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Chapter Two Population.

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1 Chapter Two Population

2 When you hear population what do you think about?

3 http://www. factmonster. com/world/statistics/most-populous-countries

4 Fun fact #1 Which country has the largest projected population growth?
India adds more people to the population than any other country friedman/population-growth-worldwide_b_ html

5 Give an example… Of internal growth Of external growth

6 Population Growth in India
Significant demographic variations occur within countries. In India, growth rates are higher in the east and northeast.

7 Why do less people live in the south and southeast of India?

8 When does overpopulation occur?
Too many people for the # of resources #CarryingCapacity

9 Clusters E Asia- 20 % - China (1/2 urban), Japan, N/S Korea, Taiwan {H20} S Asia- India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka {H20}; (75% rural) SE Asia- Indonesia, Philippines, Sumatra, Borneo, Papua New Guinea (rural) Europe (75% urban) N America: NE USA SE Canada Africa- Atlantic coast

10 World Population Cartogram
Fig. 2-1: This cartogram displays countries by the size of their population rather than their land area. (Only countries with 50 million or more people are named.)

11 What is…Ecumene? Areas of human habitation
Climates/areas humans don’t live in densely are? Very dry, very wet, cold, mts Exceptions to this rule are? Mexico- more temperate climate in Mts.

12 World Population Distribution & Climate Zones
Fig. 2-2: World population is unevenly distributed across the earth’s surface. Climate is one factor that affects population density.

13 Expansion of the Ecumene 5000 BC - AD 1900
Fig. 2-3: The ecumene, or the portion of the earth with permanent human settlement, has expanded to cover most of the world’s land area.

14 Many Ways of Measuring Population:
Population Density – measure of total population relative to land size (arithmetic population density). AKA # ppl/kilometers or square miles of land

15 Measures of Population Density

16 Arithmetic Population Density
Fig. 2-4: Arithmetic population density is the number of people per total land area. The highest densities are found in parts of Asia and Europe.

17 Physiologic Population Density –
number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land (takes this map into account).

18 Physiologic Population Density
Luxor, Egypt Egypt’s arable lands are along the Nile River Valley. Moving away from the river a few blocks, the land becomes sandy and wind-sculpted.

19 Physiological Density
Fig. 2-5: Physiological density is the number of people per arable land area. This is a good measure of the relation between population and agricultural resources in a society.

20 If there is a big difference between arithmetic and physiological density what does that mean?
Unsuitable for intensive agriculture

21 Agricultural density Measures development – machines vs humans; agriculture vs services; large farms

22 What did we just learn? Use the vocab words to summarize what you just leaned about population distribution and why. Use examples.

23 Distribution of World Population
Population concentrations The four largest population clusters Other population clusters Sparsely populated regions Dry lands – Cold lands Wet lands – High lands Population density Arithmetic density Physiological density Agricultural density

24 Why does Population Composition (make up) Matter? Let’s hear it!
Key Question: Why does Population Composition (make up) Matter? Let’s hear it!

25 Population Composition
Population Composition is concerned with: Gender distribution Age distribution within a country, region, or place.

26 Components of World Population Growth
Natural Increase (NIR) [CDR-CBR] Fertility (CBR) Mortality (CDR)

27 World Population Growth 1950 - 2005
Fig. 2-6: Total world population increased from 2.5 to over 6 billion in slightly over 50 years. The natural increase rate peaked in the early 1960s and has declined since, but the number of people added each year did not peak until 1990.

28 1960s drop… for the world- Europe was just beginning to recover from the War in Asia and north Africa there was lots of instability and civil war. in the US that was the baby boom (WWII)

29 Current Stats

30 Natural Increase Rates
Fig. 2-7: The natural increase rate (NIR) is the percentage growth or decline in the population of a country per year (not including net migration). Countries in Africa and Southwest Asia have the highest current rates, while Russia and some European countries have negative rates.

31 NIR % instead of CBR and CDR/1000 What is doubling time?
# years needed to double pop. (constant rate of increase) 1963 peek, on the decline; now 1.2% Regional differences! Are the largest growths in MDC’s or LDC’s?

32 Total Fertility Rates Fig. 2-9: The Total fertility rate (TFR) is the number of children an average woman in a society will have through her childbearing years. The lowest rates are in Europe, and the highest are in Africa and parts of the Middle East.

33 Crude Birth Rates Fig. 2-8: The crude birth rate (CBR) is the total number of births in a country per 1000 population per year. The lowest rates are in Europe, and the highest rates are in Africa and several Asian countries.

34 Life Expectancy at birth
Fig. 2-11: Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live. The highest life expectancies are generally in the wealthiest countries, and the lowest in the poorest countries.

35 Infant Mortality Rates
Fig. 2-10: The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths per 1000 live births per year. The highest infant mortality rates are found in some of the poorest countries of Africa and Asia.

36 Why is Infant Survival so important?
Access to medical care mom and baby Future workforce MDG infant mortality

37 Crude Death Rates Fig. 2-12: The crude death rate (CDR) is the total number of deaths in a country per 1000 population per year. Because wealthy countries are in a late stage of the Demographic Transition, they often have a higher CDR than poorer countries. CRUDE DEATH IS NOT AN INDICATOR OF DEVELOPMENT Elderly, war, natural disaster, Ebola, etc.

38 Dependency Ratio What is it? Depends on your age…
What are the age ranges? 0-14, 64+ What kind of services do you need to provide for year olds What are the impacts of an aging population on a country? What must you look out for in the future? Paycheck; medical care

39 Percent of Population under 15
Fig. 2-15: About one-third of world population is under 15, but the percentage by country varies. What are some examples?

40 Elderly Shoppers in Russia

41 Dependency ratio What do MDC provide for their dependent population again?

42 Retired Man in Russia

43 Aging Populations To replace the population, TFR must be 2.1.
- TFR in Bologna, Italy is 0.8 - Why are women having fewer children? Fatima and Maria’s story- handout What are the “solutions” to an aging population?

44 Longer Life Expectancies typically mean higher rates of chronic diseases.

45 Leading Causes Worldwide

46 Sex Ratio On average women live 7 years longer China/India have more males…

47 Population Pyramids Shows Age/Sex composition Tells Rapid growth?
Life expectance? Aging + stable?

48 SWITCH! Understanding Population Pyramids PPT

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