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CSC Synchronization Procedure and Plans

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1 CSC Synchronization Procedure and Plans
CMS Endcap Muon FNAL October 29, 2004 Jay Hauser* / Martin Von der Mey / Yangheng Zheng University of California, Los Angeles What is done now What should be done

2 General ~Trigger-Centric View
Make sure to disable interaction between different TMB/DMB setups in one crate. Adjust L1A time on the CCB to get fixed 2.9us for CFEB-L1A-LCT. For different DMBs in the same crate use DMB registers to equalize. Adjust transmit/receive phases on the TMB for CFEBand ALCT within 25ns base period to get proper data transmission between boards. Put trigger and readout signals in the middle of numerous several-bx time coincidence windows on ALCT, TMB, DMB. Time in DMB such that TMB and ALCT signals get latched correctly inside FIFOs. Adjust ALCT fine delay timing to get events in ~1 bx at SP (for synchronous or semi-synchronous beam) Equalize time of arrival of LCT signals at SP. Use TMB delays. Equalize BX numbers for DAQ readout. Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

3 Step 1: Adjusting Clock Phases
TMB has several adjustments: CFEB-TMB has “receive” phase ALCT-TMB has “transmit” and “receive” phases Use CFEB pulse injection or cosmic muons. Faster with pulse injection. Use test strip pulses to pulse wires. Inject 6 layer hits. Read out TMB and compare. Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

4 TMB-CFEB Block Diagram
Crate Master clock TMB TMB Master clock Latch data in CLCT section Comp. delay Data Delay Devices 2ns/bin 40 MHz clock Comparator data CFEB (1 of 5) Clock and data on same 6-15m Skewclear cable Adjust comparator clock phase to middle of ~12ns window where data is latched correctly by TMB Comparators

5 Active Pulsing of CFEB Front Ends
Tasks using CFEB pulsing: Generate ½ -strip patterns for all layers: Buckeye ASIC - all channels have capacitors with 4 charge levels that can be preset (0,1,2,3) “left half-strip” puts strip charges at ….,0,0,2,3,1,0,0… “right half-strip” puts strip charges at …,0,0,1,3,2,0,0… Load pattern and pulse height into the ASICs. Take staggering into account. Single VME command to DMB pulses loaded channels. Loaded patterns give e.g. 6-layer CLCTs. Compare TMB readout with loaded pattern. Vary 40 MHz clock phase from TMB to comparators until patterns correctly found. Patterns can be swept across entire chamber and checked Checks all Buckeye, comparator, and CFEB-TMB Skewclear cable channels No gas, HV, etc. needed. HV should be off. Interference with cosmic muons. Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

6 CFEB Clock Phase Determination
Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

7 CFEB Pulse Pattern Injector
Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

8 Active Pulsing of Test Strips (ALCT Timing)
Two tasks for ALCT : How it’s done: CCB provides 500ns gate to make the ALCT test strip pulses. This pulses go through the ALCT (lemo connector) to the test strips. Capacitive coupling between test strips and anode wire groups gives pulses on leading and trailing edges of 500ns pulse All test strips fire on leading edge Hot wire mask on ALCT board  Select ALCT patterns with 6 hits (quality=3). Create 2 muons mask. Like CFEB, vary 40 MHz receive and send phases until optimum data transmission from TMB to and from ALCT Find optimum in 2D matrix of receive/send clock phases Scan patterns across chamber to find bad AFEB/ALCT channels Advantages: Set up phases of 80 MHz clock TMB to and from ALCT with high reliability without HV, gas, or cosmic ray data Check all AFEB, ALCT, and Skewclear channels through the system What previously took days now takes minutes The HV should be off. Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

9 TMB-ALCT Block Diagram
Crate Master clock TMB TMB Master clock ALCT section Latch input ALCT data Adjust ALCTtx for optimal latching of ALCT output data at TMB Latch output ALCT commands ALCT -RX clock 2ns/bin CCB test pulse commands Adjust ALCTrx for optimal latching TMB output data at ALCT ALCT -TX clock TMB pass- through 2ns/bin ALCT commands ALCT data ALCT ALCT Master clock ALCT Main FPGA Internal test pulse via VME command to TMB Adjust Delay ASICs for max. probability for ALCTs to come in one BX Asynch. test pulse from VME write to CCB Delay ASICs ALCT latch raw data Synch. test pulse from TTC command or VME write to CCB Main FPGA OR ~2.2ns/bin AFEB CSC Test Pulse Strips Test pulse to AFEB amplifier or test strips (select via VME write to TMB to ALCT Slow Control FPGA register) AFEB data

10 ALCT Clock Phases Determination
Receive Phase Setting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Transmit Phase Setting 108 Good settings Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

11 AFEB Pulse Pattern Injector
Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

12 Step 2: Adjusting L1A at CFEBs
Firmware in CFEBs uses L1A to LCT delay at 2.9us So far, experts adjust DMB timing according to observations with oscilloscope at CFEB. Difficult but possible for slice tests Impossible in situ for CMS CMS plan: calculate cable lengths etc. and have firmware for all required delays Is this good enough? Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

13 Step 3: Putting Signals in Windows
Most important settings: CCB/TTC delay of 2.9us between L1A and LCT on CFEBs. On DMB: TMB pretrigger to L1A delay For CFEB readout. Use DMB front-panel gizmo to set. On ALCT: L1A delay Initiates rawhits readout. On CLCT: L1A delay Initiates readout. Use TMB scope. On TMB: ALCT valid pattern flag Reads out ALCT. On TMB: ALCT-CLCT coincidence delay For matched LCT to MPC. Can use TMB scope or DQM, etc. On TMB: RPC-LCT coincidence delay For matched RPC to LCT (if desired). Use TMB scope or DQM. On DMB: ALCT data-available to L1A delay For ALCT FIFO readout. Scan until ALCTs read out efficiently. On DMB: CLCT data-available to L1A delay For CLCT/TMB FIFO readout. Scan until CLCTs read out efficiently. On DMB: CFEB data-available to L1A delay Etc. etc. Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

14 TMB-DMB Block Diagram TMB
TTC/CCB Crate Master Clock, L1A (external L1A = LHC & Test Beam operation modes) TMB DMB TMB Master Clock, L1A DMB Master Clock, L1A CLCT DAV delay L1A*CLCT DAV Coinc. CLCT-DAV LCT-L1A Coinc. starts TMB readout CLCT Readout queue CLCT FIFO DMB-DDU readout Controller logic ALCT DAV delay L1A*ALCT DAV Coinc. ALCT-DAV LCT -read delay LCTs to MPC From ALCT readout queue ALCT FIFO CFEB DAV Coinc. CFEB Clock phase L1A delay L1A ALCT/ CLCT/ RPC Coincidence RPC delay 1 ns/bin CFEB DAV delay CFEBs “hit” Auto set Cable Equal. delay AFF (Active FEB Flags) Cable Equal. delay CFEB FIFOs (5) CFEB -DAV CLCT Final logic CFEB AFF-L1A Coinc. Starts CFEB digi. & readout RPC logic AFF delay ALCT delay Output FPGA fixed CFEB Clock SCAs, ADCs, Memories From RPC/ RAT Store SCA data command From ALCT CLCT pre-trigger logic Comparators

15 Step 4: Adjust ALCT Fine Timing
Scan 0-25 ns delays in 2.2ns steps Try to get >99% or so of ALCTs in 1 bx Works well for synchronous beam Doesn’t work well for cosmics/asynchronous beam Big improvement to set up synchronous gating during asynchronous test beam: Sometimes delay setting moves ALCTs to a different bx window  back to previous step for iteration. N.B. In CMS will need several adjustments per chamber (TOF varies by ~6ns, also cable delays) Clock Gate Accepted Scint. Coinc. Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

16 Step 5. Equalize time of arrival of LCTs at SP
All chambers in crate must be equalized using delays on the TMB. (to the slowest) Then the various crates must be equalized (to the slowest!) Then need to equalize with Drift Tube LCTs For overlap-region muons (whichever is slowest!) Simple adjustment in TMB to delay signals At test beam, used long input FIFO of SP (?) Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

17 Step 6. Equalize BX numbers for DAQ readout
Also low-order bits go to SP Never properly worked out at test beam Different boards used different algorithms: DMB, CFEB, DDU reset on BC0 ALCT, CLCT reset on BXReset only Orbit was not reliably 924 crossings RPCs used LHC orbit (3564 or something) Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

18 Eventual LHC Operation
Many synchronizations are done easily with real LHC beams Synchronous beam Rate is high Cabling is “permanent” There are easy-to-find gaps in the orbit structure Can turn on with one bunch per orbit, for example (Wesley) Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

19 Eventual LHC Operation
However: We will want to exercise a working system long before LHC turn-on There are 486 chambers to time in The trigger has to be timed to the very slowest chamber (longest TOF+cable runs, etc.) Chambers and even peripheral crates are inaccessible There could be long-term shifts in timing – constant automated monitoring is advisable How to do large-scale slice test at SX5? How to do anything after disks lowered but still <<LHC?? Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

20 Endcap Muon meeting @ FNAL
Summary Synchronization is pretty hard I’ve certainly overlooked a lot of steps Any improvements in synchronization “technology” will pay off big-time (Lev’s BC0 handling for trigger path?) It would be nice to automate more of the currently manual procedures Timing diagrams updated at Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

21 Additional Slides Follow
Endcap Muon FNAL 10/29/2004

22 CSC Peripheral Crate Timing 04-Mar-2004
This note at TTC distribution to peripheral crate cards TMB-CFEB diagram TMB-ALCT diagram Details of L1A-LCT coincidences in TMB & DMB TMB clocking to MPC (CCB-TTC clocking details)

23 Master Clock Distribution in CSC Peripheral Crates
CCB TTC TTCrx Phase adjustment 0.1 ns/bin (unused so far) Crate Master clock: Isochronous backplane distribution TMB 1 DMB 1 TMB 9 DMB 9 MPC TTC command and data strobes are delayed along with the phase adjustment so as to remain within 25ns latch window

24 TMB-CFEB Block Diagram
Crate Master clock TMB TMB Master clock Latch data in CLCT section Comp. delay Data Delay Devices 2ns/bin 40 MHz clock Comparator data CFEB (1 of 5) Clock and data on same 6-15m Skewclear cable Adjust comparator clock phase to middle of ~12ns window where data is latched correctly by TMB Comparators

25 TMB-ALCT Block Diagram
Crate Master clock TMB TMB Master clock ALCT section Latch input ALCT data Adjust ALCTtx for optimal latching of ALCT output data at TMB Latch output ALCT commands ALCT -RX clock 2ns/bin CCB test pulse commands Adjust ALCTrx for optimal latching TMB output data at ALCT ALCT -TX clock TMB pass- through 2ns/bin ALCT commands ALCT data ALCT ALCT Master clock ALCT Main FPGA Internal test pulse via VME command to TMB Adjust Delay ASICs for max. probability for ALCTs to come in one BX Asynch. test pulse from VME write to CCB Delay ASICs ALCT latch raw data Synch. test pulse from TTC command or VME write to CCB Main FPGA OR ~2.2ns/bin AFEB CSC Test Pulse Strips Test pulse to AFEB amplifier or test strips (select via VME write to TMB to ALCT Slow Control FPGA register) AFEB data

26 TMB-ALCT Timing Discussion I
Definitions: T=Skewclear cable and buffer delay (~30-75ns) dtRX=adjustable delay time for ALCTrx dtTX=adjustable delay time for ALCTtx Let phase of TMB master clock be defined as =0 Then Step 1 of timing-in optimizes data transfer from ALCT to TMB: ALCT data to TMB is received (latched) in the TMB at phase=0. ALCT data to TMB is sent (latched) at the ALCT at phase=mod[T+ dtTX, 25ns]. Step 2 of the timing-in procedure optimizes commands from TMB to ALCT: TMB commands to ALCT are sent (latched) in the TMB at phase= mod[dtRX, 25ns]. TMB commands to ALCT are received (latched) at the ALCT at phase=mod[T+ dtTX, 25ns]. Since the latter depends on dtTX, this procedure must be done after Step 1.

27 TMB-ALCT Timing Discussion II
Note bene: there are certain values of dtRX that can cause meta-stable TMB output latching (those that are close to 25ns boundary between TMB internal clock cycles). Therefore, it may be necessary to iterate Steps 1 and 2 to find the widest time windows for simultaneous data transfer in both directions. Note that DDD (new) and PHOS4 (old) delay chips both have t0’s that vary chip-to-chip, so the phase of the hole varies between TMBs. Once this is set, it is then necessary to adjust integer-BX delays and timing windows on ALCT, TMB, and DMB for L1A coincidence to ensure efficient triggering and readout. Nominal window Possible hole dtRX e

28 TMB-ALCT Timing Discussion III
Final step of phase adjustment procedure after TMB-ALCT communication is optimized: Adjust ALCT Delay ASICs to get the maximum probability for ALCTs to come in one BX. In case of LHC or structured beam, this is easy based on data analysis. In case of asynchronous cosmic rays or test beam: This is meaningless except for trying to get good relative timing between multiple chambers. One can use scintillators and a coincidence with a short pulse (few ns) synchronized with the peripheral crate clock to get semi-synchronous external cosmic ray trigger.

29 TMB-DMB Block Diagram TMB
TTC/CCB Crate Master Clock, L1A (external L1A = LHC & Test Beam operation modes) TMB DMB TMB Master Clock, L1A DMB Master Clock, L1A CLCT DAV delay L1A*CLCT DAV Coinc. CLCT-DAV LCT-L1A Coinc. starts TMB readout CLCT Readout queue CLCT FIFO DMB-DDU readout Controller logic ALCT DAV delay L1A*ALCT DAV Coinc. ALCT-DAV LCT -read delay LCTs to MPC From ALCT readout queue ALCT FIFO CFEB DAV Coinc. CFEB Clock phase L1A delay L1A ALCT/ CLCT/ RPC Coincidence RPC delay 1 ns/bin CFEB DAV delay CFEBs “hit” Auto set Cable Equal. delay AFF (Active FEB Flags) Cable Equal. delay CFEB FIFOs (5) CFEB -DAV CLCT Final logic CFEB AFF-L1A Coinc. Starts CFEB digi. & readout RPC logic AFF delay ALCT delay Output FPGA fixed CFEB Clock SCAs, ADCs, Memories From RPC/ RAT Store SCA data command From ALCT CLCT pre-trigger logic Comparators

30 TMB-DMB Timing Discussion I
2.9 us for AFF to L1A now set manually by looking on oscilloscope at CFEB to adjust the L1A timing. At LHC L1A timing will be a fixed constant determined by the global CMS trigger. The firmware on the CFEB contains a fixed pipeline (not adjustable). TMB knobs (default settings): ALCT-CLCT coincidence delay for ALCT (8 bx), width (3 bx) RPC-CLCT coincidence delay for RPC (20 bx?), width (1 bx?) – to be determined. L1A coincidence delay (128=0x80 bx), width (3 bx) DMB knobs (default settings): AFF-to-L1A delay (116 bx), coincidence width (3 bx) L1A to CFEB-DAV (Data Available) delay (0x18 bx), coincidence width (2 bx) L1A to ALCT-DAV (Data Available) delay (4 bx), coincidence width (2 bx) L1A to CLCT-DAV (Data Available) delay (0x15 bx), coincidence width (2 bx) CFEB Cable Equalization delay (0 bx) – to be added

31 Crate Master 40 & 80 MHz clocks
TMB-MPC Block Diagram Crate Master 40 & 80 MHz clocks TMB MPC TMB Master clock MPC Master 40 &80 MHz clocks DLL makes 80 MHz, phase=0 80 MHz VCX0 Winner Bits Optical to Track Finder at 80 MHz 40 MHz Select Winner bits pointer MPC Master phase ALCT-CLCT-RPC coincidence logic LCT Readout Controller Sort best 3/18 logic 0.25 ns/bin LCTs at 80 MHz on backplane 40-to-80 MHz MUX Clk. Mult. to 80 MHz Latch and de-mux TMB LCT data MPC Latch Delay is adjusted to middle of latch window for data from all 9 TMBs. Winner bits come back to TMB about 8 clock cycles after LCTs sent to MPC (Pointer to data in pipeline should be fixed for all time) Phase of Winner bits to TMB may need adjustment on TMB end.

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