and stress differences, improvements) Reservoir -GS (not much needed) Liner/Cover -GS (not much needed) Inflation/Installation -MS/DC(?) (new to Milagro) PMTs/Baffles - DW (Baffles new and important) Outrigger Array -TS(?)/GBY (lots of stuff here. ORs new to Milagro) Water System MS DAQ/Trigger BD Repairs and Maintenance -BD Plots: OR diagram OR layout

4 Outline (cont.) Plots Historic on-time
Operation of Milagro: Calibration AJS,BD,NYU Pedestal shift -CL Alignment - Zenith Align, Pointing Accuracy, Precision AJS Online Reconstruction -AJS Data handling -AJS Online analysis -AJS GCN ?? Plots Historic on-time Calibration Diagram (In print? ICRC?)

5 Outline (cont.) Detector Simulation
Corsika -VV GEANT -VV PMT -VV Water Tests -MS Detailed explanation of g4sim will be relegated to a separate paper.

6 Outline (cont.) Event Reconstruction Plots: Core Fitting -AJS??
Angle Fitting -AJS?? Curvature Sampling Gamma/Hadron Separation: -AA Compactness A4 Plots: DelEO (???) Gamma/Hadron variables for MC gammas, MC hadrons, data

7 Outline (cont.) Background Estimation -GW
Direct Integration ROI exclusion Anisotropy (Mention this. It is important to the limit) Ref. paper by RF/LF and Cygnus (expt. not region) Plots: Allsky signif. distribution

8 Outline (cont.) Significance Computation -JL/AJS Plots:
Event Weighting (gamma/hadron weighting) PSF Weighting Plots: Sensitivity improvement for various spectra for given assumed spectra. (This could be separate paper, in which case this lengthy section could be replaced by a shorter section with a reference to the paper.)

9 Outline (cont.) Energy Spectrum Estimation BA/GBY Energy estimators
Fit method Precision (Reference separate spectral analysis paper) (Does the moon belong here as a verification of the energy scale?) Plot showing dE vs E.

10 Outline (cont.) The Crab Nebula - A Demonstration of Milagro’s sensitivity Verification of gamma/hadron variables Verification of point spread function Measurement of flux and spectrum Plots: “sigma” map PSF plot Gamma/hadron comparison Spectrum

11 What’s Missing? GRB Analysis Extended source sensitivity ????

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