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The Role of Women in the Church

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1 The Role of Women in the Church
Lesson 18: The Role of Women in the Church

2 The Role of Women in the Church
The Role of Women in the Church Is an Important, But Sensitive Subject. Some individuals may not even know why this subject needs to be studied and taught. Some individuals may be offended that this subject is being studied and taught. The reality is that “the role of women in the church” is a Bible subject, therefore, it must be studied and taught. But, we must limit ourselves to what the Bible says about it. Some churches of Christ are struggling with this subject. These are questions that some churches are trying to answer.

3 The Role of Women in the Church
God Has Designed Both Similarities and Differences in Men and Women. God made men and women to be different. God made men and women to be equal. God gave men and women different roles in the church. Before we examine those roles, we need to understand the nature of different roles. Having different roles does NOT suggest that one is superior and one is inferior. Having different roles does NOT mean any preferential treatment is being shown.

4 The Role of Women in the Church
God Has Specified Roles in the Church for Men and Women. The book of First Timothy was written to give instructions on proper “conduct” in the “house of God, which is the church of the living God” (1 Tim. 3:15). God specified the roles of leadership for the men in the church. God specified men to be leaders in the church as elders (1 Tim. 3:2). God specified men to be leaders in the church as deacons (1 Tim. 3:11- 12). God specified men to be leaders in the worship of the church (1 Tim. 2:8).

5 The Role of Women in the Church
God Has Specified Roles in the Church for Men and Women. God specified the role of submission for the women in the church. The Greek word for “women” used in 1 Timothy 2 (gune) is exclusively female. Women are called to “learn in silence with all submission” (1 Tim. 2:11). The “silence/quietness” in 1 Timothy 2:11 is not total silence (cf. Acts 21:40-22:2). The “submission” is a subjecting or subordinating of herself, recognizing her role. Women are not permitted “to teach or to exercise authority over a man” (1 Tim. 2:12). The role of women in the church follows the role designated for them in marriage. It is critical that we respect the roles that God has (and has not) designated for us.

6 The Role of Women in the Church
God Has Specified Roles in the Church for Men and Women. God did not authorize women to serve as elders or deacons. God plainly disclosed His qualifications for one to be appointed as an elder or deacon. God used the exclusive terms again in these passages. The clarity of these passages proves that Phoebe was not a “deaconess of the church,” as some have so wrongly concluded from Romans 16:1-2. God has a Divine order, which man (or woman) has no right to change. It is not insignificant to note that when making leadership selections… God has specified the roles for men and the roles for women to have in His church.

7 The Role of Women in the Church
God Has Provided Clear Explanation for the Different Roles of Men and Women. Reason #1: The Divine order of headship/authority. Reason #2: The natural order derived from creation. The Divine order of headship is tied to the order of creation, which is not cultural. Reason #3: The introduction of sin into the world. The events of Genesis 3 illustrate what happens when men and women tamper with God’s design and His intentions for men and women. Eve led humanity into sin. Reason #4: The relation of Christ and the church.

8 The Role of Women in the Church
God Has Given Wonderful Roles for Women to Fulfill in the Home and in the Church. Christian women are wonderfully talented servants in the church with enormous capabilities. There are many meaningful roles that godly women can and do fulfill in service to Christ. In the home, God calls for women to… In the church, God calls for women to… Christian women have a powerful influence—in the home, the church and the community.

9 The Role of Women in the Church
Conclusion There are God-given differences between males and females. God has designed specific roles for each one to have in His order, and each one is pleasing to God when he/she fulfills his/her God- given roles. A Christian (man or woman) should not insist upon exercising his/her “rights.” God has commanded all Christians to be in subjection to Him. A woman must obey all the commands of God, as surely as any man must. Submission has nothing to do with quality or worth, but it is based upon God’s order. The role of women in the church is not cultural, but it is universal, being tied to creation. For a woman to exercise authority over men in the church violates the principle of subjection.

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