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Theories of where life came from

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1 Theories of where life came from
Life Origins Theories of where life came from

2 Spontaneous generation
Called abiogenesis The Idea that life can come from Non-Life. Ex. Mice appear in a jar of grain covered by a dirty shirt abiogenesis

3 Francisco Redi Proved that maggots do not spontaneously form on meat

4 Redi’s experiment Open jar  maggots Sealed jar  no maggots
Cloth covered jar (air)  no maggots

5 Spallanzani Proved microorganisms could not grow without particles from air settling in broth Open  grew bacteria Closed  no bacteria

6 Louis Pasteur Improved Spallanzani’s experiment by using a curved swan neck flask

7 Pasteur's experiment Allowed air, but no dust into broth.
No microorganisms grew Until he broke off neck

8 So where did life come from?

9 A - Spontaneous formation in primordial soup
The theory that just the right combination of elements, compounds and energy formed the first biomolecules which then assembled itself into first life One Time Event

10 B - Panspermia Theory that life is of Extra Terrestrial origin
1) Organic compounds brought on meteor 2) Aliens “seeded” life

11 C – Life Was Created Creationism - The belief that a supreme being or God created life from non-life in the beginning Intelligent design - The theory that life is so complex it indicates a designer behind its formation (not necessarily God)

12 Origin of the universe Big Bang Theory – The idea that the universe all started in the same place and expanded outward

13 Big Bang was 15 Billion years ago (maybe 13 -14 Billion )

14 Evidence of big bang The Universe is expanding. Proved by two things
Red Shift of galaxies Background radiation of 3 degrees Kelvin

15 3 degrees Kelvin Radio telescope (in Holmdel NJ) picked up radio waves emitted from the left over heat energy from the big bang. 1965

16 Red shift When the lines in a galaxy’s or star’s spectrum shift into the red part of the spectrum, as it moves away. Shows us that all stars and galaxies are moving away from a central point

17 Solar system formation
Large clouds of gas and dust were pulled together due to gravity. The pressure causes stars to form and ignite. Planets are made of extra debris left over

18 Solar System Solar system formation is estimated at 5 billion years ago The estimated age of earth 4.6 billion years

19 Earth’s atmosphere Came from volcanoes emitting gas
Also may have come from comets

20 Earth’s early atmosphere
Contained NH3, H2, H2O and CH3 Maybe Oxygen? Sunlight releases O2 from H2O O2 causes oxidation (breakdown) of biomolecules

21 Oparin’s hypothesis He believed that the early atmosphere contained ammonia, hydrogen gas, water vapor and methane Warm temperatures and lightning could have caused organic compounds to form

22 Miller – Urey experiment 1953
Tried to recreate original conditions Formed some amino acids Problems: -Too much O2 oxidizes -Too hot, denatures Mostly discredited

23 EVIDENCE Possibly Supporting spontaneous origin of life

24 Microspheres 1957 Fox produced tiny microspheres made of amino acids that would reproduce by budding , but DID NOT pass on any genetic information

25 Coacervates Tiny formations of molecules, mostly lipids, held together by hydrophobic forces. Maybe these forces held biomolecules together long enough to form life

26 Ribosymes RNA that can act as an enzyme
Would help before proteins first made

27 Cyanobacteria Possibly first photosynthetic bacteria
Produced O2 for atmosphere O3 (Ozone)

28 Endosymbiosis theory Mutually beneficial relationship where one prokaryote lives in another forming Eukaryote Explains why mitochondria and Chloroplasts have DNA

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